
Flutter through my life

author:Wise little fish

If yours ended at the age of eighteen, did you leave your footprints on earth? Looking back on you, do you feel that it is not worth a trip?

Some people say that eighteen is a tipping point that ends the innocence trend; others say that eighteen is the final recklessness and fearlessness, the beginning of tact and responsibility. Do you feel the charm of an eighteen-year-old? Is your eighteenth year old the trick? I had just turned eighteen, as if I was walking alone in the fog, unable to see the road ahead, and the fear of the unknown made me dare not take a step. I suddenly remembered a Korean movie I had seen a few years ago, "Flutter Through Me", so at the age of eighteen, I once again had the "undersatiable, old-looking" Ah Rin.

What kind of person is Ah Rin? Well-behaved, considerate and filial, it should be a child in the heart, a child of other people's families that makes peers envious and jealous. However, such a good child suffered from congenital progeria, which meant that Ah Rin was aging ten times faster than ordinary people. The film begins at the age of sixteen, when he was already eighty years old, and even his physical functions deteriorated with his appearance. At the age of sixteen, we look forward to the arrival of eighteen, and sixteen-year-old Ah Rin awaits the verdict.

When I first saw this movie a few years ago, I sympathized with Ah Rin as most people did, and felt sorry for his well-behaved and sensible. For example, he said in an acceptance: "My wish is to be a child who makes my parents happy, and my parents are most healthy, but I can't even do this, so I can only be an obedient child who makes them happy." So all along, he listened to his parents, considered their hardships, and accepted the pain of aging. When he was carried to the hospital by Daxiu, he would say, "I'm sorry, I'm old enough to carry you, but I still want you to carry it." Asked what kind of person you would want to be if there was an afterlife, Ah Rin would say, "I want to be such a person, and then give birth to me like you and experience Daddy." "Obviously, he is the one who needs comfort and the most, but he has always felt sorry for others and considerate of other people's emotions." Merlot said to him, "You're just a sick child, and you should cry when you're sick." Zhang also said to him: "You are still a small fart, don't think too much about what you shouldn't think about." "How I wish he could live as a little fart, it wouldn't be so painful."

Looking back on this film again after a few years, I have a different perspective, A Rin's life is short but bright. Haizi wrote in the poem: "You come to the house, you have to see." "I think Ah Rin must have seen the sun."

The sun ah Rin saw was all the good people he met. Miro and Daisuke gave birth to Ah Rin themselves, and they didn't expect to get a child who was older than themselves. However, they never wanted to give up, nor did they lose hope because of Ah Rin's incurable disease, and they still felt the unreserved love of their parents in Ah Rin's short life. Mei Luo saw that the female singers on tv could not move away, and Daxiu was always radiant when he talked about taekwondo, but they could only put away their dreams, carry the weight forward, and never complain or regret it, because Ah Rin is their biggest dream now. There is also a neighbor Grandpa Zhang, who has always treated Ah Rin as a normal ordinary child, Ah Rin can't find the same age, only Grandpa Zhang is willing to be his friend. When Ah Rin asked why shochu was so bitter and still needed to be drunk, Grandpa Zhang would take the opportunity to enlighten him: "Life is short, won't you live?" No way, so is shochu. Sanmao said: "The reason why people are because we can't keep them; it is even more impossible not to admit that youth will one day disappear like this." "But you always have to live anyway, why don't you live and live a wonderful life?" If we can't keep the years, let us stay in the years, leave our own traces before the youth disappears. It's like the sixteen-year-old tail of Ah Rin, the Ah Rin who lives in everyone's heart. In addition to the people around them, there are also many good people in society. There are doctors who know that Ah Rin can't stand up but still say to Ah Rin: "Take care of yourself, next year"; there are people who donate money to Ah Rin after watching the show; there are also strange passengers who recover from Ah Rin as soon as possible... Every good person ah rin meets is a bouquet, gathered around ah Rin, shining on his short life.

I know it's not as bad as I thought, but it's not that bad. I confess that there must be light. For example, the high school students who mock Ah Rin, curse and insult his trolls, and the TV writers who pretend to be terminally ill to deceive him. But Ah Rin has made himself a light source, driving away the darkness with the sunlight that gathers around him. When the sun comes out, it disappears. So Ah Rin was able to walk forward with his head held high in the midst of strange eyes and arguments, and he knew that he was doing a very remarkable thing - fighting the disease. He can ignore all the bad words, still believe in the good, and be grateful, because he knows how many people have grown up slowly with the love and help of many people. He can observe and pay attention to the beautiful bits and pieces, and he can stick to his hobbies——, because he knows that life is short and he has to work hard. Even when he learned that he had been deceived, he could only vent by playing games, which was the only time he disobeyed and ran to see meteors despite dissuasion. But even so, his wish under the shooting star was to hope that the unborn child in his mother's belly would be healthy and healthy. He is like this, a light source that will not be swallowed up by darkness. He said: "I'm naughty, please don't let me." "How can you forget such a bright one?" How dare you forget?

Ah Rin wants to live when he sees the blue sky, when he hears his children giggling, when he smells the soft clothes of the sun with his mother on a sunny afternoon, and when his uncle who looks indifferent in the shop next door watches a TV series, he also wants to live... In the evening, when the sound of the street is ringing out for the grandson to eat; when I see my mother giving my father a cold shower; when I see my mother taking a cold shower for my father; when I hang in the early evening, I want to live when I watch with my father. Our daily chores are a luxury for Ah Rin, a kind of thing. I think the ending is good, Ah Rin stays with us in another way, and the blessed unborn child will live well with Ah Rin's light! Goodbye, forever sixteen-year-old Ah Rin.

Ah Rin, I have the courage to move forward. The fog ahead is still gone, but I am no longer afraid and confused, because I know that I have never been alone, because I know that the rest of my life is someone's greatest luxury.

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