
The prevention and treatment of three kinds of colds during the Great Cold Festival is more effective for food therapy

author:Purple Cow News

January 20 ushered in the cold festival, cold weather so that many citizens are a bit overwhelmed, coupled with the end of the year more socializing, busy work, lack of exercise and exercise, indoor heating and outdoor cold air in turn to test everyone's resistance, many citizens feel that a careless cold. Experts from Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine remind that in addition to influenza, colds suffered in winter can be roughly divided into three types from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. In addition to strengthening exercise, preventing colds can also increase resistance through dietary therapy.

The prevention and treatment of three kinds of colds during the Great Cold Festival is more effective for food therapy

Image source Visual China

Wind chill cold: "fairy porridge" warm up and disperse the cold

Xia Gongxu, deputy director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Nanjing Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that the most common type of cold in winter is wind chill and cold, and many citizens often tell doctors when they are treated that they accidentally get cold and have a cold, but many times they are unconsciously cold.

The main clinical manifestations of cold and cold are: cold intolerance, low-grade fever, nasal congestion, runny nose, cough phlegm, thinning, no sweating, headache, limb pain, thin tongue. From the perspective of dietary therapy, it is generally necessary to choose some ingredients that can solve the table and spread the cold in the lungs, such as the "immortal porridge" in the "Huizhitang Experience Fang" written by the famous Qing Dynasty doctor Tao Chengxi and Wang Chengxun, which is a good food remedy for the early stage of wind and cold. Mainland folk also have a widely spread "fairy porridge" song recipe: a handful of glutinous rice boiled into soup, seven green onions and seven slices of ginger, boiled into half a cup of vinegar, cold defense and security Kang.

【Wind chill cold diet】

Fairy porridge

Ingredients: 100 grams of glutinous rice, 7 white shallots, 15 grams of ginger, 30 ml of vinegar.

Preparation method: first wash the glutinous rice, add the right amount of water to cook into porridge, then mash the green onion and ginger, boil for 5 minutes, add 30 ml of vinegar, stir well.

Food: warm clothes, bed cover, slightly hot and sweaty. Take 1 time in the morning and 1 time in the evening, 4 times a day.

Ginger sugar drink

Ingredients: 6 slices of ginger, 15 g brown sugar.

Cooking: Wash and shred the ginger, place in a porcelain cup, brew in boiling water and cover with a lid. Steep for 5 minutes and add the brown sugar. Sugar should not be too much, there should be enough spicy taste.

Diet: Take warm and frequent drinks.

Dry and evil cold: Sydney rock sugar drink clear lungs and dryness

Yan Yanfeng, chief physician of Nanjing Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that although dry and evil are generally easy to threaten in the autumn of Xiaoser, due to the cold winter now, many people, especially white-collar workers, like to be cared for by heating everywhere, plus they are too late to drink water when they are busy at work, and they like to eat spicy foods such as hot pot. Over time, it is slowly injured by dry evil, resulting in headache without sweat, dry nasopharynx, cough and phlegm, dry lips and thirst, dry skin, red tongue and other symptoms of dry evil colds. If this kind of cold is mild, you may wish to eat a dietary remedy that has the effect of clearing the lungs and moisturizing the lungs and lowering the lungs to condition the body. The most common is Sydney rock sugar drink, but in order to increase the effect of moisturizing the lungs and relieving cough, reducing phlegm and asthma, it is recommended to add a traditional Chinese medicine - Chuanbei under the guidance of Chinese medicine practitioners, which has a better effect.

【Dietary Remedies for Dry Evil Colds】

Sydney River Shell Ice Candy Drink

Ingredients: 1 large Sydney pear, 5 grams of Sichuan shellfish, rock sugar to taste.

Preparation: Wash the pears, cut the top and shell them. Put the minced Sichuan shellfish and rock sugar into the pear, add an appropriate amount of water, and steam for 30 minutes on the water and heat.

How to eat: Eat pear and drink soup.

Qi deficiency cold: Astragalus stew chicken yi qi solid table

Some people feel that whether they take cold medicine to treat wind chills or cold medicines to treat wind fever, they do not see the cold symptoms improve, and the hanging water is more and more empty. In this case, if you rule out viral colds, it is recommended to ask a Chinese medicine practitioner to see if it is easy to catch a cold repeatedly due to qi deficiency.

Xia Gongxu, deputy director of the Department of Treatment of Diseases of Nanjing Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine and Nanjing Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, said that Chinese medicine believes that people with qi deficiency and physical fitness are obviously lacking in physical strength and energy, and there is a feeling of fatigue and discomfort when they move a little or work or exercise. Modern medicine classifies this condition in the category of sub-health. People with qi deficiency physique have a significantly lower body immunity and ability to resist diseases than those who are healthy, often less breathy, lazy, low voice, fatigue and tiredness, often sweating, once a cold is not surprising. For those with weak qi constitution, they can be nourished by dietary therapy, ointment and other methods.

【Qi deficiency cold diet】

Astragalus stewed chicken soup

Ingredients: 750 grams of chicken, 40 grams of astragalus, 3 slices of ginger, old wine to taste.

Method: Astragalus is fried in 2 bowls of water into 1 bowl; chicken (with bones) cut into small pieces, washed and boiled with 7 bowls of water, the water is boiled to remove foam, change to slow heat, add old wine and ginger slices, cook for 30 minutes on medium heat and then add astragalus juice, cook on low heat for 2 hours.

Benefits: Beneficial gas solid table.

Yam cinnamon porridge

Ingredients: 100 grams of yam, 15 grams of cinnamon meat, 3 lychee meats, sugar to taste.

Directions: Peel and cut the yam into thin slices. Cook the yam tablets, cinnamon balls and lychee meat together, cook well, and add sugar.

Effect: Tonify and strengthen the qi, improve the lungs and strengthen the essence.

Warm reminder: Please take the food treatment prescription under the guidance of a Chinese medicine practitioner.

Correspondent Yang Pu

Yangzi Evening News/Purple Cow News trainee reporter Lu Yanlin

Proofread by Faye Wong

Source: Purple Cow News

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