
Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

author:Zhongzi Period History Museum

Folk often say that most of the good-looking people are embroidered pillows, but there are not many people who are talented and perfect in real life.

The character I want to talk about today is the darling of heaven, who is not as good looking as he is, and who is smarter than him may not be as good looking as him.

As soon as the photo of his youth was published, it instantly exploded on the Internet, and some people called him "handsome Past Wu Yanzu" and "the ceiling of the oil industry".

He is the first academician of the Academy of Engineering in the field of petroleum exploration in the mainland, Wang Demin.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

The academician registration form commented on his work: "These processes are the most significant, difficult and most advanced technologies for oilfield development in the world."

In honor of his outstanding contributions to the field of petroleum, the International Minor Planet Center named asteroid 210231 after him, and the description of him in the naming communiqué is as follows: the founder of China's oilfield layered exploitation and chemical flooding technology.

Wang Demin, who is 85 years old this year, is still in a straight posture like a green pine, insisting on exercising every day and maintaining a good mental state.

Although he unexpectedly became popular on the Internet because of his appearance, he did not care about his appearance, and only when talking about his beloved oil job, the scientist's eyes lit up.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

01 was rejected by Tsinghua because he was too good-looking

Wang Demin's father is a Chinese, his mother is Swiss, born in 1937 in Tangshan, Hebei Province, to a wealthy family. Wang Demin is the youngest child in the family, and he looked cute when he was a child, but he was also very naughty.

When he was a child, Wang Demin could speak fluent English, but he didn't know a few men, so his family invited Chinese teacher to teach him, but he ran away from two teachers in succession.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

But after growing up a little, Wang Demin found that the country was in war and gradually realized that "if the country is not strong, it will be bullied", so Wang Demin began to study hard.

When he was a junior high school student at Beijing Huiwen Middle School, Wang Demin had very good grades, and in his sophomore year of high school, he was selected to join the school's newly formed "Wu Yunduo Class".

Once, Wu Yunduo came to the school to give a speech, and Wang Demin sat downstage and felt the shock of life for the first time.

The title of the speech was "Dedicating Everything to the Party," and for seven hours, Wang Demin did not feel bored, and after listening to it, he burst into tears.

Since then, he has been determined to "go to the hardest places and give everything for the motherland!" ”

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

In 1955, when Wang Demin took the college entrance examination, he filled in all the volunteer majors that were conducive to people's livelihood such as petroleum, water conservancy, and steel.

At that time, the New China Party was founded, and everything was in ruins to be rebuilt, and he said that he would respond to the call of the state and go to the place where it was most needed!

But reality gave him a little trouble, although his college entrance examination score was close to full score, but because of his mixed-race identity, he was rejected by Tsinghua Peking University.

Although Wang Demin was disappointed, he did not give up, and turned around and chose the Beijing Petroleum Institute.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

After entering the school, Wang Demin was very diligent, tirelessly absorbing knowledge like a sponge, never missing a class, and reading a large number of professional books every day.

There's another vignette here.

Because Wang Demin was very handsome when he was young, and his grades were excellent, he became a prominent figure in the school as soon as he entered the school, which attracted many girls to secretly agree, but Wang Demin was bent on studying hard to contribute to the motherland, so he refused to show a lot of goodwill.

In order to concentrate on studying, Wang Demin even put forward two requirements for the object of love:

1. If two people are in love and married, he cannot take time to accompany each other to visit the park;

2. The other party must not prevent him from reading books.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

At that time, even if Wang Demin had excellent physical conditions, he did not have the heart to consider the love of his children, because the theory of "China's poor oil" constantly proposed by Western countries was heavily pressed on his heart.

In 1952, the country's crude oil production was only 435,000 tons, the output was very small, and a large amount of crude oil was imported from abroad every year, when the people called gasoline for cars and kerosene for lighting as "foreign oil", which shows how much crude oil China had at that time.

In the five years of college, Wang Demin cherished lofty ideals, studied diligently day and night, exercised his body, and almost scored full marks in all his homework.

