
The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

author:Or so be it
The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

Adapted from the biographical story of Neil Armstrong, the "First Man on the Moon", Gold Award director Damien Chazere and Gold Award screenwriter Josh Singer recreate Armstrong's implementation of the moon landing plan and interactions with family and colleagues.

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

"The First Man on the Moon" has a good evaluation on major film review networks, IMDb is around 7.7 points, Rotten Tomatoes has 88% freshness, Douban 7.7 points, but it has not brought eye-catching box office revenue, what is the reason? Is it the "politics" of the film's appeal that is incorrect? Was the Apollo 11 landing on the moon in July 1969 fake news? Many Americans still believe that Armstrong never went to the moon, and these controversies and doubts seem to be justified.

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

"The First Man on the Moon" depicts Armstrong's perspective, there is another layer of the background of the era of consideration and ideas, involving some political criticism, after all, 1961 to 1969 is the peak of the development of the Cold War space race, want to know more about the "First Man on the Moon" movie, I provide the following 5 points, for you to read before or after watching the movie, read and reference.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? </h1>

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

"The First Man on the Moon" did not promote good results at the box office in the United States, and one of the important reasons was that it was labeled as unpatriotic, especially in this period (Trump's trade war and the intensification of the United States supremacy), for the classic scene of "planting the American flag on the moon" in the play, it caused criticism from conservative patriots and most Republicans.

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

But Armstrong's two sons are certain of director Damien Chazerre, who believes that "First Man on the Moon" is not an anti-American film, but describes the experience through the perspective of his father. Ryan Gosling has a similar view, arguing that the film is not a heroic tribute to Americans, but an emphasis on "human achievement", and Armstrong never considered himself a hero, he was just an engineer, a pilot and a father of children.

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 2. The U.S.-Soviet space race during the Cold War</h1>

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

On April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union successfully launched vostok-1, and the first astronaut to enter the Earth's orbit at that time was Yuri Galin, which made NASA, which was strongly dominated by the US government, quite faceless.

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

Just a month after the success of the Soviet Union's Vostok-1 mission, the United States immediately responded with The Mercury Program, when astronaut Alan Shepard entered the Earth suborbital orbit aboard mercury-redstone 3, but did not enter the Earth's orbit.

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

The United States lost the Soviet Union in momentum, and in order to regain face, on February 20, 1962, NASA sent John Glenn into space, becoming the first American to fly around the earth (the second person in the world), which is the background of the movie "Key Minority".

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

The Soviet Union was the leader in the initial space race, and three years later, on March 18, 1965, the Soviet Union's Ascent II carried two astronauts and successfully entered the Orbit of the Earth. Among them, astronaut Alexei successfully performed an extravehicular activity of about 10 minutes, which was the first spacewalk in human history.

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 3</h1>

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

In order to carry out the Apollo program for the lunar mission, the Gemini constellation program was previously prepared, and during the two years of 1965 and 1966, 10 two-person vehicle flights were conducted to test extravehicular activities, return landings and understand the physical reactions of astronauts.

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

In 1967, the Apollo program to land on the moon was officially implemented, but unexpectedly, during the Apollo I test, due to a sudden fire in the command module, 3 astronauts died tragically, which made the atmosphere between NASA and the astronauts quite depressed.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" >4. Apollo 11 successfully landed on the moon</h1>

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

If Apollo 11 was able to successfully land on the moon later, the "Saturn V" designed with the help of German rocket scientist Warner von Brown was a key turning point, because it provided a spacecraft with strong and stable power support.

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

On October 11, 1968, Apollo 7 successfully sent three astronauts into Earth orbit, and then on December 21, 1968, Apollo 8 became the first human mission to complete a mission around the moon. These two successful experiences laid the foundation for Apollo 11's feat after July 16, 1969, completing the first human landing on the moon. This is also the story of "The First Man on the Moon".

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

As for, on April 11, 1970, Apollo 13 also wanted to carry out another mission to the moon, but there was an oxygen tank explosion on the way, and the three astronauts could not land on the moon, but the completion of the orbit around the moon was described as a "successful failure", this story is the 1995 director Ron Howard and actor Tom Hanks and Kevin Bakken starring in the movie "Apollo 13".

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > 5. Challenge directed by Damien Chazere in "First Man on the Moon."</h1>

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

Damien Chazere is the youngest director in Academy Awards history, and at the 89th Academy Awards in 2017, he directed "Philharmonic City" and won the award, when he was only 32 years old. When "Philharmonic City" was originally nominated, it won a total of 14 nominations, which also tied the historical record, and finally won 6 awards.

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

The first two works he directed received high praise. How does he present the process of this lunar mission in "The First Man on the Moon"? He may have taken the perspective that patriots do not love, but he was loyal to Armstrong's true story.

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

"The First Man on the Moon" is also quite difficult to shoot, in order to present a sense of reality, Damien Chazere mostly chose a physical capsule to shoot, but the small space is not easy to shoot, especially close to the look of the actors. He and the crew and actors overcame the challenge and showed excellent tacit understanding, and this film is also his second collaboration with Ryan Gosling after "Philharmonic City".

The movie "The First Man on the Moon", 5 things you should know, whether the United States has landed on the moon is still in doubt? 1. Is "The First Man on the Moon" anti-patriotic? 2. The U.S.-Soviet Space Race during the Cold War 3. The Tragedy of Apollo 1 4. Apollo 11 Successfully Landed on the Moon 5. Damien Chazere directed the challenge of "The First Man on the Moon"

Damien Chazere is a young and thoughtful director, "The First Man on the Moon" is not an ordinary commercial film, with a bit of artistic sublimation, such as interest in movies, recommended to watch!

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