
Jingdong (Foshan) Digital Economy Industrial Park was put into use, and a new engine was added to the South China Sea digital economy

author:South Plus client

The South China Sea digital economy has added a new engine. On January 19th, the Greater Bay Area Manufacturing Digital Intelligent Transformation And Exchange Conference and the Opening Ceremony of Jingdong (Foshan) Digital Economy Industrial Park were held in Shishan Town, Nanhai District, and the industry-education integration project, the integration operation project and the key enterprises entering the park signed on the spot.

Jingdong (Foshan) Digital Economy Industrial Park was put into use, and a new engine was added to the South China Sea digital economy

Jingdong (Foshan) Digital Economy Industrial Park was put into use. Courtesy of respondents

In the future, the industrial park will rely on the Jingdong Merchant Service Center, collaborative innovation center, brand marketing service center, industry-education integration center, Jingdong live broadcast base and other enabling institutions to provide big data analysis, e-commerce operation support, brand promotion, talent cultivation and other digital and intelligent development "one-stop" services for enterprises entering the park and manufacturing enterprises in the South China Sea that have needs, helping local enterprises to catch the express train of digital economy development.

Based on the advantages of the South China Sea industry

Help manufacturing enterprises to upgrade production and sales on the line

Jingdong (Foshan) Digital Economy Industrial Park is located in the north side of Boai Middle Road, Shishan Town, adjacent to Foshan Aoyuan Square, within 500 meters, there are Hexin Square, Nanhai Central Park and other living and leisure facilities, surrounded by Guangzhou-Foshan Expressway, Foshan First Ring Road and other highways, sitting on Shishan Station, Shishan North Station, Foshan West Railway Station and other high-speed rail station resources, convenient transportation, relatively perfect supporting facilities.

Jingdong (Foshan) Digital Economy Industrial Park was put into use, and a new engine was added to the South China Sea digital economy

Jingdong (Foshan) Digital Economy Industrial Park Opening Ceremony. Courtesy of respondents

According to reports, the industrial park covers an area of 70,000 square meters, and will be fully developed and constructed in 2021, and has successively landed Jingdong (Foshan) Business Service Center, Jingdong Smart City (Foshan) Industrial Internet Start-up Support Center, Jingdong Smart City (Foshan) Live Broadcast Service Center, Jingdong Industrial Big Data Research Institute Foshan Workstation and other public function organizations and teams, which can provide one-stop intelligent production, e-commerce sales and other services for enterprises entering the park, and seamlessly dock with channels such as Jingdong self-operated stores, Beijing Tokyo-made, Jingdong flagship stores and industrial pavilions , to help manufacturing enterprises "go online".

"Focus on cultivating the industrial Internet, as well as building materials, furniture, home appliances enterprises." In the promotion session of the industrial park, Deng Shaoai, head of the Foshan base of the Guangdong Sea Theater of Jingdong Science and Technology, said that at present, the industrial park has carried out in-depth cooperation with a number of local leading enterprises in the South China Sea in characteristic industries, involving new energy, new materials, pan-home, industrial finance, etc. For example, in the field of pan-home furnishing, it and Foshan Weishang Furniture Manufacturing Co., Ltd. jointly promote the "collaborative digital transformation of the industrial chain"; another example is the digital transformation project of the underwear cluster, which cooperates with the Yanbu Underwear Association to optimize the ecology of the Yanbu underwear industry through digital transformation, support high-quality enterprises, promote the localization of the supply chain and the intensification of production capacity, and enhance the industrial concentration.

It is reported that the park has attracted 92 enterprises to settle in 2021, covering production-oriented, R&D-oriented, sales-oriented, platform-based enterprises and related professional service enterprises, of which 10 are regulated enterprises, with an overall cumulative output value of 1.06 billion yuan. In the morning of the same day, Sinopharm Group Feng Zhi sex (Foshan) Medicinal Materials Tablets Co., Ltd., Foshan Fasheng E-commerce Co., Ltd., Foshan Shengqiao Logistics Co., Ltd. and many other leading enterprises also officially signed a contract to settle in the industrial park.

Jingdong (Foshan) Digital Economy Industrial Park was put into use, and a new engine was added to the South China Sea digital economy

A number of leading characteristic enterprises signed up to settle in. Courtesy of respondents

Bring together Jingdong's industrial ecological resources

Support the digital and intelligent transformation of manufacturing in the South China Sea with technology and services

In the morning of the same day, Guangdong Jingdong Cloud Computing Co., Ltd. signed a contract with Foshan Institute of Science and Technology to jointly build a digital creative demonstration industry college, and signed a contract with Foshan Vocational and Technical College to jointly build a pan-home digital supply chain industry college. In the future, the two major industrial colleges will become the "boosters" of the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry and the "catalysts" of the talent dividend, and send compound talents that meet the needs of enterprises for the development of local industries.

