
The Langfang education system strives to be the vanguard of the construction of the "Five Langfang"

author:Hebei News Network

Make every effort to run education to the satisfaction of the people

The Langfang education system strives to be the vanguard of the construction of the "Five Langfang"

The Langfang education system strives to be the vanguard of the construction of the "Five Langfang"

The report meeting of the advanced deeds of outstanding teachers in Langfang City will be held.

Education is the great plan of the country and the great plan of the party. In the first year of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan", under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the education system of Langfang City adhered to the original intention of "educating people for the party and educating talents for the country", kept in mind the mission of cultivating socialist builders and successors, carried out in-depth study and education in party history, solidly promoted the practical activities of "I do practical things for the masses", and with the confidence and determination of "doing the cause with passion and challenging the impossible", promoted the sustained, healthy and rapid development of the city's education undertakings, and did a number of practical and difficult things that laid the foundation, benefited the long term, and benefited the people's livelihood, and strived to build a leading position in the province. The country's first-class modern education strengthens the city and makes every effort to run education that the people are satisfied with.

The Langfang education system strives to be the vanguard of the construction of the "Five Langfang"

The main leaders of the Education Working Committee of the Langfang Municipal Party Committee and the Langfang Municipal Education Bureau went deep into the construction site of the Dachang Campus of the Affiliated Middle School of the People's Congress to supervise the project.

Based on building a strong city of education, the city vigorously strengthens the construction of educational infrastructure, increases the intensity of making up for shortcomings in primary and secondary schools and kindergartens, standardizes private compulsory education; promotes the expansion of vocational education, improves quality, and improves the level, and supports colleges and universities in the region to become bigger and stronger; resolutely implements the "double reduction" policy to effectively ensure the physical and mental health and all-round development of adolescents; strengthens the construction of the teacher team, implements the "Langfang Famous Teachers" project, and creates a sufficient number of teachers with excellent quality; establishes and improves the teacher reward and incentive mechanism, and deepens the comprehensive reform of basic education. Further stimulate the vitality of primary and secondary schools; actively introduce high-quality educational resources, so that children in Langfang can enjoy more high-quality education at their doorstep.

The Langfang education system strives to be the vanguard of the construction of the "Five Langfang"

New campus of Langfang No.1 Primary School.

All 896 public primary and secondary schools in the city have established party organizations, 677 practical projects have benefited the masses, nearly 500,000 teachers and students, 100% coverage rate of after-school service schools, 100% coverage rate of students with needs, focusing on the construction of 25 primary and secondary schools, 43 public kindergartens, the creation of inclusive private kindergartens 86, financial investment at all levels of 1.36 billion yuan, an increase of 22,000 primary and secondary school seats, There are 27,000 public and inclusive early childhood degrees, the number of super classes in compulsory education has remained zero, the proportion of large classes has continued to decline, and the construction of the national basic education comprehensive reform experimental zone has steadily advanced... Behind the string of flashing numbers is the steady improvement of the quality of langfang education, the hard work of Langfang to accelerate the construction of a strong education city, and the sprint of the Langfang education system to be the vanguard of the comprehensive construction of the "five Langfang".

Comprehensively strengthen the party's leadership and firmly grasp the direction of educating people for the party and the country

