
Thank you, I have a new desk too

author:Look out for think tanks

"My paradise is not a fascinating online world, nor is it a fun farm yard, my paradise has a blue wall, a table, a chair and a row of books, and that is my study." This simple and sincere text comes from the essay of a third-grade primary school student in Yucheng County, Henan Province.

In the material-rich modern society, the vast majority of children's lives are full of playgrounds, snacks, toys and some electronic products, but there are also some children, their living conditions are not so superior, their dreams are very simple.

Thank you, I have a new desk too

A study desk, a children's chair, a book "Here is China 2", a smart companion device and an eye lamp, this love combination looks very ordinary, but for children in remote mountainous areas, it is a dream.

This small lamp not only illuminated the desk on that side, but also guided the children to move forward.

Dream Space Package Light up your child's little wish

Xin Fengyu has been lying on a plastic stool to write her homework for three years, although she has written very carefully, but she is still not very satisfied with the words she has written, "Cushioned with uneven plastic stools, the words written are crooked, if you can have a desk how good it would be." Xin Fengyu, a left-behind child in Bubing Village, Xiangzhou Town, Tiandong County, Guangxi Province, never asked her parents who went out to work to buy her a new table, but tried to lie on a stool before dark to complete her homework.

Now, her dream has come true!

On November 30, 2021, country garden's "Wish 100" bursary distribution and dream space program launch ceremony was held at the central primary school of Yincha Town, and 23 primary school students, including Xin Fengyu, were given a set of "Dream Space" gift packages, including a set of tables and chairs, a table lamp, an intelligent voice robot and a study book, as well as a total of 80,000 yuan of education bursaries.

Thank you, I have a new desk too

Country Garden's local volunteers told reporters that over the past three years of pairing up to help Tiandong County, Guangxi, Country Garden Group and Guoqiang Public Welfare Foundation have funded 916 local students with excellent character and learning, which has greatly improved their learning and living conditions, and hopes that the children will fly out of the mountains as soon as possible and become the pillars of the country.

In some places, the infrastructure of rural schools is basically complete, but the home learning environment of students is often neglected, many children can only lie on their beds and stools to write homework after returning home, and the dim light and mismatched "tables and chairs" have buried hidden dangers for their vision and spine health.

In order to help these students, Country Garden Group and Guoqiang Charity Foundation launched the "Wish 100 • Dream Space Plan" large-scale annual public welfare activities, mobilizing the participation of the whole society, focusing on rural education, helping talent revitalization, and donating a set of family learning equipment to let children have a healthier, practical and independent learning environment, so that their little wish can be realized.

Thank you for every love to give dreams more possibilities

On December 1, 2021, in Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, 2,100 kilometers away from Tiandong, Guangxi, the public welfare activity of "Hope Project Cares for Left-behind Children Entering Huangbeiping Primary School in Zanhuang County - Wish 100 • Dream Space" is also underway.

Thank you, I have a new desk too

In this donation, 70 students of Huangbeiping Primary School in Zanhuang County, Shijiazhuang City, each received a set of "Dream Space" learning equipment, especially, each set of tables and chairs is equipped with video phones, which is convenient for left-behind children to communicate with distant relatives by video, which is undoubtedly a very heart-warming arrangement.

Thank you, I have a new desk too

Subsequently, on December 9, 2021, Country Garden Beijing Region and Guoqiang Public Welfare Foundation held a large-scale public welfare donation activity of "Wish 100 • Dream Space Plan" at Bakshi Camp Central School in Luanping County, Chengde City, Hebei Province, donating 155 sets of "Dream Space" to 155 students in Luanping County, with a total value of nearly 200,000 yuan.

"Seeing the children grow up day by day, the small desk seems to be more and more cramped, and the newly donated desk has a lot of storage grids, which can be divided into books from various disciplines, which is really very good." Teacher Tian, who has been teaching at the school for many years, happily told reporters that she took the students to place new desks and new textbooks together, study the storage function of the desks, and was as excited as the children.

It is worth mentioning that in the "gift bag" of school supplies donated by Luanping County this time, there is also a special little friend - an "intelligent robot" that can recite ancient poems, its chubby body has a pair of round and slippery eyes, and under the cute and cute appearance, there is a knowledgeable "small head".

Compared with the clean and spacious new table and chairs, this robot friend undoubtedly makes the children feel more novel.

Xu Xuesong, a volunteer at Country Garden, said: "This intelligent learning robot can not only memorize ancient poems, tell stories, do arithmetic, but also help students answer difficult questions, accompany poetry recitation, etc. For rural left-behind children, the functions are very complete and suitable for them." ”

"The happiness of the village children is really simple." Xu Xuesong told reporters that all along, Country Garden has paid attention to the psychological companionship of rural children, continued to help improve the teaching environment, and will continue to pay attention to the healthy growth of students through theme activities and love donations in the future.

Thank you, I have a new desk too

It is understood that the donated students carefully made various gifts such as handmade paintings, returned to the loving volunteers of Country Garden, and the students themselves wrote thank-you letters and mailed them, "Thank you for these lovely people, let my growth more happy, in the days to come, I will continue to work hard to learn, continue to make progress, and strive to become a person like you when I grow up, and have the ability to pass on love to more people!" ”

The relevant person in charge of country garden Guoqiang Public Welfare Foundation told reporters that since 2021, the "Wish 100 • Dream Space Plan" donation activities have been continuously carried out throughout the country, and have successfully covered 100 counties across the country, and have successively created a "dream space" for more than 6,000 students from difficult families. Between 2018 and 2020, the "Wish 100" series of student assistance activities has raised a total of 38.8004 million yuan, and 255,000 people have participated in the student aid, helping 23,301 poor students, alleviating the economic burden of many poor families.

These results are not cold figures, but countless people who have participated in this public welfare activity, bringing warmth and hope to students in need.

We believe that one person's ability may be limited, but when more people participate, they can gather into a huge force, which can change the future of a student, a family, and make society a better place.

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