
"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

author:Entertainment Association
"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

This is a crime mystery film that brings together murder, captivity, incest, father killing, and revenge!

Its story has both the darkness of White Night and the shock of The Dedication of Suspect X. The reversal is both the density of "The Invisible Guest" and the layers of "Vanishing Lover".

"Breaking Up with You Last Winter"

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

The title of this idol-filled film gives people the first impression of a Japanese pure love film. In fact, however, the film is completely different from what was expected.

The film is based on the suspense novel of the same name by Fumisori Nakamura, and there are five main characters in the film, they are:

Yudai Kihara: A photographer and suspect in the murder of Akiko Yoshioka, yudai Kihara was released due to insufficient evidence.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Juri: Xiongda's older sister, who was molested by her father since childhood, and was ambiguous with her younger brother Xiongda.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Kyosuke Yayun: A journalist who attempts to cover the case of Xiongda in depth.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Yuriko: Yeyun's fiancée, a restaurant waiter, is often snubbed by Yayun due to Yayun's high ambition.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Kobayashi: Ye Yun's superior, secretly with Zhu Li, obeys Zhu Li's words.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

The story begins with a fire that killed the blind woman Yashiko, and the photographer Kihara Saka watched her die without reaching out.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Because there was no evidence, Kiwarasaka was acquitted.

So was Yahizi's death a deliberate murder or an accident?

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Convinced of Kiharasaka's guilt, Yeyun, a freelance journalist, decides to single-handedly investigate the truth of the incident.

So he came to a newspaper with his own plan for the Kihara arson case, and he wanted to reopen the story of the case because there were too many doubts about the case.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

But the editor-in-chief Liangshu is obviously not particularly cold about this report, but under the persuasion of colleagues, he still plans to let Ye Yun try.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Soon, Yayun interviewed Kiharasaka and saw his award-winning photography.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Kiwarasaka did not stop Yayun's interview, instead, he was interested in Yayun and gave the access card to Yayun.

Eisaku Ozaki, Yonesaku Yōsaku, Yōun's No. 1 interviewee:

This is a butterfly collector, and he cultivated the butterflies in Kiwarasaka's photographs.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Ozaki felt that Kiwazaka had an almost crazy obsession with butterflies and the beauty of butterflies, and the photographs he took were addictive and frightening, and he alienated Kiharasaka ever since.

Interview subject Kagaya Pao No. 2:

He is a classmate of Kiharasaka.saka. In Kagaya's impression, Kiwarasaka was a pervert. He likes other people's stuff and has stalked and imprisoned Kagubau's girlfriend.

Interviewee Yukiyoshi Sawada No. 3:

As the police officer in charge of the murder of Kiwarasaka's father, he did not believe that the 10-year-old Kiharasaka siblings could be the murderers of his father.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

From the interviewer's mouth, Kiwarasaka's life has been revealed, and many questions have also arisen.

Kiharasaka's mother died young, and his father was a university professor. When Kiwarasaka was about 10 years old, his father was killed by thieves who had robbed him, and Kiharasaka and his sister Juri were stabbed.

Katani said that the Kiharasaka siblings were abused by their fathers when they were young, and that the siblings often stuck together, potentially incest.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Sawada Yukiyoshi said that a matching suspect could not be found based on the appearance of the killer described by the siblings. Although Kiwarasaka's family lacked a passbook after the case, the money in the passbook was never taken out.

The siblings were indeed stabbed in the abdomen, and were stabbed by a man of one meter and seven meters. If they were the murderers, it meant that there was a fourth person present at the time.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Are the sisters and brothers the father's murderers? If so, who is the fourth person who assisted them in their crime?

Ye Yun is about to have a wedding with his girlfriend Yuriko, who is a waitress. Because of the interview, Yayun snubbed Yuriko.

Kiwarasaka creates a chance encounter and meets Yayun and Yuriko. He then tracks down Yeyun and Yuriko and witnesses the two arguing.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

As we expected, Yuriko became Kiwarasaka's model.

