
Jiangsu Province 1980s Elite Exploration Exhibition of Writers (50) Yang Jiawei

author:Jiangnan Times

The one who is rich in wisdom and accumulation is a long way

□ Xie Shaocheng

  But those who are engaged in art, who have talent but do not have the perseverance to pursue art diligently, will eventually give up halfway; just having diligence and studiousness without talent, even if they exhaust their energy, they are also hopeful! The Yang Jiawei I know is a calligrapher who combines talent and diligence, and while he has artistic talent, he has worked tirelessly in the field of calligraphy and reaped the fruits of his own sowing.

Jiangsu Province 1980s Elite Exploration Exhibition of Writers (50) Yang Jiawei

Bitter melon monk painting quotations a painting chapter

  Jia Wei once served in the army, and at that time, the Nanjing Military Region organized intensive training and study of the backbone of the army's calligraphy and painting every year, and Jia Wei was also one of the students in the class. I remember that when he held a training class in the Shanghai Garrison District, he occasionally came across Huang Tingjian's cursive "Theravada Posts", and the sensitivity to cursive writing revealed from his post made my eyes light up, and I felt that he had a rare talent for writing cursive, so I encouraged him to put aside the cursive and focus on cursive creation. After that, he studied Huang Tingjian's "Theravada Thesis" and "Lian Po Lin Xiang Ru Lie Biography", and applied the aesthetic elements of Wang Xizhi's cursive to the yellow cursive. Unsurprisingly, not long after, his cursive writing creation bore fruit, successively won the second prize and the first prize of the All-Army Exhibition, entered the Ecological Dalian National Exhibition of the China Book Association and the Fourth National Cursive Book Exhibition, and naturally joined the China Book Association in the year of its establishment, becoming one of the youngest members of the national book association in the country.

Jiangsu Province 1980s Elite Exploration Exhibition of Writers (50) Yang Jiawei

Poetry Book Eunuch Hailian

  Due to his outstanding calligraphy achievements, as well as his strong organizational skills and dedication, he was elected as the chairman of the Book Association in Lianyun District. At the beginning of his term of office, he held the "Lianyun District National Exhibition Elite Lecture Hall" and "Lianyun District Calligraphy Exhibition" at the first time, and insisted on holding them every two years, which led to a local calligraphy boom. Today, the number of members of the Chinese Book Association and the Provincial Book Association in Lianyun District has doubled, and the least populated district in the province has become the county with the highest proportion of people who love the art of calligraphy and the largest increase in the membership of book associations above the provincial level. Due to his personal calligraphy creation and the good results of the Lianyun District Book Association, he was elected as the vice chairman of the Lianyungang City Book Association. I think that the reason why Jia Wei has today is inseparable from his hard work: he can create works day and night, sometimes more than ten hours a day; for the financing of the pro-thesis exhibition, he runs into walls everywhere, still running around, and persevering. It is the spiritual power of holding faith, strengthening confidence, and dawning in front of jiawei that is promoting the growth and progress of Jiawei.

Jiangsu Province 1980s Elite Exploration Exhibition of Writers (50) Yang Jiawei

Literature and art have four

  The art of calligraphy is Jiawei's only pursuit. When he first changed careers, Jia wei was placed in the management committee of the local development zone, and was promoted to a middle-level cadre in more than a year. The salary and treatment of the development zone is much higher than that of other units, of course, the work is also heavy, and it has little to do with calligraphy. I also called several times at the time and asked him, how do you feel that you have not moved in calligraphy lately? Later, I learned that his unit was remote, he had no time to work during the day, he could only study after work, and there were a pair of children in the family, who had not reached the age of kindergarten, which was not easy. I don't think about it, it didn't take long for Jia Wei to give up his high-paying job and career for calligraphy, and took the initiative to apply for transfer to the Cultural Center to work.

Jiangsu Province 1980s Elite Exploration Exhibition of Writers (50) Yang Jiawei

Aesthetic walks

  Mencius said, "Fish, I want it, bear paws, I want it." The two cannot be combined, and the one who gives up the fish and takes the bear's paw also. "Jiawei knows how to make trade-offs, and he also reaps the joy of it. In recent years, Jiawei has not only been selected for several major exhibitions of the China Book Association and the China Artists Association, but also often participates in public welfare activities and has won many honors: provincial young and middle-aged academic and technical leaders, municipal government cultural awards, municipal youth May Fourth Medals, district top ten outstanding youth, Lianyun good youth and so on. Later, he was approved as a young artistic creation talent of the National Arts Fund in 2019, and was the only recipient of the calligraphy and seal engraving project in Jiangsu Province. I am very happy for him.

Jiangsu Province 1980s Elite Exploration Exhibition of Writers (50) Yang Jiawei

The Six Kingdoms

  The skills of calligraphy include penmanship, calligraphy, chapters, ink and many other aspects, of which penmanship is the most important link. The details of the pen used in different books are different, but there is a common law, that is, the action habit of writing and the resulting spiky form characteristics, which is also the basis for a writer to form a style characteristic. Jia Wei also has a certain degree of research in this regard, exploring and summarizing training methods such as "brushwork exercises", and compiling a "travel back to ancient times, directly learning calligraphy with the ancients" teaching plan, which was a hit in Ink Pond College, and thousands of people listened to the lectures and were all full of stars, and the posts were praised and became a popular course.

