
Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

author:Released in Wuxi
Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy
Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy
Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

The beginning of the new year

Heavy messages abound

Wuxi this treasure land

Brushed by foreign affairs activities!

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Within a few days, the foreign ministers of six Middle Eastern countries visited China one after another, all in Wuxi, where the Sino-French Strategic Dialogue was held.

Wuxi, the "memory point", has also become the focus of heated discussion, and has been called "a Chinese city that has attracted the world's attention" in the past week.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

At the beginning of 2022, China's first home diplomatic choice was held in Wuxi, which shows the city's energy level!

In fact, such a series of major foreign affairs activities of such a specification were held in Wuxi for the first time.

Not only is the visit high standard and long duration, but also the activities are intensive, the entry and exit of personnel is frequent, and the pressure of epidemic prevention and control is great.

In the face of the "difficult" mode, "novice" Wuxi not only held all of them, but also let "the world meet beautiful China in this city", handing over the high score answer sheet of the prefecture-level city to undertake foreign affairs activities!

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

It should be said

Such a result

For Wuxi, this is to be expected


Select Wuxi

It's "just right"

Just right

Because she "Bo Gu Tong Jin"

Brick by brick, the century-old ritual order has been passed down.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Wuxi has had a strong diplomatic atmosphere since ancient times. There are traces to follow in this, starting from Xue Fucheng, a wuxi man.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

He was a famous diplomat, thinker and representative of the early bourgeois reform faction in the late Qing Dynasty.

As a foreign minister of the Qing Dynasty, he successfully sent envoys to Britain, France, Italy, and Belgium. He let the world see the long-standing and profound Chinese culture, and also let the world see the style of diplomatic relations between major countries.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

To this end, the Qing court specially gave the "Qin Envoy" a place to praise Xue Fucheng's historical merits.

The former residence of Xue Fucheng, the "Qin Envoy", has become an important place for people to understand the etiquette of foreign affairs. The council chamber of the former residence is the place where the owner of the house uses to discuss state affairs and receive foreign guests. Today's chambers are still furnished in accordance with foreign etiquette and foreign-related reception standards.

In the hall, a plaque of "Zhili Hongyi" is hung, and the couplet is: "Meritorious name to be painted Lingyun Pavilion; Xiao Han often hangs heliocentric".

Every year, tourists from all over the world come here to walk into Xue Fucheng's diplomatic life and understand the true meaning of diplomatic activities.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

In Wuxi, you can see that from the depths of history, through hundreds of years of "peace is precious".

In Wuxi, we can see that Zhongzheng, Heya, self-improvement, tolerance and generosity are of character.

In Wuxi, we can see the open attitude of a city facing the world.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Starting from the former residence of Xue Fucheng, generations of Wuxi people have inherited the tradition of "opening their eyes to see the world", precipitating profound cultural heritage, and giving birth to an open and inclusive Wuxi culture.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

At the moment when Wuxi embraces Taihu Lake, marches towards the Yangtze River, and sails out to sea, it imprints Wuxi's brilliant foreign affairs genes and cultural traditions, supporting Wuxi's greater future.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy
Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

"Without opening up, there can be no internationalization and no modernization." The achievement of Wuxi's historical glory through opening up will certainly be the most crucial move to write a new chapter of modernization. ”

As Du Xiaogang, secretary of the Wuxi Municipal Party Committee, said that on the new journey of modernization, Wuxi will take the initiative to integrate into the new development pattern with the courage to be the first and the mind of the world, and further promote high-level institutional opening up in terms of international production capacity cooperation, foreign economic and trade cultural exchanges, and urban internationalization, and accelerate the construction of Wuxi in the world pattern.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

There are friends from afar, and they are very happy.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Last month, an international sister city exchange event brought the world's attention to Wuxi.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

At the 10th Wuxi International Sister Cities Exchange Conference and the 2021 Wuxi International Sister Cities Industry Docking Conference, friends from nearly 30 countries on five continents gathered in Yixing, Taodu.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Hand in hand to travel to Xicheng, raise a glass to chat about friendship, dock supply and demand to set up a platform...

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

In the context of the global epidemic, such an international event is particularly rare, and it also shows Wuxi's open attitude and determination and confidence in striding forward on the road of urban internationalization.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

The pace of internationalization, Wuxi took a very early step.

As early as 1981, Wuxi made friends with the first international sister city, Akashi City, Japan.