Subsequently, Jingdong Cloud Computing also signed integrated operation cooperation agreements with a number of enterprises, which will provide strong support for enterprises entering the park and Enterprises in the South China Sea in project incubation, specialization and new giant cultivation, listing counseling, talent training, etc., and strive to create a digital economy industry ecology.

"Jingdong will play a leading role, relying on the industrial park to gather more Jingdong Group resources and other rich ecological resources, using technology to help the digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of the local manufacturing industry, and boosting the brand strategy of the South China Sea with industrial operation." Duan Jinjun, vice president of Jingdong Technology Digital City Cluster of Jingdong Group, introduced that Jingdong Group is a technology and service enterprise based on the supply chain, with more than 550 million active users, online transaction volume of more than 2.6 trillion yuan, offline Jingdong home appliance stores, seven fresh supermarkets, Jingdong convenience stores, Beijing car clubs, Jingdong pharmacies and other tens of thousands of stores have landed in various regions of the country.

At the same time, by opening up its long-term accumulated technology and service capabilities, has built a C2M (user direct manufacturing) reverse supply chain for more than 1,000 manufacturing enterprises, and JD cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence technologies have served nearly 2,000 large enterprises and more than 1.5 million small and medium-sized enterprises.

Duan Jinjun said that in the future, Jingdong Technology will take the Foshan Digital Economy Industrial Park as an important carrier to create an innovative highland for the integration and development of the real economy and the digital economy, strive to form a demonstration park where tens of billions of digital economy enterprises gather, and at the same time work with the local government to cultivate a number of demonstration factories, demonstration workshops and demonstration clusters, and plug in the wings of digital and intelligent transformation for the development of the manufacturing industry in the South China Sea.

Be a good corporate "waiter"

Government and enterprises work together to create the "locomotive" of Shishan digital economy

"The official opening of the Jingdong (Foshan) Digital Economy Industrial Park marks that the digital and intelligent transformation service capability of the Manufacturing Industry in the South China Sea has entered a new stage of full-chain service, and also marks that Shishan Town has more powerful support for carrying the banner of 'two industries' integration." Pan Shi, member of the Standing Committee and deputy head of the Nanhai District Committee and secretary of the Party Committee of Shishan Town, said that the manufacturing industry is the foundation of the South China Sea and the foundation of life, and the transformation of digital intelligence is the only way for the south China Sea manufacturing industry to have a better future. On this road, industry, science and technology, talents, finance, services, security and other elements are indispensable.

In recent years, Nanhai has started from the construction of the first industrial Internet innovation and application demonstration zone in Guangdong Province, and after three years of hard work, Jingdong Group and other industrial Internet leading enterprises have flocked to lay a solid foundation for the digital and intelligent transformation of the South China Sea.

At present, Nanhai proposes to invest another 6.5 billion yuan on the basis of Foshan's 10 billion yuan to support the digital transformation of enterprises to create a high-quality manufacturing digital transformation ecosystem. "Through this system, we must fully mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of service providers, governments and business associations, closely integrate with manufacturing enterprises, and form a strong joint force to promote the digital and intelligent transformation of the manufacturing industry." Panshi said.

Shishan Town is an important industrial town in Foshan and the main battlefield of the digital and intelligent transformation of the South China Sea. In 2021, Shishan will increase the number of "small upgrading" enterprises by 330, accounting for 60% of the whole district, and the total number of enterprises in the town will exceed 1600. According to the relevant requirements, more than 80% of the enterprises on the regulations should achieve digital and intelligent "two modernization" transformation, which is both a challenge and an opportunity for Shishan.

Panshi believes that the landing of the Jingdong Digital Economy Industrial Park will effectively promote the Shishan manufacturing industry to move towards the middle and high-end, and also mean that the industrial innovation and service capabilities of Shishan outside the manufacturing industry will be effectively improved, and it will also provide a direction for the future high standards of the Shishan Bo'ai Lake Area to enhance urban functions and form industrial service capabilities.

"In the future, the government should do a good job as a 'waiter' for enterprises, and the government and enterprises should work together to build the industrial park into a locomotive for the digital economy industry center of Shishan Bo'ai Lake." Panshi said that he hopes to take this as a starting point and carry out more in-depth and comprehensive cooperation with to provide support for the south China Sea manufacturing industry to move towards the middle and high end.

【Written by】 Huang Yanzi Zhao Jin

【Author】 Huang Yanzi

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

Source: South+ - Create more value

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