
The life of a grassroots policeman was frozen at the age of 37, and the alarm clock at six o'clock in the morning did not wake him up again

Source: The Paper

"Why hasn't Chen Da come yet, and the phone hasn't been answered?" In the early morning of January 17, 2022, during the handover of the three major teams of the Shanghai Gaojing Compulsory Drug Rehabilitation Center, Chen Bin, the deputy captain who has always been punctual, did not appear.

An Xin, a police officer on duty, rushed to the duty room to check, but found that Chen Bin had fallen to the ground and could not feel any sniffle. The mobile phone next to him kept ringing, which was Chen Bin's alarm clock set at 6 o'clock. This time the alarm didn't wake him up.

Neither cardiac resuscitation nor 120 emergency rescue could pull Chen Bin back from the death line. The life of a grassroots police officer is frozen at the age of 37, only 24 days before his 38th birthday.

The life of a grassroots policeman was frozen at the age of 37, and the alarm clock at six o'clock in the morning did not wake him up again

Chen Bin The pictures in this article are all courtesy of the Shanghai Bureau of Justice

Ding Jianguo was the last person who had seen Chen Bin before he died. "At about 8:45 p.m. on the 16th, I reported to Chen Da on the day's duty, and after listening to the report, he asked a few questions about the drug rehab personnel, and let me go back." He said.

Surveillance video on duty showed that Chen Bin did not leave his desk until 23:00 that day. In his computer, in addition to the one-day duty record, there are also two drug rehabilitation personnel who have dealt with unexpected situations because of personal conflicts, the ideological situation of drug rehabilitation personnel, and the precautions for follow-up duty.

Rushing forward and top in front of the "vanguard"

Colleagues familiar with Chen Bin know that the mobile phone alarm set at six o'clock is his living habit of maintaining for many years, especially from the beginning of the 2020 epidemic prevention and control closed duty, he always gets up a little early, leaves a little late, does a little more, does a little better, and shares the worries and difficulties for the organization and colleagues.

In the Spring Festival of 2020, a new crown pneumonia epidemic suddenly struck, and the Shanghai judicial administrative drug rehabilitation system responded to orders and quickly launched the "14+14+14" fully enclosed management model. As a "backbone" of the drug rehabilitation work of the police for 14 years, he immediately cancelled the original itinerary, took the initiative to ask for help, and returned to the unit at the first time.

"It's my biggest challenge since I was in the police!" In the face of the relatively tight manpower of the brigade, as the leader of the brigade, he grasped the business with one hand and the team with the other, "one person should be used by two people", every day from 6 o'clock in the morning to late at night, at the end of the day, in addition to doing a good job in the distribution of daily necessities, the health and elimination of the rehabilitation area, but also always pay attention to the ideological fluctuations of the drug rehabilitation personnel under the epidemic situation, and be a good "soul comforter" for the drug rehabilitation personnel.

In the past two years, the Shanghai Gaojing Compulsory Drug Rehabilitation Center has implemented 7 rounds of closed management mode, with a total of 336 days of closed duty, and Chen Bin has been on closed duty for nearly 200 days, of which the longest continuous duty is more than 60 days. Each time he chose to stick to the place without hesitation.

The life of a grassroots policeman was frozen at the age of 37, and the alarm clock at six o'clock in the morning did not wake him up again

Chen Bin (center) with drug addicts

The "cow" who does more and talks less

The brigade to which Chen Bin belonged before his death was an education adaptation brigade, which mainly helped the newly recruited drug rehabilitation personnel to fully understand the knowledge of drug rehabilitation and adapt to the life of rehabilitation as soon as possible. There is no shortage of "thorns" in the brigade of drug rehabilitation personnel, and Chen Bin charged ahead and tirelessly treated every drug rehabilitation personnel with his heart. In his words, "Our job is to save people, to save those who need help, and if even we give up, then the drug rehab is really finished." ”

Once, Liu Mou, a newly recruited drug rehab member, did not think about tea and dinner after his family visit, and had a tendency to attack the same group of drug rehabilitators. The cadres and policemen of the brigade always encountered walls everywhere when they talked to him. Chen Bin took the initiative to take over this problem, on the one hand, carefully reviewed liu's basic information, grasped and learned that "Liu's wife recently filed for divorce" may be the cause of his passive treatment, so he took the "family open day" as an opportunity to communicate with his wife; on the other hand, actively formulated a personalized psychological correction plan, carried out psychological counseling for him in multiple rounds, and encouraged him to take the initiative to contact his wife, indicating his determination to strive for early drug rehabilitation.

Under the persuasion of Chen Bin, Liu's heart knot was opened, and his attitude of drug rehabilitation also changed.

Trustworthy and reliable "main attacker"

After the drug rehabilitation personnel returned to society, they were easily discriminated against by society, and there were problems such as "difficulty in resettlement and employment", "difficulty in repairing marriage", "difficulty in child care", "difficulty in supporting the sick and disabled", Chen Bin led the cadres and policemen of the brigade to step out of the "high wall" and carried out a full-coverage follow-up visit to the people who were discharged from drug rehabilitation.

"I don't have time!" This was the first sentence Chen Bin heard when he met with Jiang Mou, a drug rehabilitator. After that, Chen Bin met with Jiang again and again, but in exchange for one cold talk after another, Chen Bin "did not give up", successively found a social worker, Jiang's neighbor to inquire about his recent situation, learned that Jiang and his family have had a big conflict recently, Chen Bin analyzed that this may be the reason for Jiang's recent anxiety.

Subsequently, Chen Bin found Jiang again, took the initiative to pull up the family routine with him, after mastering Jiang's demands, took the initiative to contact a number of enterprises with the help of the local employment promotion department, but most of the enterprise leaders showed difficulties after learning that Jiang was a drug rehabilitation personnel, Chen Bin painstakingly introduced Jiang Mou's performance in the drug rehabilitation center, and came up with a number of cases of successful return of drug rehabilitation personnel to society.

Finally, with the efforts of Chen Bin, a person in charge of the enterprise was willing to accept Jiang. After learning this news, Jiang Mou was so excited that he shook Chen Bin's hand with tears and thanked him, and afterwards sent a pennant printed with "People's Police for the People" to the office, and the words were full of praise and gratitude for Chen Bin. When colleagues around him talked about this matter, Chen Bin said with a smile: "Helping a drug rehab personnel is to save a family, which can purify a space." ”

The alarm bell at six o'clock in the morning sounded again, but Chen Bin could not hear it. "Loyalty to the party, service to the people, fair law enforcement, strict discipline", he will persist from the police oath to the last moment of his life, and his excellent qualities of taking the initiative, retrograde and willing to dedicate will always inspire his comrades-in-arms to continue to move forward.

Since January 27, 2020, nearly 10,000 people's police officers in the Shanghai prison drug rehabilitation system have insisted on fighting in the front line of supervision, implementing the closed duty model for a long time, guarding the bottom line of epidemic prevention and control, building a safe city wall of the prison, and faithfully performing the duties entrusted by the party and the people.

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