In May 2021, Yang Xiaohe, secretary of the Langfang Municipal Party Committee, and Yang Yanwei, mayor of Langfang, went to Yanjing Vocational and Technical College and Langfang Health Vocational College respectively to give special lectures on party history study and education for teachers and students of the college. They had in-depth exchanges with teachers and students' representatives, and encouraged the students of Guangdong University to conscientiously study the party's century-old history, inherit the red gene and continue the spiritual bloodline, strive to become the pillars of the party and the country, and make positive contributions to the realization of the "two hundred years" goal and the langfang chapter of writing the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Firmly grasping the direction of educating people for the party and the country, the education system of Langfang City has strengthened the guidance of party building and carried out in-depth study and education of party history. The city's education administrative departments at all levels and the secretaries of school party organizations shoulder the responsibility of the first responsible person, and under the high standards and high requirements of leading cadres, party members and cadres play a leading role and lead all teachers and students to devote themselves to the study and education of party history in a high state. They regard the education and training of party members and the training of party cadres as the key content of study, organize visits to exhibitions, knowledge contests, and other colorful theme activities, and strengthen the ideals and beliefs of the vast number of party members and cadres. Give full play to the advantages of teachers in the education system, dispatch experts to carry out party history lecture hall activities, and give 16 demonstration lectures throughout the year. All colleges and universities have made full use of Marxist colleges (teaching and research departments) to set up propaganda groups to tour the campus, and all localities and schools have carried out more than 2,500 special lectures, held more than 4,000 reading classes on the theme of party history, and educated 210,000 teachers and students.

To comprehensively strengthen the leadership of the Party, the Education Working Committee of the Langfang Municipal Party Committee and the Langfang Municipal Education Bureau have comprehensively strengthened the construction of grass-roots party organizations by standardizing the management system, standardizing the organizational setup, standardizing the operating mechanism, and standardizing the work guarantee. In 2021, all 896 public primary and secondary schools (including kindergartens and secondary vocational schools) in the city have established party organizations; 949 private primary and secondary schools have established 103 party organizations, 170 joint party organizations, and 37 party building instructors have been selected, and the coverage rate of party organizations and party work has reached 100%. The "shoulder-to-shoulder" rate of party organization secretaries and principals of public primary and secondary schools reached 85.6%.

The Langfang education system strives to be the vanguard of the construction of the "Five Langfang"

Adhere to the virtue of cultivating people, and take a good "red ideological and political class".

Persist in cultivating people with virtue and do a good job in building students' ideology and morality. Langfang City has deeply promoted the institutionalization and normalization of municipal and county party and government leaders' lectures on ideological and political science classes into campuses, deepened the reform and innovation of school ideological and political science classes in the new era, promoted the full coverage of "ideological and political courses" to "curriculum political science", and improved the quality and level of ideological and political science classes. All primary and secondary schools have given play to the role of the main front of classroom education, organized the "Red Ideological and Political Class", integrated the study and education of party history into the classroom teaching of various disciplines, guided the vast number of young students to listen to the party, feel the gratitude of the party, follow the party, cultivate and practice the core socialist values, and strengthen the confidence and determination to realize the Great Rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the Chinese dream.

They also tried every means to solve the problem of the masses' anxieties, difficulties, and anxieties, and did their utmost to do a good job in doing practical things to benefit the people. Focusing on the "triple four innovation and five optimization", "three basics" construction year and key people's heart projects, the Langfang Municipal Education Bureau has closely focused on the problems of the masses' urgent difficulties and anxieties, aimed at the vital interests and needs of teachers and students, formulated a list of responsibilities for the work tasks of "I do practical things for the masses", clarified the timetable, road map, responsible person, and passionately worked the cause and challenged the impossible. A series of work related to people's livelihood, such as kindergarten construction, new renovation and expansion of primary and secondary schools, supplementary new teachers, publicly-funded training of rural primary school teachers, nutrition improvement plan for rural compulsory education students, assistance for students in difficulty in the compulsory education stage, and paid supplementary class governance for in-service teachers, have been carried out in an orderly manner. According to preliminary statistics, a total of 677 practical projects have been identified in various parts of the city and schools, more than 3,000 specific measures have been introduced, more than 1,900 practical problems have been solved, benefiting nearly 500,000 people, teachers and students, and the sense of education and the happiness of teachers and students has continued to improve.

