
The Old Man and the Sea

author:Tianwu Supreme

When I was bored during the holidays, I re-immersed myself in reading "The Old Man and the Sea", but when I read it, I couldn't help but feel a lot, as if I was not reading a boring book, but reading a vivid heart, a red heart, a beating heart full of passion. That was something I didn't experience years ago, and my feelings began.

Concise words, coupled with gripping narratives, even if the novel is not long, it successfully touches the reader's heart. "The Old Man and the Sea" tells the story of a Fisherman in Santiago who did not catch a fish for eighty-four consecutive days and was regarded as a loser by his peers, but he persevered and finally caught a big fish, which dragged his boat at sea for three days and three nights, and finally was killed by the old man and tied to the other side of the boat. The old man was repeatedly attacked by sharks on the way home, but others were full of morale, like a me fighter in the cruel battlefield of the sea, tenaciously fighting, and experienced many difficulties and obstacles. Although the fish caught by the old man was only the head, tail and a long spine on the way home, it did not weaken the old man's strong will in the slightest.

Travel thousands of miles, go deep into the sea, just for a fish? In the final analysis, man's real victory can only be the triumph of karma. No matter how much man achieves materially, he cannot win us the high esteem. Only the triumph of spirit and courage moved me, and only made me weep for his tragedy like the children who followed the old man. As long as it is a person, it will be flawed. When a man acknowledges this deficiency, this defect, and strives to overcome it, rather than to submit to it, whether or not he can finally overcome this defect of his own, he is a victor, because he has overcome his own compromise of defects, he is the victor of his courage and confidence. The old fisherman is the victor who dares to challenge his own shortcomings and his courage and confidence. From the worldly view of victory, the old fisherman is not the final winner, because although he defeated the big marlin at the beginning, the big marlin was eventually eaten by the shark, and he just returned to the shore with the skeleton of the marlin, that is, the shark is the winner. However, in the eyes of the idealists, the old fisherman is the victor, because he has never compromised and surrendered to the sea, the marlin and the white shark!

A person can be destroyed, but not defeated, the outer flesh can be tortured, and the inner will is sacred and inviolable. Falling on the one hand, just standing up on the other, in a dream-like scene, there must be a victorious ending, which is the soul of Santiago, and the spiritual level that he will not fall down no matter what. I think that's the definition of greatness.

The old man is ordinary on the outside, but strong and daring on the inside. In any case, no one dares to say that he is not great enough, no one dares to say that he is not a hero.

Heroes may have strong flesh, praiseworthy deeds, and popular reputations, but these are not the most important, and can even be said to be dispensable. A hero is a giant with spiritual power. Those who are heroes dare not do what people dare to do, and dare to be what people dare not do. The hero is strong and resolute, and has repeatedly lost battles. He allowed himself to be a man who would never be knocked down, and he had no record of failure, no signs of failure, or even the concept of failure in the karmic field. Self-confidence, perseverance, hard work, the story of an old man, the inspiration of a hero.

What about me? Maybe I think that the so-called male is too far away from me, but distance produces beauty, and beauty is all around us. I'm not a hero, maybe ever, never will be. But it doesn't matter, I have heroic ambitions, and that's enough. I will not let my steps towards success stagnate, nor will I let the phoenix of my dreams fall. Do not succumb to difficulties, do not bow down to failure, do things down-to-earth, turn the unworthy into worthwhile, and turn the impossible into a yes. Only then did I tell myself that I was the best and most successful, like an old fisherman who never gave up and persevered.

Between the imaginations, I realized that the so-called old and strong, the meaning of strong is a heroic effort, he failed in reality, but reached the peak of the spirit! Isn't that exactly the spirit that people need?

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