
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...

Everyone's childhood was a word from their mother

"Chewing gum will stick to the intestines" dominated!

What exactly is a piece of gum going through in your body?

Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...
Swallow gum once and you'll know how good your gut is...


1. Chewing xylitol gum without sugar after meals can stimulate saliva secretion, clean the mouth, and protect teeth.

2. Chewing gum regularly will overweight the masseter muscles and make the face bigger!

3. Chewing gum can increase gastrointestinal peristalsis and help restore digestive function

4. Chewing gum for a long time will stimulate gastric acid secretion, and people with stomach problems are best not to chew, otherwise it is easy to aggravate the disease.

5. Chewing gum during sports or competitions can relieve tension and concentrate.

Reviewer: Ma Qin | attending physician of gastrointestinal surgery at West China Hospital of Sichuan University


[1]"Ingredients technology - ICGA". Retrieved 2016-12-15.

[2] Mestres, J (2008). "Modern chewing gum". In Fritz, D (ed.). Formulation and Production of Chewing and Bubble Gum (2 ed.). Kennedy's Publications Ltd. pp. 47–73.

[3] Deshpande, Amol; Jadad, Alejandro R. (2008). "The impact of polyol-containing chewing

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