
The strange light in the eyes of the fish in the college entrance examination Language Reading Comprehension

author:Fat panda

On June 7, 2017, the Zhejiang College Entrance Examination Language Reading Question was taken from Gong Gaofeng's article "A Delicious". The article tells the story of a six-year-old who catches a fish and then gives his family an improved diet.

The strange light in the eyes of the fish in the college entrance examination Language Reading Comprehension

He vividly remembered that evening in the summer of that year when he was six years old, when he held a grass carp the size of a palm in front of his mother, a strange light appeared in her eyes for the first time. He even felt that he must have suddenly gained status in his mother's eyes, a feeling that was confirmed in the eyes of his father and two brothers who returned from work in the fields afterwards.


He sat at the table, and when he watched all this, did he put his hands on his cheeks? He forgot. Anyway, all the memories are the strange smell of the fish and the dreams that have arisen around that fish. He didn't have to do anything that day, he was the creator of this delicious meal and could be idle. His parents' actions made him feel that he had the right to do so.

The atmosphere at the dinner table that day was also different, the family's habitual silence was completely gone, the father began to talk about the weather, and the two brothers talked about the possible harvest this year. The mother, on the other hand, just smiled and served soup to everyone over and over again.

Finally, the father said a little headless, and the father said that the third son should go to school.

The two brothers were suddenly full, and left the table one after another to go back to the house to sleep, but the fish soup could be filled with at least two bowls per person. They didn't explain why, they didn't have to explain, the work in the field had to get up early and get dark, otherwise the delicious taste of fish and tofu could only be enjoyed once in many years. The father was stunned and resumed his previous expression of not smiling. Her mother was holding the bowl, out of her mind, and she seemed to have signaled her father with her eyes not to say anything, but now she had removed her smile and kept looking out of her mind toward the dark and mushy night sky outside the house.

When you sit at the stove and add firewood to cook pig food, it is the last thing. When he lit the fire and added a second handful of firewood, he grabbed a sticky and soft thing and leaned into the light of the fire in front of the stove to see that it was the fish! Jumping from the pot to the ground, it has clearly pushed beyond its limits. Now, it was long dead, but there was still a strange light in its eyes.

A fish that brings rare warmth and hope to families who are about to be bent over by poverty.

It was a twist for the three sons to go to school, and the mother felt guilty that the two older children could only repeat the life of poverty.

The third son's finding of the fish that should have been eaten in front of the stove was another twist, giving a new meaning to a delicacy.

It is difficult for these children of college entrance examination students born in the new century around 2000 to understand the extreme material deprivation that their parents have experienced, and this reading comprehension has become a proposition for many candidates.

But for those of us of some age, this question is a sub-question. This Gong Gaofeng article "A Delicacy" makes me naturally think of Stephen Chow's movie "God Eater", when a person eats a delicacy that he has never eaten, it is probably like this:

The strange light in the eyes of the fish in the college entrance examination Language Reading Comprehension

A delicacy can bring more than just enjoyment to the taste buds, it can also trigger a chain reaction, including spiritual pleasure. As a result, a simple meal has risen to the height of the meaning of life, at this time, even if Li Shi personally goes down and says in your ear that "the world is not worth it", you will also scoff. The world is too worthwhile, there are so many enjoyments waiting for us ahead, and the thing called hope is the best power fuel for life.

As for the strange light in the fish's eyes, it seems to be laughing at us, are you stupid? Are you stupid? You drink only tofu soup, not fish soup. But how can this stupid fish understand? Real food never comes from high-end ingredients.

The strange light in the eyes of the fish in the college entrance examination Language Reading Comprehension

Real food stimulates the taste buds at the same time will also trigger spiritual pleasure, perhaps a life of thinking, perhaps a flow of feelings, or perhaps the following look:

The strange light in the eyes of the fish in the college entrance examination Language Reading Comprehension

There is no need to label the suffering of the past as happiness, suffering is suffering, ignoring this suffering only talks about happiness, and what can only be brought up is a bowl of chicken soup for the soul with chicken essence. The reason why Gong Gaofeng's "A Delicious" is impressive is that it is real, and from the eyes of a six-year-old child, there is no need to whitewash anything. Is there suffering in life? Yes, face it, overcome it; is there joy in life? Yes, find it and cherish it. This bittersweet intertwined life may be a big meal in itself, even the same life, it will be different because of the difference in diners, some people eat like chewing wax, just want to be liberated as soon as possible, some people eat the "marrow to know the taste", the more they live, the more hopeful. For a person alone, how to choose is his freedom, but as far as a society is concerned, the latter deserves the bonus of happiness.

The college entrance examination is a hurdle in life, it is very important, but do not care too much, for these students who participate in the college entrance examination, this drama of their life can go through the first act, there will be many wonderful futures that belong to them, the world is really worth it, since it is coming, don't miss it.

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