Today, Wuxi has reached 50 pairs of international friendship cities approved by the All-China Friendship Association, in addition to more than 50 pairs of friendly exchange cities, and the number of them belongs to the "first echelon" nationwide.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

These cities are spread across 44 countries on five continents, in addition to the United States, Japan and other countries that began to make friends earlier, Wuxi has continued to develop on the "Belt and Road", and has formed friendly relations with 17 cities in 16 countries along the route, and the international "circle of friends" has become stronger and stronger.

"Friends have more roads to go"

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

The proverb in this classic old song is fully reflected in wuxi's industrial internationalization in recent years.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

From the Hongdou Group's Xigang Special Economic Zone in Cambodia, to the Sunshine Group's textile park in Adama, Ethiopia, to the Sino-Dutch Clean Technology Docking Center established by the Yixing Academy of Environmental Sciences and the Dutch province of North Brabant, Wuxi can be seen in all corners of the global industrial stage.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

The recently held 2021 Wuxi International Sister Cities Industrial Docking Conference has brought out a number of international industrial platforms such as the Sino-Dutch big data industry platform and the "Deep Ploughing Friendship Xiwang Unlimited" international industrial docking platform, deeply linking Wuxi with the world.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

The city's "circle of friends" covers five continents, and the city's "international fan" is increasingly bullish.

Because she is "showy and wise"

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Here, the headrest is Taihu Lake, and the pregnant Wu yue is packed.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Here, the rivers, lakes and seas are her background color, the land of fish and rice is her genes, Wu Nong's soft language is her tone, and openness and tolerance are her mind.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Here, it is a place of flowers, red dust, rich and flowing, gentle and tranquil, small bridges and flowing water

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Here, on the one hand, there are green tiles and white walls, high wooden alleys, and on the other side are skyscrapers and modern cities

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Here, development is in full swing, traffic is in all directions, and the city is renewed

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Here, it is an example of high-quality urban development; here, it is the most happy and ideal residence

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

No matter how the times change, Wuxi, the pearl of Jiangnan, always maintains the same frequency resonance with the world.

What kind of city is Wuxi City?

It is neither the capital of a province nor a municipality or a special economic zone.

However, it has been standing shoulder to shoulder with a number of famous cities on various lists for many years.

In 2020, Wuxi's per capita GDP ranked first among trillion-level cities in the country;

In the global smart city ranking, Wuxi ranked 17th, ranking first in China.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

"China's Happiest City", "National Best Talent Attraction City", "National Best Employment Promotion City", "National Best Talent Attraction City", "National Best Employment Promotion City", "National Sanitary City", "National Service-oriented Manufacturing Demonstration City"... Each business card is the manifestation of Wuxi's economic and social development strength.

And this city that will make people laugh is even more powerful in the reputation of the people.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Peace of mind 365 days a year

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

In the past 2021, Wuxi won the title of "Ping An China Construction Demonstration City" and won the "Chang'an Cup", the highest award of Ping An Construction.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

The citizens who received fraudulent calls from other places during the quarantine period will not forget the joint action of the police and epidemic prevention personnel at the police station to help her avoid being defrauded;

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Residents of Dajishan Homestead will not forget the stolen property in their homes, and they will be lost and recovered without being taken out of the corridor by the suspect;

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

The farmers who grow celery in Wanshi Town were once worried about the harvest because of the outbreak of the epidemic, but they did not expect that after the unsealing, the "family members" in the city made efforts, and orders poured in...

Behind the "sudden" can also be safe, Wuxi continues to improve the modernization level of social governance system and governance capabilities, and actively build a "Wuxi model" for the modernization of urban social governance.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Comfort online in real time

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Happiness is increasing: "micro-happiness" people's livelihood project special collection channels, special collection of people's worries, worries, citizens "out of the question", the government supervision response, the achievement of a wave of "small luck";

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

In the community and village, people have also seen leading cadres living in the front line, communicating with residents during their duty, listening to the most authentic demands and making the fastest responses, achieving waves of "intimate hearts".

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Find the ambition of the stage

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

"There are new ways to play according to local conditions", "supporting industry planning is great", "there is Taihu Bay science and technology innovation belt", "first-class living facilities"...

People who come because of the "tin gravity" praise the city.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Behind the near and far is that Wuxi strives to create a stage for talents to show their skills: vigorously implement the "Taihu Lake Talent Plan" to provide the greatest sincerity, the best resources and the highest courtesy for all kinds of talents to innovate and start a business in Xi'an;

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Strive to build the best business environment city, continue to polish the "no difficulty, carefully run" business environment brand, shortlisted Chinese enterprises, manufacturing enterprises, service enterprises, private enterprises four "Top 500" list of enterprises are the first in the province, the total market value of listed companies ranked first in the province.

