
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Welcome Polish President Duda to China to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics

author:The Paper

The Paper's senior reporter Yu Xiaoqing and reporter Su Yangfan

On January 19, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked that Polish President Duda said that he would attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Zhao Lijian said that we have noted that President Duda has recently returned to work after recovery, and the Chinese side warmly welcomes President Duda to China to attend the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, which fully expresses the common aspiration of the international community to "move forward together for the future".

Zhao Lijian introduced that the curtain of the Beijing Winter Olympics is about to open, and China is confident to work with all parties to practice the Olympic spirit of greater unity and present a simple, safe and wonderful Winter Olympics to the world. As for how many national leaders have confirmed their attendance at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Winter Olympics, I can tell you that according to olympic rules, leaders of various countries attend the Olympic Games are invited by their own Olympic Committees to register with the IOC system. At present, many heads of state, heads of government and members of the royal family have registered to attend the Beijing Winter Olympics, and we welcome them. China is committed to making more contributions to the international Olympic cause and will present a simple, safe and wonderful Olympic event to the world.

Responsible editor: Li Yiqing Photo editor: Hu Mengxi

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