
The best state of life: the first half of life does not hesitate, the second half of life does not regret

author:Read at ten o'clock
The best state of life: the first half of life does not hesitate, the second half of life does not regret

I've seen such a story.

A young man received a call from a headhunter, saying that a company planned to recruit him as a planning director in the past, and if he was interested, the details could be interviewed.

Young people were a little moved when they heard that the company was bigger and better than the current company.

However, he was unable to decide whether to go to work at the moment, so he could only tell the headhunter that he needed time to consider and then reply.

For more than a month, he analyzed the risks and benefits of job hopping every day, but he was unable to make a decision.

During this time, the headhunter looked for him several times, and he said that he had not thought about it yet.

After another half a month, he finally decided to jump ship.

But the headhunter told him that the other company had found the right person.

In this way, young people miss out on the opportunity to go to a better company.

Zweig's "When the Stars Of Mankind Shine" said:

"When the time comes to change fate, hesitation will lead to defeat."

In a word.

The best state of life: the first half of life does not hesitate, the second half of life does not regret

Sometimes, opportunities pass like time passes, and they don't stop for you because of your hesitation.

CCTV host Kang Hui shared in the book "Average Score" that he had just come to CCTV as an intern.

At that time, Kang Hui served as a voice actor for the news network, and although he was an intern, the requirements were the same as those of the CCTV staff.

Moreover, his work content is also very difficult and heavy, and he has to dub the news materials sent by local stations every day, and there is not enough time to stop and prepare drafts.

If you don't complete the task neatly and neatly when you receive the job, you may not have the opportunity to voice it next time.

Therefore, every time Kang Hui is very determined to face the difficulties.

It is his firmness that allows him to slowly establish his heels in CCTV.

Du Qiuniang has a poetry cloud: "Flowers can be folded straight and folded, do not wait for no flowers to fold branches." ”

Most of the opportunities that arise in life cannot withstand a moment's hesitation.

Once hesitated, they may be fleeting, leaving behind regrets.

Instead of regretting the missed opportunity, it is better not to hesitate to be in the present moment when you are young.

The best state of life: the first half of life does not hesitate, the second half of life does not regret

Jimmy said:

Don't dwell on an awkward thing for too long.

After a long time of entanglement, you will be annoyed, you will be painful, you will be bored, you will be tired, you will be hurt, you will be heartbroken.

In fact, in the end, you are not unable to live with things, but with yourself.

No matter how awkward it is, you have to learn to pull back.

What a whiplash to say.

The uncle of the neighbor's family loves to say that he has done the most regrettable thing in his life.

In order to support his three children, he quit his stable job and went to the sea to do business.

In order to have enough capital, he pawned the ancestral antiques and thought of redeeming them later when he earned money.

The uncle had a business acumen, and soon earned money back with profits, and the children also lived a life of abundant food and clothing.

A few years later, the uncle remembered that the antiques had not been redeemed, and when he checked the pawn shop, he found that he had exceeded the time to redeem the antiques, and the antiques had long been bought by others.

Since then, this matter has become the heart disease of the great master.

From time to time, he would regret his original decision, blaming himself for why he did not borrow money from others, why he did not redeem the antiques in advance, and if he did not go to the sea to do business, he might not let the ancestral antiques be lost from his hands.

In order to let Uncle put down this piece of heart disease, Uncle's children went around asking people to find this antique, but it was like finding a needle in a haystack, and they couldn't find it.

In middle age, he is still thinking about this matter, and he is on the way to find antiques.

The best state of life: the first half of life does not hesitate, the second half of life does not regret

This reminds me of a past event that Ma Weidu once shared when he was young.

More than 30 years ago, when he went to Shanghai, he took a fancy to a replica bowl made by the Republic of China in a certain store, but this bowl sold for 30,000 yuan in foreign exchange.

At that time, Ma Weidu did not have so much money to buy.

But he really loved this bowl, and for the next six months, whenever he went to Shanghai, he had to go to this store to see this bowl.

But half a year later, he went to the store again, but found that his beloved bowl had been bought, and his heart suddenly became cold to the bottom.

Half a year later, he saw the bowl at an auction in Hong Kong, and the bidding price was as high as 7.92 million yuan.

