
How to protect you as an underage? District chengguan enters the community campus to solicit public opinion

author:Shangguan News

The Shanghai Municipal People's Congress is revising and formulating the Shanghai Municipal Regulations on the Protection of Minors and the Shanghai Municipal Regulations on the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency. As the contact point for grass-roots legislation in Shanghai, the District Chengguan Law Enforcement Bureau recently went into the community and into the campus to carry out a series of legislative research activities on the two draft regulations.

How to protect you as an underage? District chengguan enters the community campus to solicit public opinion

"It is recommended that the community organize more positive and educational community activities for minors to cultivate minors' interests and hobbies."

"It is recommended that a grading system be established for online games to protect minors while not affecting the healthy development of the game industry."

The district chengguan conducted online research and offline discussions at the same time to solicit public opinion. Online, the "Huangpu Chengguan" WeChat public account released the specific content of the draft regulations and filled in the proposed legislative proposal collection questionnaire, and each section team actively mobilized the public to participate. Offline, the District Chengguan Law Enforcement Bureau, based on the Chengguan Community Studio, held offline forums with the Zhongshan Residents' Committee in the Bund Street and the Zhonghua Neighborhood Committee in Xiaodongmen Street, and with the cadres and residents of the Residential Committee to listen to residents' opinions and suggestions on the two draft regulations.

How to protect you as an underage? District chengguan enters the community campus to solicit public opinion

In order to more comprehensively solicit opinions and suggestions on the draft regulations, the District Chengguan Law Enforcement Bureau, together with the Huangpu District People's Procuratorate, walked into Datong Middle School to conduct exchanges and discussions with students and listen to their opinions on the protection of minors as a group of minors.

How to protect you as an underage? District chengguan enters the community campus to solicit public opinion
How to protect you as an underage? District chengguan enters the community campus to solicit public opinion

Before the start of the forum, Chen Jinhong, deputy director of the District Chengguan Law Enforcement Bureau, introduced the work functions of the Huangpu District Chengguan Law Enforcement Bureau as the grass-roots legislative contact point of the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress and the main contents of the forum. Subsequently, two procurators from the Huangpu District People's Procuratorate introduced in detail the background of the formulation of the two draft regulations and interpreted the contents of the draft regulations article by article. At the symposium, the students also actively spoke and discussed warmly, and from their own perspective, they actively offered suggestions and suggestions for the improvement of the bill.

How to protect you as an underage? District chengguan enters the community campus to solicit public opinion

As a legislative "through train", the District Chengguan Law Enforcement Bureau entered the community and the campus this time, providing an effective way for the people to participate in the legislative work in an orderly manner. The opinions and suggestions of the masses of the people go directly to the Shanghai Municipal People's Congress, the legislative organ, through the grass-roots legislative contact points, directly reflecting and embodying the people's feelings, public opinions, wisdom, and people's hearts, and truly realizing that legislation is participated in by the people and laws and regulations are formulated by the people.

In the next step, the District Chengguan Law Enforcement Bureau will continue to do a good job in uploading and issuing opinions at the grass-roots level of the law, and make due contributions to better becoming the gathering point of legislative social conditions and public opinion, the "seeding machine" of the rule of law culture, and the "window" for displaying the people's congress system.

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