Deeply promote education reform, so that children in Langfang can enjoy more high-quality education at their doorstep

"When I grew up, I became you, and I knew that the podium was held up by others, and it was myself who was dedicated..." On October 17, 2021, the report on the advanced deeds of outstanding teachers in Langfang city was held at the Silk Road International Cultural Exchange Center. Eight outstanding teachers from the city's primary and secondary schools, kindergartens, special education schools, and vocational education colleges took the stage one after another to tell their ordinary and touching educational stories, and the leaders of the four sets of teams in Langfang City, the main responsible comrades of the municipal departments, the cadres of some organs, and representatives of the enterprise community listened to the report meeting.

To further promote education reform, Langfang City insists on comprehensively strengthening the construction of teacher morality and teacher style, establishing a long-term mechanism for teacher morality, and creating a team of teachers with excellent political quality. The Municipal Education Bureau has carried out the activities of consolidating the construction of teacher morality throughout the city and established a long-term mechanism for teacher morality and teacher style. They selected and commended 107 municipal-level model teachers and 151 backbone teachers, as well as 1 provincial-level model of teaching and educating people, 21 model teachers, held 100 report meetings on the deeds of outstanding teachers, and 26,000 party and government organs, enterprises and institutions, and the masses from all walks of life listened to the reports, creating a strong atmosphere of respecting teachers and emphasizing teaching and catching up with and surpassing learning in the whole society.

Strengthen the construction of the teacher team, improve the level of professional development of teachers, Langfang City to the county (city, district) and the municipal schools directly under the recruitment of teachers to carry out special supervision, the city a total of 3,019 teachers throughout the year, successfully completed the teacher supplementary target task, multi-channel training of all types of teachers at all levels 12,000 times. At the same time, the rural primary school teacher training program project has been fully launched, and 100 rural primary school teachers have been trained free of charge every year, effectively alleviating the shortage of rural teachers.

In the opening year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", Langfang stood at a new historical starting point, a series of major opportunities superimposed and converged, and the Seventh Party Congress of Langfang Put forward the goal of comprehensively building "Five Langfang" and striving to be the "three vanguards". The Langfang Municipal Education Work Committee and the Langfang Municipal Education Bureau have clearly defined the goals of striving to improve the level of education work, running education satisfactory to the people, and striving to be the vanguard of the construction of the "Five Langfang" to promote the high-quality development of education in the city.

They formulated the "Implementation Plan for Promoting the High-quality Development of Education in Langfang City", which clarified that by 2025, the city's high-quality education system will be basically built, and urban and rural preschool education will be fully covered; substantial progress has been made in the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education, and the consolidation rate of compulsory education has reached 98%; the level of education popularization at the high school stage has been further improved, and the gross enrollment rate of high school education has reached 95%; vocational education and industry have been deeply integrated, and the quality of higher education talent training and service contribution ability have been significantly improved. All types of education at all levels benefit all the people more fairly and with higher quality, and the people's sense of education has been significantly enhanced.

Deeply promote education reform, Langfang City resolutely implements the deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and steadily carries out the "double reduction" work. The Municipal Education Bureau has formulated and issued the "Implementation Plan for Langfang City to Further Reduce the Homework Burden and Off-campus Training Burden of Students in the Compulsory Education Stage", which improves and optimizes the management of school homework from five aspects: strengthening homework coordination, paying attention to homework design, standardizing homework layout, serious homework correction, and strengthening supervision and guidance, and reducing the burden of students' homework; completely stop the approval of discipline-based off-campus training institutions for students in the compulsory education stage, and effectively reduce the burden of off-campus training for students. At the same time, the management of compulsory education school examinations and the "five managements" of primary and secondary schools will be regarded as an important measure to implement the "double reduction" work, and the implementation of the work will be vigorously grasped. As of now, the city's after-school service schools cover 100%, and the coverage rate of students in need is 100%.

The Langfang education system strives to be the vanguard of the construction of the "Five Langfang"

Students of Langfang No. 5 Primary School assemble robots during after-school service hours.

