
Ping An Life Chongqing Branch: "Polishing" Eyes, Vigilance against Bad "Campus Loans"

author:Two or three miles of information

In recent years, some online platforms and lending institutions have targeted college students, precision marketing, excessive marketing of consumer loans or credit card-like overdrafts and other financial products, luring students to consume excessively, resulting in some college students falling into the trap of high loans. To this end, the Chongqing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau issued the No. 6 Consumption Tip of 2021, reminding students and parents:

First, choose formal institutions and formal channels to obtain campus financial services. The competent government department clearly stipulates: "Institutions established without the approval of the banking regulatory authority or the local financial supervision and management department shall not provide credit services to college students." "However, at present, there are still some informal institutions that use the Internet and other channels to lend money to college students in violation of the law." Informal institutions "campus loans" often use low interest rates and interest-free as a pretext to carry out tempting and false publicity to students, but in the actual signed loan contracts, typical usury clauses such as high handling fees, penalty interest, and rolling interest rates are often stipulated, and even various names are designed to imply consumption traps. For students who do not have a stable source of income, if there is a real need for credit, they should apply to the banking financial institutions for financial products specially designed for students, such as student loans, student credit cards, etc., under the premise of obtaining the consent of parents, guardians or other administrators. At present, there are bank outlets near each university, which can be consulted nearby.

Second, establish a correct concept of consumption and a sense of integrity, and refuse to borrow and consume in advance. College students should establish a correct outlook on money and consumption, and avoid blindly consuming ahead, excessively consuming, and following the crowd, so as to achieve moderate consumption within their means. It is necessary to establish a sense of creditworthiness and financial security precautions, truthfully provide information when applying for loans from banking financial institutions, do not deliberately conceal the identity of students, do not maliciously cheat loans and default, cherish their credit records, and be vigilant against the overdue impact of online loans on personal credit. For the parents of students, it is necessary to reasonably support and appropriately control their children's consumption expenditure, encourage their children to use their spare time to carry out work-study, and create wealth through honest and legal labor.

Third, we have borrowed informal "campus loans" and must learn to correctly handle them according to law. If you borrow an informal "campus loan", you should rationally deal with the difficulties encountered, immediately inform the school and parents, and negotiate and solve the problem as soon as possible to avoid the aggravation of the problem; if there is a dispute with the informal institution or encounter the threat of the other party, you should immediately call the police and seek police assistance; if the consultation is difficult to solve, you can solve it through civil litigation and turn to the court for help. When subjected to violent collection, or even threats and intimidation, do not worry, do not make extreme behavior, take the initiative to learn financial and legal knowledge, protect personal information, know that the interest rate exceeds the scope of the law "usury" and "routine loans" are not protected by law, and learn to protect their legitimate rights and interests according to law. If the classmates and friends around them borrow irregular "campus loans", they should be advised to repay and quit as soon as possible, and do not fall into the vicious circle of "repaying loans with loans". For parents of students, if it is found that their children have borrowed informal "campus loans", they should encourage their children to put out the problems and disks, respond rationally and effectively, and take correct measures to correct the problems in a timely manner.

(The content of this article comes from the official website of Chongqing Banking and Insurance Regulatory Bureau)

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