Jiangsu Province 1980s Elite Exploration Exhibition of Writers (50) Yang Jiawei


  Of course, the art of calligraphy is not a demonstration of pure calligraphy skills, but a manifestation of comprehensive cultivation. While many calligraphy art seekers are worried about the lack of personal cultural literacy, Jiawei has laid a solid foundation in this regard, step by step. In recent years, he has determined the artistic concept of "laying a wide foundation, integrating the five bodies, advancing together in poetry, and refining the exposition", and has also invested a lot of time in various calligraphy styles and the surrounding art categories of calligraphy. The works included in this national art fund solo exhibition include calligraphy seals, li, grass, lines, kai, etc., and more than ten art types such as seal carving, engraving, Chinese painting, poetry, Yang Lian, photography, rubbing, etc., and there are different styles of expansion and experimentation under each category. For example, the seal book has both oracle bones and small seals; Lishu has both Han steles, Moya, and Han Jian; cursive has both chapter grass and large grass; Xingshu has both rice-style works and what Shaoji-style works; it has both small kai and Tang kai; seal engraving has both Chinese seal style and ancient seal style; the engraving has both traditional and modern inscriptions; poetry has both five absolutes and six masterpieces written by few people; and the rubbings have both plane and full-shaped rubbings. It can be described as colorful and grand, and the artistic, humanistic and spiritual levels have been raised to a higher level.

Jiangsu Province 1980s Elite Exploration Exhibition of Writers (50) Yang Jiawei

Ten Tang poems

  Contemporary calligraphy, each calligrapher should create their own unique style of appearance, of course, the more widely absorbed in the early stage, the later formed artistic outlook has depth and its value. Looking at Jia Wei's works, people will feel that his noodles are widely spread and deeply rooted, and there is a new expansion compared with the works of previous years.

  As a young generation of calligraphers, Yang Jiawei not only inherits and shows the beauty of Chinese calligraphy, but also allows us to see the cultural self-confidence of contemporary youth. Therefore, these pen and ink images not only exude the author's innate spiritual atmosphere, but also reflect Jiawei's attempt to transform life experience into the principle of all things and the principle of art. I wish Jiawei to reach the other side of his ideals as soon as possible and embark on an artistic path with distinctive characteristics of his own.

  (The author is a director of the China Book Association and vice chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial Book Association)

Jiangsu Province 1980s Elite Exploration Exhibition of Writers (50) Yang Jiawei

Yang Jiawei

  【About the Bookmaker】

  Yang Jiawei, born in 1984, originally from Lijin, Shandong, is a retired soldier and a member of the Communist Party of China. National Arts Fund Young Artistic Creation Talents, Young and Middle-Aged Academic Technology Leaders in Jiangsu Province. He is a member of the Chinese Book Association, a member of the Chinese Poetry Society, a member of the China Yuelian Society and a member of the Calligraphy and Painting Committee, the deputy secretary-general of the China Hard Pen Book Association, the calligraphy and poetry tutor of Mochi College, the director of the Jiangsu Youth Book Association, the vice chairman of the Lianyungang Book Association, the standing committee member of the Lianyungang Youth Federation, the vice chairman of the Lianyun District Youth Federation, the chairman of the Lianyun District Book Association, and the deputy director of the Lianyun District Cultural Center.

  【Award-winning exhibition】

  His calligraphy works have been exhibited and awarded in more than ten national exhibitions sponsored by the China Book Association, such as the National Lishu Exhibition, the Cursive Calligraphy Exhibition, the YangLian Exhibition, the Engraving Exhibition, the Yongle Palace Exhibition, the All-Army Exhibition, and the Ecological Dalian Exhibition, and have won the highest award of the All-Army Calligraphy Exhibition, the highest award of the "Five-Star Project Award" of Jiangsu Province, the highest award of the Jiangsu Youth Calligraphy Exhibition, and the "Ten Masters of Chinese Hard Pen Calligraphers" of the China Hard Pen Book Association. It has won nearly 100 awards in national commercial exhibitions. Chinese painting works were included in the National Landscape Painting Biennale sponsored by the China Artists Association. He was the winner of the "Outstanding Non-Commissioned Officer Talent Award" of the People's Liberation Army, the "333 High-level Talent Project" talent of Jiangsu Province, the outstanding backbone of the "100 Million" Project of Mass Culture in Jiangsu Province, the winner of the "Huaguoshan Culture Award", the highest award of propaganda culture of the Lianyungang Municipal Party Committee and The Municipal Government, and the winner of the "Youth May Fourth Medal", the highest honor of lianyungang City. Magazines such as "Chinese Calligraphy" and "Art China" have been featured. Jiangsu Phoenix Fine Arts Publishing House published "National Art Fund Yang Jiawei Calligraphy Collection".

Jiangsu Province 1980s Elite Exploration Exhibition of Writers (50) Yang Jiawei

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