They also formulated the "Langfang City Standardized Private Compulsory Education Development Special Work Plan", focusing on the goal of "strictly controlling the increment and gradually digesting the stock", comprehensively launched the special work of standardizing private compulsory education, comprehensively strengthened the party's leadership and party building work in private primary and secondary schools, and focused on continuous efforts to promote the full coverage of party organizations and promote the optimization and layout adjustment of compulsory education institutions. By the end of 2022, the proportion of students enrolled in private compulsory education within the city will drop to less than 5%.

To cultivate socialist builders and successors for the all-round development of morality, intellectuality, physical fitness, and labor, Langfang City has issued the "Implementation Plan on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Physical Education Work in the New Era" and the "Implementation Plan for Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Aesthetic Education work in the New Era", adhering to the "five educations" at the same time, strengthening and improving the work of school physical education and aesthetic education in the new era, and comprehensively promoting the aerobics and cheerleading projects that closely combine physical education and aesthetic education in primary and secondary schools in the city, so that schools have characteristics and activities every year, and promote the all-round development of morality, intellectual, physical, aesthetic, and labor.

The Langfang education system strives to be the vanguard of the construction of the "Five Langfang"

Students at Nichijo Elementary School in Wen'an County compete in land curling.

On September 24, 2021, the General Office of the Ministry of Education issued the Notice on the Establishment of the Ministry of Education's Basic Education Comprehensive Reform Experimental Zone, and 12 regions ranked among the national basic education comprehensive reform experimental zones, and Langfang City was on the list. In the in-depth implementation of the national comprehensive reform experimental zone project, Langfang City has formulated the "Work Plan for Creating a National Basic Education Comprehensive Reform Experimental Zone", clarified the task list for the construction of the National Basic Education Comprehensive Reform Experimental Zone, fully leveraged national policies, introduced advanced educational concepts and governance measures, effectively solved the practical problems faced by Langfang education, comprehensively improved the quality of education and teaching, and made every effort to create a national model of "Langfang experience".

Accelerate the construction of a strong city through education and strive to be the vanguard of the comprehensive construction of the "five Langfangs."

According to the seventh national census data, the permanent population of Langfang City exceeded 5.46 million, an increase of 25.36% over 2010, and the population increase accounted for 40.1% of the same period in the province. While promoting rapid economic development and enhancing the city's competitiveness and comprehensive strength, the rapid population growth has also brought new challenges to Langfang to accelerate the construction of a strong education city and promote the high-quality development of education.

Passion to do business, challenge the impossible. In the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan", Langfang City continued to vigorously promote the construction of schools and strive to solve the problem of large class sizes and large school quotas. The city has focused on the construction of 25 primary and secondary schools, 43 public kindergartens, the creation of 86 inclusive private kindergartens, financial investment at all levels of 1.36 billion yuan, the increase of 22,000 primary and secondary school seats, 27,000 public and inclusive kindergarten degrees, the number of compulsory education super classes to remain zero, the proportion of large class sizes continued to decline, and the "big hand" of educational resource supply was realized.

While increasing financial investment to promote school construction and focusing on solving the problem of large class sizes and large school quotas, they have strengthened the construction of preschool education and made every effort to improve the level of running kindergartens. The Municipal Education Bureau has formulated the "Implementation Plan for kindergarten construction projects in 2021", and actively promotes the full coverage of rural preschool education through the construction of rural kindergartens, primary schools and kindergartens (classes) attached to teaching points, and preschool education service points. The gross enrollment rate of young children in the first three years of primary school in the city reached 92.3%, the coverage rate of inclusive preschool education reached 84.6%, and the rural preschool education achieved full coverage.

Strictly regulate the behavior of primary and secondary schools, the Langfang Municipal Education Bureau has focused on further managing large class sizes in the new semester, strictly implementing the control of dropouts, ensuring the right of school-age children to enroll and the registration of new students, and continuing to increase the elimination of large class sizes, as of the autumn of 2021, the city's compulsory education super large class size will remain zero, and the proportion of large class sizes will further decline. They also conducted a dragnet inspection of the city's education system's after-school services and homework management, carried out special inspections of the city's school-running behavior, standardized the enrollment work in the compulsory education stage, and guaranteed the right of school-age children and teenagers to enroll in accordance with the law.

