
Opening "14th Five-Year Plan" Wenden Answer Sheet (10): Culture benefits the people and adds "art" to the lives of the people

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Editor's note: 2021 is the beginning of the 14th Five-Year Plan. This year, the Wenden District Party Committee and the District Government deeply practiced the new development concept, coordinated development and security, consolidated the foundation, promoted the advantages, made up for the shortcomings, and strengthened the weak points, and the economic and social development was stable and good, walking in the forefront. The Publicity Department of the Wenden District Party Committee, together with the public network and poster news, jointly launched a special report on the "Opening '14th Five-Year Plan' Wenden Answer Sheet" to comprehensively display the fruitful results achieved by Wendeng's economic and social development in 2021, and encourage the whole district to bear in mind the earnest entrustment, bravely undertake the mission of the times, and accelerate the construction of a modern and strong district of "exquisite city and happy Weihai".

Public Network poster news reporters Yang Xiaohe and Li Zhaoming reported from Weihai

From the big stage set up in the concert hall to the square dance in the small village; from the popularity of WendengXue by young readers, to the continuous heating up of reading by the whole people; from the completion and landing of the art exhibition hall, to the "sending the opera to the countryside" to deliver the performance to the doorstep of the peasants... Since 2021, Wenden District of Weihai City has focused on building cultural projects to benefit the people, enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the residents, so that more and more Wenden people can feel the convenience and beauty of cultural life.

Qi debut! Cultural Venues "Gathering Popularity"

"'Three Into the Mountain City' is a novel published in 1964 by my father Sai Shili, which tells the story of a company commander of the Eighth Route Army who led the soldiers into the mountain city three times to fight the enemy. I didn't expect to be able to enter the public eye of Wenden again many years later. Sai Shuguang, sai shili's daughter, said that she was very happy that the Wenden Scholar's Writings Museum could collect her father's works.

On January 8, the Wenden Scholars' Writings Library was opened in the Wenden District Library of Weihai City, and was opened to the public free of charge. In November 2021, Wenden District launched the construction of the Wenden Scholars' Writings Museum, aiming to bring together the academic research and creative achievements made by Wenden scholars in various fields in different periods, better enrich the connotation of "Wendeng Studies", and enhance the sense of belonging and identity of the Wenden people to their hometown. After the call for publication, it received strong support from all walks of life, and works and e-mails came from all over the country and even overseas. A large number of Wendeng writers, painters, scientists, entrepreneurs, and scholars quickly responded to the invitation of their hometown, collecting more than 5,000 copies of more than 1,700 kinds of writings in just two months.

Opening "14th Five-Year Plan" Wenden Answer Sheet (10): Culture benefits the people and adds "art" to the lives of the people

To promote the creative transformation and innovative development of regional culture, Wendeng District strives to build the Wendeng Scholars' Writings Museum into an important platform for inheriting and promoting "Wendeng Studies", holding academic lectures, collecting styles and other activities, strengthening academic communication and cultural exchanges, continuously enhancing the sense of belonging and cohesion of Wendeng scholars, and will carry out in-depth cultural research on "Wendeng Studies", and enhance the cultural popularity and influence of "Wendeng Studies" through the publication of series of books, "Wendeng Studies" quarterly journals, and holding special seminars.

"Great, the opening of the Wenden Scholar's Writings Museum has added a good place to read, and I used to read in the city study room in the community." The urban study room mentioned by citizen Chen Xintao is a cultural project for the benefit of the people implemented by Wendeng District to enhance the supply capacity of cultural public services.

"In the past, reading books needed to go to a library that was quite far away, but now you can read books in the city study room in front of your home, which is very convenient." Not only are there many types of books, but also reading sharing activities are often held, which can enrich your daily life. Cong Ziyao, a citizen, said that in Wenden, reading has gradually become a new lifestyle for citizens.

In 2021, the Wendeng District Party Committee and the District Government coordinated the creation of a cultural sharing space for the whole people, built 2 new urban study rooms; accumulated more than 60,000 books, improved the efficiency of 73 libraries and cultural centers at the village level; mobile book service vehicles and mobile cultural service vehicles went to the countryside to carry out cultural activities more than 100 times a year, and the Wenden District Library ranked among the pilot units for the functional integration of public service institutions in the province. It has become a new incision for Wenden to promote the high-quality development of public cultural services.

Lots of highlights! Cultural service "grounded gas"

"This work is the famous mainland cartoonist Zhang Leping's "Sanmao Wandering", through the painter's brushstrokes, we can experience the spirit of strength, optimism, kindness, alertness and humor behind Sanmao's miserable life..." On August 30, 2021, Weihai International Art Cloud Exchange Event walked into the Bikeguan Art Museum in Wenden District, and director Yan Chuanming led the audience to watch and explain 216 fine comics on the live and live broadcast platforms.

As the "bridgehead" for the cultural development of Wenden Huimin in 2021, the landing of the BI KEguan Art Museum has directly led to the prosperity of the Wenden Art Exhibition. The 1st China (Weihai) International Comics Art Exhibition, Ink Painting• Countryside, Shouwang - Jia Pingxi and Chen Qian Ink Art Exhibition, Contemporary Ink Art Exhibition, Shao Xiangying Comics Donation Works Exhibition and other exhibitions were successively launched at the BI KEGUAN Art Museum. Relying on the Civic Cultural Center, Expo Exhibition Center, Xiushan Park and other places, the exhibition of "Facing the Sea" Anritsu Comprehensive Material Painting Works, the Exhibition of Excellent Folk Art Works, and the Exhibition of Intangible Cultural Heritage were also held, which also brought a colorful cultural feast to the citizens of Wendeng.

In addition to the literary and art exhibitions, the public can enjoy a cross-talk performance that makes people laugh without leaving Wenden.

"The paper fan is long, the wood is square, wear a coat, and stand at the table. The grandfather left behind to learn to sing and laugh at the world. On April 17, 2021, the "Red Kettle Cross-Talk Society • One Pot Two Guo Tou Cross-Talk Special" brought by cross-talk actors Guo Yang and Guo Liang was staged in the Concert Hall of Wenden District Civic Cultural Center. As a pilot city in Shandong Province for the "provincial, municipal and county three-level joint purchase of cultural performances for the benefit of the people", Wendeng has introduced 12 domestic high-level children's dramas, talk shows and other literary and artistic performances, so that the people can enjoy first-class high-level performances at home and abroad at their doorstep.

Opening "14th Five-Year Plan" Wenden Answer Sheet (10): Culture benefits the people and adds "art" to the lives of the people

There are "plays" throughout the year, and there are "plays" in the whole city! In 2021, Wenden District launched the "three going to the countryside" activity of culture, science and technology and health, with a total of 3230 dramas sent to the countryside and 7090 movies; organized 45 mass literary and art performances of "Struggle for a Hundred Years Road, Set Sail for a New Journey • 2021 People Sing songs and sing Wenden", radiated 15 town streets, and tutored more than 20 village literary and art teams; organized and implemented 5 district-level cultural public welfare venture capital projects, carried out 85 cultural activities, served more than 6,000 people, and carried out various types of "three going to the countryside" throughout the year. More than 13,000 activities were held, serving more than 510,000 people.

Opening "14th Five-Year Plan" Wenden Answer Sheet (10): Culture benefits the people and adds "art" to the lives of the people

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