
Beijing Municipal Health Commission: Treatment must not be delayed on the grounds of abnormal health codes and no negative nucleic acid results

author:China News Network

Beijing, January 19 (Reporter Chen Hang) Li Ang, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Health Commission and spokesman li Ang, requested at the press conference on the 19th that an emergency rescue room, operating room, and ward buffer zone be reasonably set up for the treatment of critically ill patients, and it is not allowed to delay treatment on the grounds that the health code or itinerary code is abnormal, there are typical symptoms of new coronary pneumonia such as fever, no negative nucleic acid test results, or test results exceeding the time limit. If you have any complaints, you can call the 12320 hotline directly.

Li Ang said that in order to ensure the basic medical service needs and medical safety of the people during the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the Beijing Municipal Health Commission has adopted measures such as optimizing processes, improving mechanisms, refining plans, smooth passages, and strict prevention of hospital infection, and achieved both medical services and hospital infection prevention and control.

The first is to improve the appointment diagnosis and treatment service. All medical institutions above the second level in Beijing have established a normal mechanism for non-emergency comprehensive appointments, and guided patients to seek scientific treatment and staggered peaks through accurate appointments at different times and referrals at the grass-roots level. Up to now, the tertiary medical institutions in Beijing have provided time-specific appointment registration services, the appointment registration rate of medical institutions above the second level has reached more than 85%, and 96 core hospitals and tertiary hospitals of the medical association have docked with the grass-roots appointment referral platform and put the number source.

The second is to optimize and improve the order of diagnosis and treatment. Using information technology, the emergency departments of more than 100 medical institutions in Beijing are summarized daily, and the medical treatment situation is released to the public through Baidu APP, Baidu Map APP, AutoNavi Map APP, etc., and the guidance of emergency medical treatment is strengthened, and 107 tertiary medical institutions in Beijing adopt electronic calling systems in key departments.

The third is to smooth the emergency and critical treatment channels. Reasonably set up emergency rooms, operating rooms, and ward buffer zones for the treatment of critically ill patients, and do not allow delay in treatment on the grounds that the health code or itinerary code is abnormal, has the typical symptoms of new coronary pneumonia such as fever, has no negative nucleic acid test results, or the test results exceed the time limit. If you have any complaints, you can call the 12320 hotline directly.

The fourth is to ensure medical services for special groups. Strengthen bottom-line thinking, do a good job of medical service guarantee assessment during the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, improve work plans, refine guarantee mechanisms, organize actual combat simulation exercises, and focus on medical service guarantees for special groups such as acute and critically ill patients, pregnant women, newborns, tumor patients, and patients with kidney failure and patients with chronic diseases.

Fifth, strictly implement measures for the prevention and control of hospital infection. Strictly implement relevant rules and regulations and standard guidelines, strengthen the closed-loop management of key personnel, do a good job of pre-examination and triage, for risk personnel, medical personnel must conduct nucleic acid sampling in the safe area of the hospital, and report to the local health department at the same time, and do a good job of follow-up closed-loop management; medical institution personnel strictly implement protective measures, wear masks correctly, and strengthen hand hygiene, environmental ventilation and disinfection management.

At the same time, strictly implement the nucleic acid testing requirements for staff, hospitalized personnel, and accompanying personnel; patients entering medical institutions and their accompanying personnel must wear masks correctly, enter the corresponding diagnosis and treatment areas after measuring body temperature and pre-screening triage; timely update and adjust the scope of medium- and high-risk areas, standardize the epidemiological investigation, and do not arbitrarily expand or narrow the scope.

Sixth, do a good job in remote diagnosis and treatment services. In view of the current sporadic and clustered epidemic situations in many parts of the country, in order to ensure public health and safety, minimize the risk of the spread of the epidemic, advocate that everyone reduce the flow of personnel, and seek medical treatment in the vicinity of the local area, encourage and support the tertiary medical institutions in Beijing to strengthen technical support for medical institutions in other provinces and cities through online means such as telemedicine and Internet medical treatment, and provide convenient services for patients to diagnose and treat patients in the local area. For acutely ill patients who come to Beijing for medical treatment, the treatment channel is unblocked and the treatment is actively implemented.

He said that the Spring Festival is approaching, the Beijing Winter Olympics are about to be held, and there is a large flow of people at home and abroad. When the public has physical discomfort and needs medical treatment, please take the initiative to cooperate with medical institutions to conduct epidemiological investigations, consciously abide by the requirements of hospital infection prevention and control, and jointly maintain the order of medical institutions. (End)

Source: China News Network

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