In his junior year, he had the opportunity to participate in the Battle of Sichuan Petroleum, but the result disappointed him: I personally realized that it was too difficult to get oil! However, the more difficult the work, the more it needs someone to do it, and the more it needs to rely on science!

After graduation, Wang Demin gave up the rare opportunity to stay in school and resolutely went to daqing oilfield, he said excitedly, engaging in oil without oil field, let alone talking about serving the motherland!

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

02 Rooted in Daqing Oilfield for a lifetime

After arriving at Daqing Oilfield, Wang Demin's first job was as an intern in the pressure measurement group of the oilfield geology room.

Soon after, Wang Demin participated in the Battle of Songliao Petroleum, when oil workers were busy trying to figure out the formation pressure of hundreds of production wells.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

In the busy, Wang Demin found that the international "Heno method" did not take into account the interference between wells and wells, and he realized that China must have a set of pressure measurement methods suitable for himself, so he was determined to create new algorithms.

In order to overcome this difficulty, Wang Demin began to study without sleeping and forgetting food, working during the day until seven or eight o'clock in the evening, he hurriedly took two mouthfuls of rice and began to nibble on difficult and obscure professional books, taught himself hydraulics, heat transfer mathematics, and even had to learn Russian to read Soviet materials.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

Once, in order to borrow a professional book, he went to the library to borrow books through a whole cornfield late in the winter night, and when the administrator came to open the door for him sleepily, he couldn't help but remind: There are wolves in this area at night...

But Wang Demin estimated that he did not listen to it at all, and all he thought about was the manometry formula.

After more than three months of continuous struggle, Wang Demin has already vaguely had some ideas, and he has to deduce them countless times on scratch paper every night.

Unconsciously, the New Year of 1961 came. On the night of Chinese New Year's Eve, the unit gave everyone half a pound of white noodles and a bowl of meat stuffing for everyone to eat dumplings.

All the employees were happy to raise their eyebrows, but Wang Demin frowned - where did he come to make dumplings?

So after returning home, in order to save time to deduce the formula, Wang Demin directly kneaded the flour into two oversized dough skins, and then divided a bowl of meat filling into two halves, pinched two super dumplings, and cooked them casually to eat.

According to his words, it is the same when you eat it anyway.

Everyone around him was jubilantly celebrating the New Year, and he was still writing at his desk.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

Heaven rewards hard work, Wang Demin's efforts were not in vain, on this night, inspiration broke out instantly, and Wang Demin successfully launched China's first set of unstable well test manometry formula! This set of algorithms is named "Songliao method", which is the third set of algorithms in the world, and its accuracy is twice as high as that of the previous "Heno method".

In the following decades, Wang Demin has always been fighting in the front line of petroleum, successively developing multi-layer oil testing, oil and water well layering testing and other processes, so that daqing oilfield output continues to create new highs.

For example, in the early 1970s, he and his colleagues, after thousands of experiments, developed China's own eccentric water distributor, solving the drawbacks of "taking one layer and dismantling all the layers" of the concentric distribution device.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

When working on the oil front, Wang Demin actually took a lot of risks, especially in the "special era", because of his mixed-race status, he had to be extremely careful every time he took the initiative to ask for war.

But Wang Demin sighed, Daqing Oilfield can not wait, I am not afraid of so much.

It is such a love and belief in oil that makes Wang Demin deeply rooted in Daqing and solve the problems one by one.

After breaking through the technical problems of exploitation, he began to think: how can Daqing Oilfield be stable for another 10 years or more?

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

Wang Demin, who is already the chief engineer, began to lead his team on the road of overcoming difficulties. At that time, Daqing Oilfield had many thin oil layers of 0.2-0.5 meters, which were not easy to exploit, and there was no international precedent for exploitation.

But Wang Demin is not afraid of difficulties, since no one has done it, let Chinese open this head! After two years of hard work, Wang Demin's team developed the "flow restriction fracturing method", which further expanded the storage capacity of Daqing Oilfield, which is equivalent to finding another large oilfield.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

But Wang Demin was not satisfied, and he began to propose "three oil extractions".

However, at that time, foreign experts asserted that "three oil productions are the future technology", and no one can achieve it at present.

