
"Really, really painful!" After being taken down, Zhou Jiangyong appeared in front of the camera for the first time, and the office screen was exposed

author:Political knowledge new media

Written by | Meng Yaxu Dong Xin

On January 19, the fifth episode of the TV special "Zero Tolerance", "Forever on the Road", was broadcast, and the first person to appear in the film was Zhou Jiangyong, former member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and former secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee.

"I reflect on myself, ideals and convictions cannot be shaken, and the original intention cannot be forgotten, and this requires the alarm bell to ring for a long time, which is the lesson of my blood." In the feature film, Zhou Jiangyong said so.

Appeared in front of the camera for the first time after being investigated

Zhou Jiangyong, after the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, served as a "number one" in Zhoushan City, Wenzhou City, and Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province.

Zhou Jiangyong was born in a peasant family, and under the cultivation of the organization and his own efforts, he gradually became a deputy provincial cadre.

In August 2021, he was investigated by the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission while he was a member of the Standing Committee of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee.

"Really, really painful!" After being taken down, Zhou Jiangyong appeared in front of the camera for the first time, and the office screen was exposed

This is also the first time he has appeared in public since he was investigated.

"Really, really painful!" After being taken down, Zhou Jiangyong appeared in front of the camera for the first time, and the office screen was exposed
"Really, really painful!" After being taken down, Zhou Jiangyong appeared in front of the camera for the first time, and the office screen was exposed

According to reports, Zhou Jiangyong and his younger brother Zhou Jianyong were engaged in politics and business, and Zhou Jiangyong used public power to help his younger brother in business.

Zhou Jianyong is a teacher at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, but he is not satisfied with the Lide tree, and he envies the life of successful people in the business world. In 2006, Zhou Jianyong set up a chemical company part-time, starting in Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, where Zhou Jiangyong was the first leader at the time.

Zhou Jianyong said, "I want to run a company, just because I have Zhou Jiangyong, he has this power, I looked for Zhou Jiangyong, in fact, from this day on, I was destined to have a relationship with him." ”

"Really, really painful!" After being taken down, Zhou Jiangyong appeared in front of the camera for the first time, and the office screen was exposed

Zhou Jiangyong said, "My brother wants to run a business and introduce him to a business to cooperate." It's because I took that line and then I slowly... This is the bane. ”

According to the case-handling personnel, Zhou Jiangyong was the secretary of the Xiangshan County PARTY Committee at that time, and he found a local private enterprise to provide funds, land, and equipment, and his brother came up with the so-called technology.

This private enterprise under the instruction of Zhou Jiangyong, and Zhou Jianyong "cooperation" to open Ningbo Xiangrun Petrochemical Technology Co., Ltd., the so-called "cooperation" is actually just a cover, soon Xiangrun Petrochemical Company became Zhou Jianyong independent contract, but still for a long time free use of the private enterprise's land, plant and equipment.

Over the years, this private enterprise has transferred more than seven million yuan in profits to the Zhou Jiangyong brothers.

Interfere in the administration of justice and seize jurisdiction in cases

Zhou Jianyong also opened a second enterprise with fellow villager Zhou Wenyong and others in the name of "cooperation": Yongrun Petrochemical Technology Co., Ltd.

According to the disclosure, Zhou Jiangyong acted as a patron for his brother's affiliated enterprises. He once intervened in the judiciary to help Yongrun Company evade criminal punishment in an environmental pollution case.

In 2014, Yongrun Company illegally handed over the waste residue after refining oil to unqualified enterprises for "treatment", which was actually transported to Shandong and dumped in farmland. The Shandong police officially filed a case, traced back to the source to find yongrun company, Zhou Jiangyong in order to let his brother's company get light treatment, so he used his position influence to seize the jurisdiction of the case, so that the local police in Ningbo to file a case for investigation.

Zhou Jiangyong said, "I also used my power to help him, the province to deal with it better, not to take criminal measures, can take administrative fines and so on to solve, and finally can make it a big deal small, early to end." ”

Zhou Jianyong threw himself into the business sea, and also gave various merchants the opportunity to use him to hunt Zhou Jiangyong. Shi Shihong, the owner of a construction company, is one of them.

Shi Shihong said, "Zhou Jiangyong was just transferred to Zhoushan as mayor at that time, young and promising, and we also want to help us solve some engineering problems through Zhou Jiangyong. Zhou Jianyong often talks to us about big things, and feels that his brother has a bright future. ”

Therefore, Shi Shihong took the initiative to find a relationship to get acquainted with Zhou Jianyong, and Zhou Jianyong also helped Shi Shihong to contract the project through his brother, and the brothers jointly accepted huge bribes and then invested in the family business as capital.

From 2013 to 2017, Zhou Jiangyong successively provided assistance to Shi Shihong in a number of projects involving Zhoushan and Wenzhou, in accordance with the request conveyed by Zhou Jianyong, and Zhou Jianyong accepted money from Shi Shihong eight times in the name of "borrowing", with a total amount of more than 90 million yuan.

Office footage exposed

According to reports, after Zhou Jiangyong became the secretary of the Zhoushan Municipal Party Committee, he thought that he could evade supervision by setting up a "firewall."

In the process of accepting bribes from Shi Shihong, he and Shi Shihong never had contact, and they all used their brothers as a bridge.

Shi Shihong's company did not directly take the project, but first found some large central enterprises and state-owned enterprises with Zhou Jianyong, promised to help them find Zhou Jiangyong to take the project, and handed over part of the project to Shi Shihong's company after the matter was completed. Zhou Jiangyong took projects for some large central enterprises and state-owned enterprises, which also seemed to be justified.

Zhou Jiangyong said, "My brother came to say hello, and it is also a matter of course for central enterprises and state-owned enterprises. I have seen so many state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, and after seeing them, he will contact other enterprises and subcontract and subcontract projects from central enterprises and state-owned enterprises. ”

In the program, Zhou Jiangyong's office screen was also disclosed:

"Really, really painful!" After being taken down, Zhou Jiangyong appeared in front of the camera for the first time, and the office screen was exposed
"Really, really painful!" After being taken down, Zhou Jiangyong appeared in front of the camera for the first time, and the office screen was exposed

Facing the camera, Zhou Jiangyong said, "The mistakes and crimes committed in the end are all caused by me, without my power, he (Zhou Jianyong) is nothing, without my lead, he can't do anything." "From the perspective of my case, I have now made serious mistakes and crimes, and I am full of regret, and this is really, really, very painful."

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