
Weng Ximing: "Party Building Red" Leads enterprises to "Develop Red"

author:China Industry Network

Source: Zhonggong Network

Recently, nearly 50 party members and employees of the Fujian Provincial Cartography Institute came to Fujian Asahi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. to carry out party day activities. The winner of the "National May Day Labor Medal" and the "Seventh National Moral Model Nomination Award", the secretary of the party committee and chairman of the board of directors of the Fujian Asahi Group, and the president of the Party School of the ASAHI Committee of the Communist Party of China, Weng Ximing, gave a vivid party lesson to the party members and employees of the Provincial Cartographic Institute with the theme of "Party Building in the New Era Leads Integrity and Promotes Development", combined with the exploration and practice of Asahi Environmental Protection in the past 20 years of listening to the party, following the party, and promoting the healthy development of enterprises.

On July 1, 2021, as the only representative of private enterprises, Weng Ximing was awarded the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Fujian Province". "Party building is a productive force, but also a competitiveness." Weng Ximing's "acceptance speech" is also the secret of the development of the enterprise all the way.

The "red engine" leads the development

Founded in May 2002, Fujian Asahi Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. is a high-tech private enterprise specializing in the research and production of ternary catalytic purifiers for automobiles. At the beginning of the establishment of the company, it attached great importance to party building, and the party committee of Asahi Company became the first non-public enterprise party committee of Mawei Economic Development Zone. At present, the company has 70 party members, more than one-third of the company's employees.

The development and growth of any company will face the problems of talent introduction, product research and development, and market expansion, and Asahi Environmental Protection has found a breakthrough in the ups and downs: grasping party building and promoting development.

Over the past 20 years, party members have played the role of "red engine" in scientific and technological innovation, seizing the market, and overcoming difficulties. The company has established a system of "cultivating party members into backbones and developing backbones into party members"; set up a technical research and development team with party members as the core, and integrates party building work into various links such as enterprise production, technological innovation, and talent training.

In 2015, in the face of the dilemma that the company's assets were once frozen for some reason, party members took the lead in voluntarily carrying out self-help and raised 23 million yuan in one week, so the company "came back to life".

Virtue is not alone, but there will be neighbors. Asahi Company has long been guided by party building and has continued to win a good reputation in the society, facing temporary difficulties, cooperative enterprises have "sent charcoal in the snow", "opened one side" in the performance of supply contracts, and doubled in capital credit.

400 square meters of party and mass activity centers, more than 10 party building propaganda columns and propaganda slogans everywhere, "Chinese studies lecture hall" every Wednesday night... The rich atmosphere stimulates the loyalty and consciousness of Asahi employees to listen to the party, follow the party, serve the motherland, benefit the society, and win the trust of the people.

Playing a role and having a position, theoretical study has a carrier, Weng Ximing took the initiative to unite with the Provincial Integrity Promotion Association to establish the only party school in the province founded and co-built by the "two new organizations" -- the party school of the ASAHI Committee of the CPC, aiming to draw the nourishment of the humanistic spirit from the excellent traditional culture, lead the construction of corporate culture with party building, build core competitiveness with the advantages of corporate culture, and realize the mutual promotion of enterprise party building and enterprise development.

Integrity management wins word of mouth

In Weng Ximing's heart, communists speak the word "honesty" the most.

At the end of 2018, the company received a thank-you letter from a Japanese enterprise agent: "Due to the timely discovery and contact of your company, we recovered a loss of 31708.6 yuan." And on this basis, your company voluntarily agreed to accept the 385 pieces of carriers that were mistakenly sent, avoiding the logistics and manpower losses caused by the return of goods to the factory..." Originally, the agent issued 385 additional pieces of goods, worth 31708.6 yuan. Asahi Environmental Protection quickly found the problem with the help of a perfect control system, and informed the shipper at the first time, but the other party insisted that their system control was strict and it was impossible to make a mistake, and the delivery was confirmed after half a year. Without saying a word, Asahi transferred more than 30,000 yuan of money to the other party.

Employee canteens are born with enterprises, providing free meals for all employees for 20 years, no outsourcing, no limit on expenditure; free dormitories equipped with water heaters and air conditioners for all non-local employees, and husband and wife rooms for married employees; never let any employee get paid an hour late... These heart-warming details warm the hearts of employees, who regard the company as their own warm "home".

"When the company encounters financial difficulties, it is not that we are looking for banks, but that banks spontaneously open green and convenient services for financial services for the company." It originally took 21 days to complete, but the bank only took 3 days to quickly handle the business for me. Weng Ximing said. It is precisely because of the integrity and integrity, in 2020, in the face of the severe situation of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the enterprise team is not scattered, the employees are not confused, the work and production are resumed early, and the operating conditions in that year are still red against the trend, and the operating income increased by 48.43% year-on-year. In the past five years, the cumulative output value has reached more than 6 billion yuan and the tax revenue has reached nearly 300 million yuan.

Dedicate love to repay the society

In 2019, Weng Ximing won the nomination award of "National Moral Model", and the Fujian Provincial Integrity Promotion Association specially carried out the activity of learning from Comrade Weng Ximing.

Weng Ximing has always kept and practiced the promise of "getting rich first and getting rich later, taking the road of common prosperity", and is committed to social welfare undertakings and helping to alleviate poverty.

In the company, he treats employees kindly, and since 2013, he has set up the "Lifetime Employee Award" to provide lifelong protection for outstanding employees, so that employees and enterprises can share the same storm and hardship. At present, 18 "lifelong employees" have become the engine to improve the "confidence index" of the company's employees.

In order to give back to the society, he is generous and charitable. Every year on Teachers' Day, he will go to Fuzhou School for the Deaf and Dumb, Fuzhou School for the Blind, etc., to send condolences to teachers and students. (Lin Wen)

Editor-in-Charge: Yimeng Yao

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