
Everyone is a legend of their own – see the afterword to Call Me Number One

author:I have no self

Last night, I was shocked to see the WeChat push movie "Call Me First", and this morning I deliberately went to school early to write down the feeling for the first time to ensure that it was fresh.

To be honest, Tourette syndrome I guess is the first time to hear, according to the memories I have read the books estimated that only "Zhu Guang Submersible Aesthetic Anthology" mentioned, memory is not good, vaguely about to remember it!

In fact, everyone has their own dreams, and the film is mainly about Brad. Cohen's legendary life. As patients with Tourette syndrome, most of the choices are to accept that they are disabled. Brad's mother also tried to help him through the patient mutual aid group, only to find that mutual aid was just mutual recognition and did not really want to integrate into society. Brad's father is actually a true portrayal of the parents of some disabled children, and after not understanding it, it is abandonment, in fact, their inner entanglement is a real struggle in thought.

Brad actually made himself stronger and stronger through his inner strength, and there was a principal I met in middle school, I feel that the reason why Brian chose the teaching profession, his biggest wish is to continue to help people in need, this is the transmission of love.

Brian was not all smooth sailing, in the process of finding a job, there were also self-blame and pain, but in the end because of the strength of the heart and overcome the difficulties and obstacles, and finally because of the expansion of the Aoyama Elementary School class, it was only because of the opportunity and the one-year use period.

Hard work pays off, but I'm more inclined to leave opportunities to those who are prepared. Brian is mainly because of his own knowledge and strong heart, he can be more successful in teaching like us normal people.

Focus and concentration will have professional talent. We can't hope to be with professionals or experts, we are experts ourselves, you just need to be focused enough to be professional.

Man is not perfect, there is no perfect man. When I was studying fine arts in high school, because the works I painted were always different from those of other students, the art teacher advised me to go to the hospital to see them, and if I couldn't do it, I wouldn't study art. In fact, I know that I am color weak, and I am a strong color weaker than color blindness. But instead of following the persuasion, I tried to practice painting every day. In the end, I was the first student to draw the shape accurately, and I was also the first student to paint a color still life brightly. During my studies in Jinan, I painted desperately, desperately backcolored, and even painted all night. Eventually, he was admitted to the bachelor's degree in fine arts, and later became a teacher.

I'm actually more wooden and have a bad memory. I train myself through speeches, through class meetings, school meetings and all teachers will continue to train my speeches, from the preparation to the outline to the unscripted to the impromptu speech, all the way is also quite hard. My memory has always been poor, and I can only memorize the knowledge in the book and remember things and people through repeated practice. Sometimes many people greet me, but we all have one side of the relationship, sometimes it is two sides of the relationship, I have really forgotten. I still remember when I went on a blind date in 2007, the two of them talked for a long time, went home to cook and commuted to work, forgot what the two people said and forgot each other's appearance. The second time I met you, I also joked that you were more beautiful than the first meeting, in fact, I really don't remember what he looked like, if there is no telephone contact, it is estimated that there is a daughter-in-law.

In any case, through my own efforts, I was admitted to the university as a teacher and became a principal. Everyone has inertia, everyone is not a perfect person, only to overcome their own imperfections, only to overcome their own shortcomings, I believe that everyone will become what they want to be, will become their own legend, achieve their own legendary life.

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