
The 441 people in Heilongjiang Province will serve as domestic technical officials for the Beijing Winter Olympics

author:Nine factions view the world

On the 18th, the Heilongjiang Provincial Sports Bureau held the "Provincial Sports Bureau System Participation in the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games Service Guarantee Staff Symposium", and some representatives of our province who will serve the Beijing Winter Olympics made statements.

According to statistics, a total of 441 people in Heilongjiang Province served as domestic technical officials for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, and 205 people served as domestic technical officials for the Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, accounting for 20.7% and 25.8% of the total number of people, respectively. Among them, 121 people were selected by the provincial sports system. At present, some personnel have begun to participate in various venues in Beijing and Hebei. On the 19th and 20th, most of the personnel participating in the symposium will also go to the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games to devote themselves to the intense service work of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympic Games.

Zhang Yan, director of the Basic Education Department of Heilongjiang Ice and Snow Sports Vocational College, said at the symposium that as a Longjiang sports person, she was fortunate to be invited by the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee to serve as a domestic technical official in cross-country skiing and go to the front line to participate in the service guarantee Of the Winter Olympics. She has participated in 4 NTO training and 4 examinations organized by the Winter Olympic Organizing Committee, and achieved 4 excellent results, becoming a qualified technical officer of the Winter Olympic Games. She said that she must assume the responsibility of a technical official of the Winter Olympics, show the youthful style of Longjiang sports people, and contribute all her strength to holding a "simple, safe and wonderful" Winter Olympic event.

Liu Zhongqing, director of the Ski Department of Heilongjiang Snow Training Center, said at the symposium that at the Winter Olympics, his service position is the track leader of freestyle skiing snow skills, he knows the importance of his task, in addition to his conscientious performance, at the same time to uphold the attitude of modest learning, in addition to cooperating with foreign teams, learn their relevant knowledge, technology and methods in the maintenance of venues, and can be used in future work. (Reporter Bi Shichun)

【Source: Heilongjiang Daily】

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