
Liu Changqing's five laws, desolate and deep, deserve to be a superior work

author:Yun Shui Xinyu

Tang poetry is a treasure of Chinese culture, and a large number of outstanding poets have emerged in the Tang Dynasty, which can be described as talented and green is better than blue. Not to mention Li Du's radiance, nor to mention the exquisite beauty of Yuan Bai, let alone the wonderful beauty of Li Du in the late Tang Dynasty, those second-rate poets alone are enough to amaze the ages.

For example, Chang Jian's "Zen Courtyard After the Broken Mountain Temple", every sentence is worth reciting; and zhang Ji's "Fengqiao Night Berth", which has left a string of memories. There is also Jia Dao's "The Seeker Does Not Meet", which is also indispensable to read; Luo Yin's "Bee", which is even more thought-provoking. There are countless immortal works, but they are worth savoring. The following is a song of Liu Changqing's Five Laws, desolate and deep, worthy of the best work.

Liu Changqing's five laws, desolate and deep, deserve to be a superior work

Autumn day to climb wu gongtai temple overlook

Tang Dynasty: Liu Changqing

The ancient platform is shaken backward, and the autumn is in the heart of the hometown.

There are few people coming from the wild temple, and the cloud peak is deep in the water.

The sunset is still strong, and the cold chimes fill the empty forest.

Worried about the affairs of the Southern Dynasty, the Yangtze River has been unique to this day.

Liu Changqing's five laws, desolate and deep, deserve to be a superior work

Liu Changqing was a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, who served as an assassin in Suizhou and was proficient in the creation of Wuyan poems, and later generations honored him as Liu Suizhou or the Great Wall of Wuyan. His poems mostly write about the lonely realm and the deserted village, such as "ChaiMen smells the barking of dogs, and the wind and snow return to people", which is the most familiar famous sentence for readers.

Liu Changqing lived in Luoyang for a long time after living in seclusion, and after the Outbreak of the Anshi Rebellion, Luoyang also fell into the hands of the rebel army, and the poet had to wander around, and later exiled to the Yangzhou area. One autumn evening, the poet ascended to Wugongtai to look at the distance, and his heart was full of excitement, so he wrote this ancient poem.

Liu Changqing's five laws, desolate and deep, deserve to be a superior work

Wu Gongtai was originally built by Shen Qing of the Southern Dynasty, which refers to the crossbow platform rebuilt by Chen General Wu Mingche. In the face of war, the surrounding area has long been deserted, and one of the ancient temples has also been hit by war, although it has been repaired, it also appears to be in ruins.

The author took the stage to look out, and the first thing that came into sight was a depressed scene, dead leaves withering, drifting with the wind, autumn is also dyed golden by fallen leaves, and the flow of years makes the autumn wind blow vicissitudes. The confusing autumn scenery has already unconsciously added to the loneliness and sorrow in the poet's heart.

Liu Changqing's five laws, desolate and deep, deserve to be a superior work

The poet strives to stand taller, hoping to see the distant mountains and the old garden through the broken branches and leaves. But he had a homesick heart, but he couldn't get the slightest response from afar.

In desperation, the poet withdrew his sight again, and the ancient temple not far away became dilapidated and neglected because of the chaotic world, not only sparsely populated, but also did not have the scene of incense in the past.

Liu Changqing's five laws, desolate and deep, deserve to be a superior work

Although the peaks on both sides are towering into the clouds, they are also deeper than the misty autumn water. The sunset is deep, the twilight is deep, the autumn forest reflects the sunset, and the evening wind carries a chill, which makes people feel even more miserable.

The colorful colors, tranquility and distance in front of the eyes, and the sunset and beautiful scenery, green mountains and green waters should be pleasing to the eye, but the poet not only does not feel comfortable, but feels that the mood is extremely depressed.

Liu Changqing's five laws, desolate and deep, deserve to be a superior work

The setting sun shines on the ancient platform, appearing lonely and empty; the cold chimes, which reverberate faintly in the empty forest, also make people have a sense of sadness and indescribable loss. Many things can only be cherished if they are lost; because they are worried about the heart and cannot be obtained, they are even more confused.

The poet's ups and downs are not uncommon, but he has never been so uprooted and depressed. So he looked up at the sky and sighed, he was still worried about the Affairs of the Southern Dynasty, but the river flowed alone from ancient times to the present. Reality is this shore, the ideal is the other shore, separated by a rushing river, the poet hopes to cross the torrent, but suffers from no boats to cross, let alone a bridge to the future.

Liu Changqing's five laws, desolate and deep, deserve to be a superior work

Looking at Liu Changqing's Five Laws, it is full of twists and turns, and it also casts a desolate feeling of life and the times. The first link is a scene of emotion, lyrical feelings of visiting the monuments of the Southern Dynasty, and the second link alternates between near and far, expressing the loneliness of being far away from the homeland.

The neck joint sets off the old fortress with the sunset and the cold chime against the empty forest, conveying the desolation of the glory is no longer there. The expression of the tail link is the sadness of human non-being and the pathos of the impermanence of the world. Through the description of images such as "Wild Temple, Cloud Peak, Sunset, Old Fortress, Cold Chi, Empty Forest", the whole poem shows a desolate and profound atmosphere, making the reader feel that the words are endless and worthy of being a superior work of talent.

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