
Ningxiang Rural Commercial Bank warms people's hearts in winter

author:Red Net
Ningxiang Rural Commercial Bank warms people's hearts in winter

The Ningxiang Rural Commercial Bank subsidizes the schooling of children from needy families.

"Uncle Luo, let's see who's coming, the caring people of Ningxiang Rural Commercial Bank have come to see your two granddaughters!" Fang Jialing, general secretary of the party branch of Xianlongtan Village, Xiangzikou Town, Ningxiang City, shouted excitedly. "I thought you wouldn't come, looking at these two sisters' family so difficult, it has always been a piece of my heart disease, and now I can finally put it down a little!"

It turned out that in August 2021, the Ningxiang Rural Commercial Bank's "Golden Autumn Aid" activity has been targeted to Ningxiang City to fund 16 lost children, two granddaughters of Uncle Luo's family are still in the first grade of primary school, the father died suddenly at the construction site when he was about to be born, the mother was wandering for many years, currently raised by grandparents, the two elderly things are high, perennial diseases are entangled, only rely on farming and free-range chickens to survive, physical and mental torture and economic pressure make the already difficult family difficult. Uncle Luo also applied for a student grant from the bank at that time, but due to the limited number of places, he was not selected in the end. In January 2022, through repeated communication with the village party secretary, the caring people decided to provide targeted funding to the two granddaughters of the Luo family in their personal names, according to the standard of 2,000 yuan / year for primary schools, 3,000 yuan / year for junior high schools, and 6,000 yuan / year for high schools until high school graduation. This is also the reason why Fang Jialing was so happy at the beginning.

But do good deeds, don't ask about the future. A scene like this is just a microcosm of ningxiang rural commercial bank's many student assistance activities. At present, the party branch of the bank, the party branches of each branch and its employees have funded more than 80 students in need in their own names, donating more than 1.5 million yuan; donating 1 million yuan to the Ningxiang Education Foundation; donating 200,000 yuan to the Ningxiang Yizhong Jianfan Education Foundation; accumulatively fully funding all the tuition fees of 31 special hardship college students during the university period, with a total of more than 1 million yuan; and funding 137 children who have lost their relatives, with a total funding amount of more than 3 million yuan.

In the future, the bank will continue to take the initiative to assume social responsibility, conserve social temperature, adhere to the business results to give back to the society, return to the people, care for vulnerable groups, and actively participate in various public welfare undertakings.

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