
My little latitude six way

author:Qilu one point

Last night, my husband and I came to Jingerwei 6th Road Lao Lai Seafood to have dinner with old students. We came to the home of Xiaowei LiuLu Road, where we had lived together for 30 years, and a sense of intimacy for this place was born.

We have lived here for 30 years since my husband and I got married. Here, my son was born, here my son learned to walk, and here, my son grew up to be the handsome guy and boy he is today. Here, I became my husband's daughter-in-law, here, I became my son's mother, and here, I became the bright mother known to all ages in our dormitory compound. My husband has lived here longer, and his feelings for here are naturally deeper. He was born here, grew up here, became my son's confidant father here, became my considerate husband.

I live in this courtyard like a sunny courtyard, where families and neighbors get along harmoniously. The yard is not large, two buildings before and after, the middle is a yard, the yard planted a few trees, some flowers and plants. In summer, loofah vines, grape vines, and huge fig leaves shade the courtyard from the sun and rain, and the courtyard becomes a paradise for the elderly and children. I watched as waves of toddlers in the courtyard grew into today's beautiful and handsome girls and boys, and the young and powerful aunts and uncles became today's elderly grandmothers and grandfathers. When I took a long shuttle bus every afternoon to leave work, as soon as I entered the dormitory compound, I was greeted by the kind faces of my uncles and aunts, the innocent smiling faces of the children, and what I heard was the kind greetings of my uncles and aunts, and the shouts of the children, at this time, I felt particularly warm, and the fatigue along the way suddenly disappeared, and I arrived home.

Xiaowei Liu Road has always maintained its original quaint appearance. Here every spring when the cold is steep, you will see a few poplar trees on the side of the road busy has been quietly sprouted, with the spring wind, nothing busy and began to fall, every year to eat no busy bun is my earliest expectation of spring. In a few days, if you walk on the road in the early morning, the fragrance of flowers will come to your nose, really fragrant! You will look for where the fragrance of the flowers is, and when you look up, it turns out that the locust flowers have bloomed. In a few days, in the morning, you will find out how the streets are full of purple and white sycamore flowers, and walking on the small streets covered with sycamore flowers, how pleasant it feels! Xiaowei Sixth Road is filled with such a strong floral fragrance to welcome the arrival of each spring.

Here not only is there a spring flower fragrance, a summer shade, its thick cultural heritage is most worthy of our nostalgia and aftertaste. The century-old Zhongshan Park, the city library with rich collections, the Christian Church, which combines Chinese and Western cultures, and the memorial hall of Cai Gongshi, the first diplomat on the mainland who was brutally killed by the Japanese, are all located near Xiaowei 6th Road. The city library is like my own library, 365 days a year, I can come here at any time to borrow books. I wanted to take a walk and climb a hill to Zhongshan Park, which has the characteristics of a Jiangnan garden. On Christmas Eve, I can go to Christ Church to feel the joyful atmosphere of Western Christmas. Every year on May 3, the anniversary of the "May 3 massacre", many citizens will visit the Cai Gongshi Memorial Hall and remember the history.

My Xiaowei Liu Road is such a warm path that gives me endless cultural influence and emotional nourishment.

Although our family has moved away from here, every bit of living here for 30 years has been deeply infiltrated in our hearts and has become an important memory that lingers in our lives.

My little latitude six way
My little latitude six way

In the summer, the small latitude of the sixth road is shaded by the sun

My little latitude six way

Statue of Sun Yat-sen in Zhongshan Park

My little latitude six way

Centennial Zhongshan Park

My little latitude six way

An exhibition of the life of Sun Yat-sen

My little latitude six way

Old book stalls in Zhongshan Park

My little latitude six way

The pearl hotel in Jinan city has the earliest revolving restaurant

My little latitude six way

Cai Gongshi Memorial Hall

My little latitude six way

A masterpiece of Chinese and Western architecture- Christ Church


One point picks ears of wheat

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