
The illegal dumping of sludge in Pei County, Jiangsu Province, was notified, and the response: soil remediation is already being cleaned up and carried out

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Yuan Jie

The problem of illegal disposal of sludge in Pei County, Xuzhou is prominent, the supervision and management of relevant departments is not strict, and environmental problems have existed for a long time - the Jiangsu Provincial Special Supervision Group for Ecological environmental protection said in a circular on September 14.

According to the "Jiangsu Ecological Environment" public account of the Department of Ecology and Environment of Jiangsu Province, there are 16 sewage treatment plants in Peixian County, with a daily output of about 120 tons of sludge. However, for a long time, Peixian county has had insufficient sludge disposal capacity, resulting in a large amount of sludge being illegally dumped.

The illegal dumping of sludge in Pei County, Jiangsu Province, was notified, and the response: soil remediation is already being cleaned up and carried out

Sludge dumping point "Jiangsu ecological environment" WeChat public number figure

The illegal dumping of sludge in Pei County, Jiangsu Province, was notified, and the response: soil remediation is already being cleaned up and carried out

Sludge dumping point

According to the special inspection group of ecological environmental protection in Jiangsu Province, the problems in Pei County, Jiangsu Province are roughly as follows: First, the lack of sludge disposal facilities. Relevant parties have clearly required that before the end of 2020, Peixian needs to complete the construction of a sludge disposal center (disposal scale of 200 tons / day), but it has not yet been built.

Second, the promotion is not effective, the problem of rectification "avoid the heavy is light" Peixian Water Bureau as the responsible unit, on the grounds of signing sludge disposal service agreements with 3 enterprises, did not build a sludge disposal center, but reported to complete the rectification.

The agreement determined that the disposal scale of the three enterprises was 70 tons / day, but the inspector found that one enterprise without sludge disposal qualifications, the average daily disposal of the two enterprises that actually disposed of sludge was less than 40 tons, far from meeting the 200 tons / day requirement.

The illegal dumping of sludge in Pei County, Jiangsu Province, was notified, and the response: soil remediation is already being cleaned up and carried out

Xuzhou Yuxin Wall Material Co., Ltd. has an average daily sludge disposal capacity of less than 15 tons

Third, due to lax supervision, a large amount of sludge has been illegally disposed of. According to the inspection team, from 2017 to September this year, a total of about 80,000 tons of sludge was dumped on vacant land in many local townships, and the environmental risks were serious.

The inspection team named and said, "The Peixian Water Affairs Bureau is not in place to implement the responsibility of ecological environmental protection, the degree of attention to the rectification of prominent environmental problems is not enough, and the supervision and management of sludge disposal is not strict."

According to the official website of the Pei County Government, on September 2, the Jiangsu Provincial Eco-environmental Protection Special Inspection Team entered Pei County and opened the special inspection of ecological environmental protection.

At that time, Wu Hao, secretary of the Peixian County CPC Committee, said that the whole county will take this inspection as a rare opportunity to "seek medical treatment and medicine and strengthen the body", fully implement and fully cooperate to ensure that the inspection work is carried out smoothly in Peixian county and achieves tangible results.

On September 15, Cao Feng, deputy director of the Peixian Water Bureau, told the surging news ( that at present, Peixian has transferred illegally dumped sludge to brick factories for incineration, while testing the dumped land, and then formulating a soil remediation plan according to the situation.

Cao Feng said that after coordination, Peixian is currently harmlessly treating sludge through a large local brick factory, and the treatment capacity can meet 200 tons / day.

As for the inspection team reported that the 3 companies signed by the Peixian Water Bureau at the end of last year, one unqualified and two with insufficient handling capacity, Cao Feng said that the unqualified company issued some materials at that time, but at that time it failed to carefully check and find out the company's qualification problems, "there are unprofessional and inadequate places in the work." The other two companies also have problems such as insufficient disposal capacity in actual processing.

With the improvement of sewage treatment capacity in various places, the number and scale of sewage treatment plants continue to expand, and the amount of sludge generated in the production process is correspondingly increasing. According to Cao Feng, for sludge, before that, they would use compost, that is, to fertilize the forest trees, for treatment.

The harmless and standardized treatment of sludge produced by sewage plants needs urgent attention from all localities. Huang Juwen and others of Tongji University said in a paper in the journal "Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection" this year that the urban sewage treatment rate in China has risen from less than 16.2% in 1998 to more than 90% at the end of 2017. This requires that the harmless disposal rate of urban sludge correspondingly reach more than 90%.

At present, China's sludge treatment methods are still mainly used in landfill, composting, natural drying, incineration and other methods, there is a large amount of sludge generation, low effective disposal rate, lack of leading process routes, treatment equipment is uneven and other conditions, so that a large number of sludge has not been standardized treatment.

The article points out that the use of sludge for building materials production, especially the collaborative disposal of sludge by cement kilns as a way of resource utilization, is one of the important ways to achieve indicators such as reduced energy consumption and reduced carbon dioxide emissions, which is also an important way to use sludge in industrial developed countries such as Europe and the United States.

Editor-in-Charge: Li Kecheng

Proofreader: Liu Wei

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