
P&G launched an online virtual world where they wanted to use games to discuss products with consumers

Daily chemical giant Procter & Gamble also "threw an olive branch" to the meta-universe.

Recently, P&G Beauty, a subsidiary of P&G, launched the online virtual world "BeautySphere" at the Consumer Electronics Show in the United States, with the theme of "Responsible Beauty", but there are only two kinds of experiences so far.

P&G launched an online virtual world where they wanted to use games to discuss products with consumers

▲ Botanical Garden Maze. Gif created by: BeautySphere

The first is a maze modeled after the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Gardens, where visitors can play interactive adventure games to find 5 important plant ingredients and learn about the plant ingredients used by P&G's brand Herbal Essences Plant Philosophy.

Whenever a visitor completes an interactive game, Procter & Gamble will plant a tree in Veracruz, Mexico, to help restore the region's native forest ecosystem and make a positive impact on the real world.

Secondly, BeautySphere explores the development concept and background of some products through immersive video formats, and conveys responsible beauty principles such as sustainability, safety, and transparency to consumers.

P&G launched an online virtual world where they wanted to use games to discuss products with consumers

▲ Immersive video. Gif created by: BeautySphere

There's a design twist here, and the video is all hidden in giant posters that float outside the virtual building.

Mouse swipe to change the height, different posters appear in front of you, click on them to get the video content.

It seems that BeautySphere is more important for marketing.

On the one hand, it highlights P&G's efforts in "Responsible Beauty", on the other hand, it shows a posture of keeping pace with the times, realizing that "digital first consumers" will be more and more.

Previously, P&G has made many attempts at virtual experiences.

P&G launched an online virtual world where they wanted to use games to discuss products with consumers

Not only did it add skins designed for its product "Gillette Venus" in Animal Friends, but also in 2020, it created a virtual platform to promote its products, LifeLab, and constantly updated the gameplay and upgrade experience.

P&G launched an online virtual world where they wanted to use games to discuss products with consumers

P&G's chief brand officer said P&G has always been curious about how to attract and keep consumers' attention on the meta-universe platform, and once consumers join the meta-universe platform, "the actual participation in the event is amazingly long".

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