The Langfang education system strives to be the vanguard of the construction of the "Five Langfang"

Science popularization volunteers explained the installation steps of glider models to children at Wen'an County No. 4 Primary School.

Fully implement the county ordinary high school revitalization plan, and in 2021, Langfang City will accelerate the construction of county high schools, comprehensively improve the conditions for running schools, and increase the supply of degrees. They have made every effort to build brand schools, effectively improving the problems of weak attractiveness and loss of students in high schools, improving the characteristics of running schools, and highlighting the highlights of school running. Give full play to the leading role of the first middle school in the county basic education, strengthen the construction of high school connotation, and polish the brand of the county-level first middle school. In order to effectively improve the quality of high school enrollment and ensure fairness, impartiality, openness and transparency, they actively promote the research and development of the general high school enrollment work platform to ensure that the high school enrollment order is standardized, the procedures are open, and the results are fair.

Vigorously promote the development of vocational education, optimize the development environment, langfang municipal education bureau actively guide the development of vocational colleges and applied university alliances, establish a new type of relationship between colleges and universities and localities of "symbiosis and common prosperity, co-construction and sharing, synergy and linkage, mutual benefit and win-win", and realize the benign interaction between the universities in Langfang and the economic and social development of Langfang. They actively promoted the establishment of "Huawei (Langfang) ICT Academy" in Langfang Vocational and Technical College, and fully supported Langfang Vocational and Technical College to build a high-quality and high-level skills training base.

The Langfang education system strives to be the vanguard of the construction of the "Five Langfang"

Beijing Luhe Middle School Sanhe Campus.

On October 12, 2021, the Sanhe Campus of Beijing Luhe Middle School and the Sanhe Campus of Beijing Experimental School were unveiled at the same time, marking a new step and a new breakthrough in the field of education in the field of integrated high-quality development of Beisan County and Tongzhou District. The two schools are all built in accordance with Beijing standards, so that Langfang children can enjoy Beijing's high-quality educational resources at their doorstep.

Firmly grasping the major opportunities for the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the Langfang Municipal Education Bureau strives to improve the overall level of education in the city, accelerates the construction of an all-round, multi-field and deep-level coordinated development pattern, and strives to be the vanguard of the construction of the "five Langfang". They solidly promoted the "Tongwu Corridor" and "Great North Corridor" and the coordinated development of education in The Three Counties and Tongzhou District of Beisan County, a number of famous schools in Beijing settled in Langfang and built enrollment, and carried out more than 20 training exchanges, teaching seminars, competitive competitions and other activities with Beijing-Tianjin schools, benefiting nearly 10,000 teachers and students, becoming a highlight of the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

In 2022, langfang's education system will fully implement the party's education policy, and concentrate on "eight strengthening and eight advancements" (strengthening coverage, promoting the universal and inclusive development of preschool education; strengthening the foundation, promoting the high-quality and balanced development of compulsory education; strengthening the brand, promoting the diversified development of high school education; strengthening integration, promoting the high-quality and diversified development of vocational education; strengthening the education of people, promoting the comprehensive development of quality education; strengthening the teachers, promoting the sustainable development of the teaching team; strengthening the reform, and promoting the modernization of the education governance system and governance capabilities Strengthen safety, promote the harmonious and healthy development of education), with a high sense of political responsibility, a sense of urgency that the time is not waiting, immerse ourselves in hard work, unremitting struggle, accelerate the construction of Langfang's high-quality education system, contribute to the comprehensive construction of "five Langfang", strive to be the "three vanguards", and greet the victory of the party's 20th National Congress with excellent results. (Correspondent Yang Baosheng, Hebei Daily reporters Meng Xianfeng and Zhou Yujia)

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