
The movie "Call Me Number One" after viewing

author:Savage grows not like a wandering daughter

Often in the comments, private messages, WeChat, see some parents of mentally ill children, so painful and desperate, incomparably tormented. Some said they didn't know how long they could hold on, and some said they couldn't hold on any longer, hoping to end all this pain immediately.

So, today, I strongly recommend a movie "Call Me Number One". Hope can give everyone courage, confidence, strength and hope. This film is not an ordinary literary work, it is based on real people and real events, and the power of reality can most shock people's hearts.

This movie is suitable for many people to watch, in addition to mentally ill parents, but also children, teachers, everyone in society.

The protagonist of the film is named Cohen, who suffers from a rare disease called Tourette's disease. It is a congenital cranial nerve disorder that twists the neck uncontrollably, convulses, and makes strange noises. But at the time, even doctors didn't recognize it as a disease.

No one but his mom wanted to believe him, including his dad, his teachers, or even counselors and doctors. Most people think he is deliberately causing trouble and will punish him severely, or even expel him.

Only the mother firmly believes that his son is just sick, that everything the son says is true, that the son is suffering, that the son is in need of her help.

In contrast, our children's depression and bipolar disorder will be diagnosed by a doctor and treated with drugs. Cohen, always faced with accusations and expulsions. Even the ex-husband would get angry and accuse his mother of poor discipline. Is this similar to the pig teammates mentioned by the group friends?

Strong and intelligent single mothers went to the library to borrow many, many medical books, some of which are even old. She wants to justify the name of her lonely son. Finally, the kung fu paid off, and my mother found the answer in a thick book - Tourette's disease.

Mom went to the doctor with the book, and the doctor agreed with Mom's opinion. But tell your mom that to this day, Tourette's disease is still an incurable disease. Mom was desperate and lost her voice in pain.

But what about us? How fortunate, we know what diseases children have, there is a way to think, there is professional support, there is medicine to cure, as long as the formal treatment and parents active efforts, can be cured. Shouldn't we be grateful to breed strength and hope?

The mother accepted the fact that Tourette's disease was still an incurable disease, and encouraged her son to treat the disease as a partner, study hard, and achieve his life goals, rather than being defeated by the disease, and choose a desperate life like other Tourette's patients that Mutual Aid will see.

Later, Cohen, who went to middle school, met the first nobleman in his life, the headmaster. The dialogue between the principal and Cohen is a textbook redemption, which not only saves Cohen who is struggling in despair, but also makes Cohen regard being a teacher as a must-have dream.

The conversation between the principal and Cohen is as follows:

Principal: "What do you think the purpose of the school is?" ”

Cohen: "I'm sorry I've been interfering with classroom discipline. ”

Principal: "You didn't answer my question, what is the purpose of the school?" ”

Principal: "Teaching and educating people, right?" Enlighten the heart with knowledge! ”

Ignoring Cohen's concerns, the principal invited Cohen to the school's concert.

Not surprisingly, Cohen's convulsions and strange cries appeared very abrupt at the concert, attracting frequent warnings and stops.

At the end of the concert, the principal invited Cohen to the podium.

Headmaster: "Did you make this strange noise to make others angry?" Cohen? ”

Cohen: "No, sir. ”

Headmaster: "So why are you doing that?" ”

Cohen: "Because I have Tourette's disease. ”

Headmaster: "What kind of disease is this?" ”

Cohen: "It's my brain that makes me make all sorts of weird sounds. ”

Headmaster: "But if you want to control it, you can control it, right?" ”

Cohen: "No, sir, it's a disease!"

Headmaster: "Well, then why don't you cure it?" ”

Cohen: "This disease is not curable!" I hate making weird noises, just as you hate to hear them. And when I'm stressed, this symptom becomes more severe. Because you can't accept my symptoms, it will get worse. But when I feel like others can accept me, the symptoms get better. ”

Headmaster: "What should we do?" I'm referring to everyone at this school, what should we do to help you, Cohen? ”

Cohen: "I just want people to treat me like normal people." ”

Although the nervous Cohen walked off the podium with a strange scream, the kind applause of the students made Cohen burst into tears, felt comforted and encouraged, and since then strengthened the dream of teaching and educating people.

This passage is also worth the parents of mental illness who do not understand, the children are just sick, not willful, nor can they get better by wanting to open up and be strong. Children need more formal treatment, unconditional love and acceptance than chicken soup that causes secondary harm.

I think of a desperate and angry parent who said to first accommodate his child, raise him to adulthood, and then expel him from the house. Blood is thicker than water, how can you be at ease? It is better to face the dilemma, take positive action, and guide while treating habitually, parents learn to grow and change, and lead children to get out of the heart demons and regain a new life as soon as possible!

The mother in the movie has always loved and encouraged her son. Later, the son completed his studies well, was admitted to the master's degree, experienced many difficulties and twists and turns, and finally became a teacher as a teacher, and was evaluated by observers as the state's outstanding new teacher of the year.

Of course, the sincere admiration and love of the children is the most shining and precious trophy that Cohen has received.

I hope that more parents in distress can come to see this movie, draw some precious strength and courage from it, and not give up lightly, choose decadence and go with the flow, and let the fate abandon us to that very desolate and sad place.

Why bother?

The ultimate freedom that human beings have is to make better choices no matter what difficult situation they are in. Faced with the fact that our children are unfortunately suffering from mental illness, what better choices should we make now?

Watch the movie "Call Me First", I hope that all of us can make the best choice and actively take action.

Time is running forward, and we can all get better and better!

Those happy and beautiful times still have our share. No one, nothing, can stop it!

Believe in the power of believing!

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