At that time, his heart was even colder, and he began to regret that he had not found someone to borrow 30,000 yuan to buy this bowl.

Nine years later, he found that the bowl was auctioned again, and the bid price tripled to more than 20 million.

He estimated that if the bowl were to be auctioned today, the most undervalued price would be 100 million.

But now Ma Weidu thought about it, but he no longer regretted it.

On the contrary, I feel that there are always regrets in life, and it is impossible to satisfy everything, and I tell it as a joke.

People, sometimes, are strange high-level animals.

No matter what decision you made earlier, you will regret why you didn't choose another decision in the first place.

But life is like a chess game, decide which step to take, don't regret it.

If you have been immersed in regret because of past misses, you will not only be unable to recover those who have already missed, but also lose those that should have been gained.

In the Korean drama "Please Answer 1994", there is a line that says:

"There is no regretless choice in this world, and there is no right answer in life, as long as you firmly believe that the path chosen is the right answer and turn it into the right answer." 」

Since the past can never go back, it is better to let the past drift with the wind.

After all, we can't change the regrets of the past, but we can decide whether we can leave regrets in the future.

The best state of life: the first half of life does not hesitate, the second half of life does not regret

Knowingly, there is a problem:

"What is the best way to live in our lives?"

Among them, netizen @Void Zang replied:

"My grandmother often told me before I died that I should not hesitate to choose what I want in the first half of my life, and do not regret it in the second half of my life, no matter what the result is."

At the bottom, netizens also shared the story of his grandfather and grandmother.

75 years ago, Grandpa and Grandma met at a friend's house.

At that time, Grandpa fell in love with Grandma at first sight, and Grandma also secretly agreed.

But the marriage in that era was at the behest of her parents, and Grandma's father had long been looking for a marriage partner for her, and at that time, Grandpa's family situation was not as good as Grandma's marriage partner.

Grandma's father, in order to prevent Grandma and Grandpa from developing further, put Grandma under house arrest and engaged the other party.

Ordinary people, when encountering this situation, either give up what they love and compromise, or struggle to resist.

Grandma did not hesitate to choose the latter, no one persuaded to change her mind, and the grain of rice did not enter, dripping water, and did not say a word for several days.

Grandma's father was distressed by Grandma before agreeing to their marriage.

The best state of life: the first half of life does not hesitate, the second half of life does not regret

One day 20 years later, Grandma went back to her mother's house and met a neighbor, and heard that the person who had been engaged earlier had done business and had doubled her net worth several times.

And Grandpa still did the same hard work, and his life was difficult.

Years later, after listening to this story, netizens thought that Grandma had regretted it, so they asked Grandma if she had a hint of regret about marrying Grandpa, maybe married to the person before, life may be completely different.

But Grandma shook her head firmly and said, "It's enough to have your grandfather." ”

But there are only a few open-minded people like the netizen grandma in life, and most people may miss the beauty and regret for the past choices.

Aug Mandino once said:

"If we divide life into two, then our philosophy of life in the first half should be 'no hesitation', and the philosophy of life in the second half should be 'no regrets'."

Although we can't decide what kind of family we were born into, at least we can choose how to deal with the opportunities in life and how to deal with those missed.

As I get older and more aware of life, I will always miss a lot of things because of the hesitation of my youth.

It may be a passing relationship with a loved one, a favorite object, or an opportunity.

But all the past is the prologue, missed is missed after all, no matter how much regret can not be saved.

Sometimes regret is another kind of fulfillment in life.

All we can do is make our future less hesitant, try to keep our beloved things from slipping through our fingers, no longer regret the people and things that we have missed, but thank them for appearing in your life.

I liked what Baiyat said:

"I'd rather regret doing something than regretting my repeated hesitations;

I'd rather let myself regret a real life experience than let myself morbidly speculate about the possibilities of things. ”

We have come to the world for such a hard trip, but we have not come to hesitate, or to regret the past.

The rest of my life is not long, I clicked [in the watch], I hope that you and I will not hesitate when things happen, and we will not regret the past.

Author | Wu Que, personal public number: walking watermelon peel.

Image | Visual China

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