Another fire ensued, and Yayun, Ryoki Kobayashi, and Kiwarasaka witnessed Yuriko being engulfed in flames.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

After the fire, the police found Yuriko's diary at the scene, which recorded Yuriko's daily life in compulsory confinement.

Both human and physical evidence are available, and with the release of an interview written by Kyosuke Yayun as the victim's fiancé, public opinion is even more unfavorable to Kiwarasaka.

This time, Kiwarasaka was bound to be judged by law. Not surprisingly, Kiwarasaka was sentenced to death.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Curiously, Juri disappeared after going abroad, and even though her brother was in trouble, she did not come to visit her in prison.

Kobayashi's colleagues found out that Ye Yun was not a journalist before, his name was also made up, and the more he investigated, the more problematic this person became...

Kiwarasaka insists that the fire has nothing to do with him, the vanished Juri, the burned Yashiko, the enigmatic Yuriko...

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

The film reveals a lot of details and clues, although it seems disorganized when the film unfolds. You may not have any information about so many details, but in the end, when the truth is paid to the surface, you will suddenly realize: everything is the way it is!

Detail one: the mysterious death of the father

Kihara's two siblings, who were abused by their fathers since childhood, showed happiness about their father's death.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Based on the offender characteristics described by the sisters, the police did not find a similar person;

The brother and sister were indeed stabbed in the abdomen by another person at the scene, which could not have been their own doing.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Detail 2: "Hell Change"

When Yeyun interviewed him at Kihara's home, he inadvertently turned to the book "Hell Change"; the story goes like this:

The highly skilled painter Ryohide was ordered by Lord Horikawa to draw a screen of "hell change". He said to the lord, "If you have not seen something, you cannot draw it", so in order to draw a noble lady struggling in the fire, he begged the adult to help. In the end, Lord Horikawa burned Yoshihide's daughter alive in front of him, and the painter finally drew the screen and hanged himself.

This seems to be a hint at Kihara, in order to film the scene of the living being burned alive.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Detail Three: Editor-in-Chief and Kihara's sister

Inexplicably, Yoshin's editor-in-chief, Yoshiki, actually had an affair with Kihara's sister at the hotel. They coughed up small red pills and began something indescribable.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Detail Four: Journalist Ye Yun's fiancée was burned to death by Kihara

As the investigation deepened, Ye Yun also caused trouble. Kihara began seducing Yayun's fiancée and inviting her to be her model.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

As a result, Yeyun's fiancée was eventually burned to death by Kihara. Kihara just frantically took pictures next to him.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Before that, Ye Yun went to the police station to report the case, saying that Kihara had imprisoned his fiancée, but finally found that his fiancée was voluntary.

Ye Yun seemed indifferent to the death of his fiancée, and said to the editor-in-chief: Wait for his manuscript to be written.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Detail Five: Jevon, full of doubts

First of all, Ye Yun is not his real name, and all the media cannot find this person. Subsequently, the editor-in-chief Ryoki arrives at Ye Yun's house and finds a surprising scene, with pictures of Kihara, his sister, and Ryoki all over the wall.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Pinholes and medicine bottles scattered all over the home.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

The film finishes chapters two and three and returns to the first chapter.

The first chapter is simply Japanese pure love style. Ye Yun had a very good relationship before.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

However, all this changed after he learned that his girlfriend had been in a car accident.

It turned out that the girl who was burned to death at the opening turned out to be Ye Yun's previous girlfriend. Poor Yayun, both girlfriends were burned to death by Kihara.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

Detail Six: Yayun and Kihara's sister cannot be described

Kihara's sister fed Yayun a small red pill and went to bed with Yayun.

Did you start to get confused? How can it be so messy? What exactly is the rhythm?

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

At the end, Ye Yun's fiancée is not actually dead, but the second fire does burn a person.

"Broke Up with You Last Winter": Suspense, Taboo, Reversal, What About The Good Pure Love Movie?

What do you think? Does this story make you "climax"?

The answer surfaces layer by layer in the movie, and you will naturally understand after watching the movie.

Although the story framework is very similar to "The Invisible Guest", the amount of information is still not enough, of course, there are still some small bugs in some reversals.

However, this can't be hidden, this is a very good "suspense movie".

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