
The United Front Work Department of the Huaichuan County CPC Committee in Nanyang City, Henan Province, has solidly promoted the "Year of Conceptual Ability and Work Style Construction" activity

author:China Development Network

China Development Network News The United Front Work Department of the Huaichuan County CPC Committee has carried out great study, discussion, and large-scale military training among party members and cadres in light of the actual conditions of the unit, and solidly promoted the "Year of Conceptual Ability and Work Style Construction" activity.

Carry out great learning and face up to the shortcomings of the gap. We should regard the study of the spirit of provincial, municipal, and county mobilization meetings as the first and crucial step in the activities of the "Year of Conceptual Ability and Work Style Construction," and make full use of methods such as regular work meetings to concentrate on studying and consciously studying the spirit of activities, so that all cadres and workers can understand themselves, identify deficiencies, and face problems squarely in the course of study.

The United Front Work Department of the Huaichuan County CPC Committee in Nanyang City, Henan Province, has solidly promoted the "Year of Conceptual Ability and Work Style Construction" activity

Carry out a large-scale discussion and clarify the ideas for rectification. Adopt methods such as leading group members giving party lessons and business backbones making speeches, mobilize cadres and workers to sort out party lesson materials in combination with their study and understanding and the actual work conditions, write speech materials, discuss and exchange at weekly weekly meetings, and put forward opinions and suggestions on the spot, provide rectification ideas and specific measures for all comrades through self-evaluation and mutual evaluation and ideological collision, and achieve great changes and great improvements in the great discussion.

Carry out large-scale military training and accept the test of practice. Actively participated in the activity of "beautifying the city, building and sharing together", spontaneously raised more than 30 osmanthus saplings, and organized voluntary tree planting activities in the Chunfeng community of Shangsheng Street. In the main battlefield of epidemic prevention and control, United Front cadres have taken the lead in taking the lead in taking the lead in epidemic prevention and control work, han Li, member of the Standing Committee of the County Cpc Committee and director of the United Front Work Department, has taken the lead in setting an example and taking the lead in epidemic prevention and control work, and cadres of organs have actively participated in the prevention and control of the epidemic in Shangsheng Street to help win the epidemic prevention and control battle. A series of activities with the theme of "Welcoming the Spring Festival and Sending Warmth" to the grass-roots masses, such as sending Spring Festival and daily necessities, are also being implemented. (Li Xueshan)

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