
Ten standard requirements that an announcer must master

author:Broadcast dubbing lecture hall

Clear and full of words

Broadcast pronunciation should be accurately standardized, which is the primary and minimum requirement. This is because the language dissemination work on the mainland also bears the important responsibility of promoting Mandarin to the whole people. To be accurate and standardized, it is necessary to pronounce according to the standards of Mandarin, and the pronunciation parts and pronunciation methods of each sound must be accurate.

On this basis, we must also strive to improve the quality of pronunciation, correct those small pronunciation problems that are not easy for ordinary people to detect, and achieve better results than people's daily spoken language. It can be said that the accurate specifications required by the broadcast of words are more stringent and refined than those understood by ordinary people.

A line between the upper and lower lips

Due to the accurate sound position, the lips are liberated from the bite word, and the words are more natural when spitting, and the upper and lower lips are kept moving in parallel when the upper lip is not moving.

Round and plump

The spitting words should be accurate and clear, but also round and full, the former is related to the "word right", the latter is related to the "cavity circle". Round and full, it is necessary to have a relatively rich overtone resonance, so that the word sound is pleasant to the ear.

This is an aesthetic requirement for spitting. The so-called "spitting words like beads" in the traditional rap of the mainland is a rounded and full image depiction of the spitting words. Of course, "cavity circle" or "pearl circle jade run" are all beautiful and beautiful sounds of adjective characters, but it must be noted that roundness is premised on the accuracy and clarity of the character sounds, and the pursuit of beautiful sound cannot damage the sound of the words, and cannot lose the "god" because of the pursuit of "shape".

Magnetic charm of the sound

The sound is mainly produced by bone vibrations, which are far-reaching, thick and bright, and the microphone does not need to be attached to the mouth when speaking.

The sound is more than strong

Whether the article needs a strong tone of expression or a weak tone of expression, the performance of the voice should be strong and powerful, weak and powerful, and the specific performance is stable and not floating, and the sense of flow is strong.

Speak fast and slowly

According to the needs of the article, the speed of speech can be accurately controlled, not only can be fast and slow, or can only be slow and fast. Accurate, clear, and rounded are in terms of the whole, and they constitute the basic characteristics of broadcasting words; but as a language art of "speaking", broadcasting needs to make the language as natural and fluent as possible, and the speed of speech should be properly grasped. If each word is pronounced in the same way and reaches the same speed, then the broadcast language will become a kind of "word" that is detached from life.

Natural and fluid expression

This depends on the perennial practice accumulation of announcers and hosts, through continuous study, the organic combination of natural science and new things, through consulting materials, asking experts for advice, refining and summarizing, and summarizing to achieve full freedom to express everything.

Face the theme entry fast

For new articles, it is necessary to know the style by looking at the title, and to associate the tone of the next sentence with a look at the previous sentence, laying a foundation for accurate use of voice expression of ideas.

Smooth and free

The broadcast must be flexible, brisk and fluent, in order to help express. If the word sound is too dead, word by word, not only the carving marks are obvious, it sounds unnatural, but also the flow of language will be stagnant, affecting the smoothness of language expression.

In daily life, the speech has ups and downs, and the broadcast and spitting words must also follow the laws of the language of life: dense and interspersed, staggered, strong is strong, when weak is weak. That way, language can flow like water—the sound of water always sounds pleasant.

Be professional

It is not easy to do a good job as an announcer host, everyone must have professionalism, because most of the things we face every day are new things, new concepts, and many new areas of things are waiting for us to release, so we must have superhuman perseverance and character to fully understand the work we have to carry out, so that we can be confident.

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