These reflect the beautiful life of modern life!

Because she is "the most Jiangnan, more worldly"

A Wuxi city is a condensed Jiangnan.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

As a famous historical and cultural city with profound heritage, Liangzhu culture was nurtured here, and Wu culture originated here.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

With a long history and a collection of humanities, cultural celebrities such as Gu Kaizhi, Xu Xiake, Qian Zhongshu, Xu Beihong, Hua Yanjun (Ah Bing) were born;

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Ancient Canal, Lingshan Giant Buddha, Nianhua Bay, Nanxiatang, Jichang Garden, Garden Theatre, Huishan Mountain, Dangkou Ancient Town, Grand Theatre, Digital Film Industrial Park and other historical and contemporary cultural attractions have become Wuxi's unique city business cards;

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Purple sand pots, tin embroidery fine embroidery, paper-cutting, bamboo carving, Huishan clay people and other characteristic folk crafts, but also continue to attract the world's attention.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Wuxi is wonderful

The city is on the water, and the character is like the water

In the smoke and rain of Jiangnan Water Town

This one is the ultimate in prosperity and prosperity

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Over here

It is the pearl of Taihu Lake

It is the city of trillions

It is the vanguard of reform and opening up

It is the benchmark of pioneering demonstration

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

When the Wuxi people shouted out

"Tread through thousands of mountains and rivers, eat all kinds of hardships,

Say a thousand words, go through all kinds of dangers."

Here is destined to be the birth of countless "firsts"

The first foreign-funded enterprise and the first listed enterprise in Jiangsu were born

The country's first 100 million yuan village, 100 million yuan town, and 100 million yuan township were born


Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

It is the second city in China with an output value of more than 100 billion yuan in the integrated circuit industry, and the revenue of the Internet of Things industry accounts for about 1/4 of the country.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

The "Strivers", which witnessed China's 10,000-meter deep diving record, were born here, and the Chinese supercomputer "Shenwei Taihu Light" was also busy running here.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

She, high-speed rail, airport, in all directions.

Beijing-Shanghai, Shanghai-Nanjing, Huyi and other expressways are crisscrossed.

Jiangyin Port is thousands of miles away, and the river flows endlessly;

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Sunan Shuofang International Airport helps the city take off.

Last year, Ruili Airlines soared, and wuxi embraced the world in a way that added more intimacy.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

Do you know that Wuxi is the initiation point and connection point of many domestic industrial cycles, and it is also an important channel and important fulcrum point for international circulation.

In the process of taking the lead in forming a new development pattern in the Yangtze River Delta, Wuxi unswervingly implements the strategy of leading the industry to strengthen the city, focuses on promoting the coordinated development and innovation of cross-regional industries, and works together to build a world-class industrial cluster.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

In 2021, Wuxi's sixteen key industrial clusters are expected to achieve main business income of 1.76 trillion yuan, an increase of about 21% year-on-year, integrated circuits, biomedicine, Internet of Things, special steel, new energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, high-end textiles, automobiles and parts (including new energy vehicles), software, high-end equipment 10 industrial clusters scale of more than 100 billion yuan, of which the high-end equipment industry cluster is expected to exceed 100 billion yuan for the first time, the automobile and parts industry cluster is expected to exceed 200 billion yuan for the first time.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

From the original invitation to Shanghai to invite "Saturday engineers", to the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress ranked first in the province for 8 consecutive years, the benchmark national laboratory built the Taihu Lake Laboratory, and the city's efforts were gathered to paint a wonderful picture of the "Taihu Bay Science and Technology Innovation Belt"... Wuxi innovation has never stopped, WuXi AppTec, Huawei, BYD... Countless innovative technology companies have taken root here.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

After the changes of the times, Wuxi City has long been no longer the original appearance.

From Taibo Benwu to galloping rivers and seas, from industry to save the country to the villagers to get rich, here we have witnessed the hegemony of the king, and also witnessed the great cause of mortals.

Today, the city of attack is already changing with each passing day, and there are new changes every day.

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

However, what has not changed is that

The spirit of daring to try

Dare to be the first in the world

Perhaps, this is the reason why Wuxi is just right!

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

In the era of magnificent waves, Wuxi will surely resonate with the country and the times with higher quality international exchange functions, and create a "living room" that shows the confidence and unique charm of a big country, shining at both ends of the urban axis where ancient and modern are blended!

Source: Wuxi Daily

Editor: Wuxi Publishing Studio

Amazing debut! Why Wuxi has entered the new stage of China's diplomacy

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