But Wang Demin was the first person to be, and in his heart he always thought that how could he say no without trying, and the more hopeless he was, the more he had to break through.

Driven by this belief, Wang Demin led the team to conduct a decade-long study, and finally launched the polymer flooding technology in 1996, breaking the world record, and China became the first country to realize the large-scale application of chemical flooding three times oil production! Daqing Oilfield's production volume exceeds that of developed countries by 45%.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

That year, Wang Demin was 59 years old and was about to reach retirement age, but he had no intention of resting, and then began to attack the fourth oil production.

Ten years of sharpening the sword, a hundred flowers in the bushes of fragrance, by 2020, the 84-year-old Wang Demin led the team to once again send good news - the same well injection and mining successfully passed the acceptance.

This technology can separate oil and water underground, only oil production and no water extraction, which will greatly reduce costs, if this technology can be successfully promoted, it is bound to trigger a major change in the recovery of old oil fields around the world!

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

03 "I want to work for the country for 60 years"

In the eyes of Wang Demin's son Wang Yan, his father was a particularly serious, non-smiling person, and he was particularly strict with him, when he was a child, Wang Yan also secretly complained about his father, knowing that he himself did not go on the road of oil, only to understand his father's hard heart.

Wang Demin is very strict with his son, but the most strict treatment is himself.

He is a particularly stubborn person, bent on taking the road of oil, he must resolutely go to the end, constantly break through the difficulties, and break through himself.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

Wang Demin could have had a better choice, his father was the president of the hospital, his mother was a university professor, and the conditions were not bad in all aspects.

However, after graduating from college, he ran to the Daqing oilfield to start from the grassroots level, lived in the cowshed every day, jumped on the winch with the workers to measure the pressure, and used manpower to pull the winch up.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

In the winter, because the instrument was frozen because it was too cold, he had to take off his cotton jacket to keep the wellhead warm, and then hold the frozen anti-nozzle and heat up his body to melt the crude oil.

When he was young, Wang Demin's appearance was very outstanding, according to the current words, he could eat by the face, but he never cared about his appearance, and even thought that people who paid attention to appearance were improper.

In order to facilitate his work, he often "does not trim the edges", wears dirty overalls and has no time to wash, and his hair grows to cover his eyes and there is no time to care, because he stays up late all year round, and he originally has bright eyes, wearing thick myopic glasses.

He regards doing his job well as the best dedication to the motherland, and always wants to do more for the motherland.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

In order to save time, he was eager to break one minute into two minutes, coffee, milk powder directly dry to save the time of brewing, bring his own bread and fruit at noon, save the time of the canteen.

But even if he is busy, he will take some time out of his body every day to exercise, because he knows that only by taking good care of his body can he have more time to devote to work.

His colleague Wu Wenxiang, a professor at Northeast Petroleum University, recalled:

"He calculated that working 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, is 2.1 times that of 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, which is equivalent to extending 30 years of working for the country to more than 60 years."

Wang Demin, who is now 85 years old, is still in good spirits, although the years have left traces on his face, but his eyes are still as firm as when he was young, and his dedication to his dreams has never changed.

Shuai "Wu Yanzu", the asteroid is named after him, but he is willing to soak in the oil field for 60 years

Over the years, countless foreign experts have thrown olive branches to him, but he has never agreed, he has always said, "My achievements are all Chinese", "I can't stop, four times oil production, green oil production, there are a bunch of things waiting for me."

This old man who has fought all his life in the oil field has written the most beautiful oil symphony with his great youth.

The time of a person's life is limited, and we cannot extend the length of time, but doing meaningful things in a limited time can broaden the thickness of time.

Compared with the popular idol love beans on the Internet, academician Wang Demin, who does not love looks and loves science, is more worthy of contemporary young people to learn, and to chase after this "Wang Demin Star" that always shines in the sky.


"Academician Wang Demin, a leading figure in petroleum science and technology, was named "Wang Demin Star" by an asteroid"

"Lifelong Service to the Big Oilfield is My Honor"——Remembering Wang Demin, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Expert of the Petroleum Industry"

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