
Armstrong's 52nd anniversary as the "first man to land on the moon"! Do you know who the "first person to write the moon" in ancient and modern times is?

author:China's well-off network

  On July 21, 1969, American astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped out of the lunar module of Apollo 11 and became the first human to step on the moon.

Armstrong's 52nd anniversary as the "first man to land on the moon"! Do you know who the "first person to write the moon" in ancient and modern times is?

  Armstrong stepped out of the Apollo 11 lunar module

  Thus, Armstrong became the "first person to land on the moon", but do you know who the "first person to write the moon" in ancient and modern times was? Next, let's turn the timeline back to the early Tang Dynasty and experience the cosmology of that era.

  We know that the stars in the universe of Tang poetry are shining, and if a representative poet is selected, I am afraid that li bai and Du Fu will make everyone "scratch their heads" alone. But if you choose a representative poem, it is relatively easy.

  The more authoritative version is that Wang Minyun, a scholar of the late Qing Dynasty, and Wen Yiduo during the Southwest United Congress period voted for the early Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Ruoxuan, who was known as the "Four Scholars of Wuzhong" with He Zhizhang, Zhang Xu, and Bao Rong, and his wanton seven-word ancient poem , "Spring River Flower Moon Night".

  Wang Minyun, who was a teacher of Qi Baishi, Yang Du, Yang Rui and Liu Guangdi in the "Six Gentlemen of Pengshu", commented on "Spring River Flower Moon Night" as: "The lonely piece is absolute, but it is for everyone"; And Wen Yiduo praised it as: "Poetry in poetry, the peak on the peak".

  Wen Yiduo's evaluation criteria are that "Spring River Flower Moon Night" fully embodies the "three principles of beauty", that is, "the beauty of music, the beauty of painting, and the beauty of architecture". The "architectural beauty" is easy to understand, and the form of poetry is regular, as solemn as Notre Dame cathedral. "The beauty of painting" is also easy to understand, and the images in the poems are like a flowing gallery.

  When it comes to "musical beauty", in addition to the rhythm and rhythm in the poem, there is also the fact that "Spring River Flower Moon Night" itself is the name of the song, the original song is very beautiful, and its artistic mood is "super vulgar and dusty".

  "Spring River Flower Moon Night", one of the "Top Ten Famous Songs of Chinese Classics" that we hear now, was composed by musicians during the Ming Dynasty according to the artistic conception of Zhang Ruoxuan's original poem. The poem is not short, and the song is almost nine minutes, why is this?

  This brings us to the cosmology in the poem "Spring River Flower Moon Night". Starting from the source of Romanticism in China, "Chu Ci", the ancients' exploration of the mysteries of the universe has not stopped. Qu Yuan issued the "Heavenly Question" in the Chu Ci, expressing the simple materialist cosmology of the Warring States period.

  In the early Tang Dynasty, Zhang Ruoxuan's "Spring River Flower Moon Night" was like a trailer, carrying a fresh breath, fading the elegance of the Six Dynasties Palace poetry, announcing the advent of a new era of vigorous progress, so the "Question of the Universe" in the poem was magnificent:

  Who first saw the moon on the riverbank? When did Jiang Yue shine at the beginning of the year?

  Life is infinite from generation to generation, and Jiang Yue is only similar every year.

  I don't know who Jiang Yue treats, but I see the Yangtze River sending water.

  The poem deals with the age of human beings, the origin of the moon, the development of history, the relativeity of time, the migration of space... It can be said that it has a naïve bud of physics. The research of later scientists on the moon is basically not separated from this trap.

  Someone once synthesized the evaluations of Wang Minyun and Wen Yiduo, and gave "Spring River Flower Moon Night" the reputation of "a lonely piece covering the whole Tang", which caused controversy in the industry. This is, of course, a matter of opinion. However, if Zhang Ruoxuan has had an impact on a number of Tang poetry celebrities, then few people should oppose it.

  For example, the opening sentence of "Spring River Flower Moon Night" "Spring River tide water is even with the sea level, and the sea bright moon is born together", is it not familiar? Because he is more famous than Zhang Ruo, Zhang Jiuling, a famous minister in his 30s, has written that "the sea is born of the bright moon, and the end of the world is at this time".

  Another example is the sentence "White clouds go to leisurely, Qingfeng Pu is overwhelmed with sorrow" in "Spring River Flower Moon Night", which may have been used by Cui Haohua for half a century by Xiao Zhangruo, leaving the famous sentence "The yellow crane is gone forever, and the white clouds are empty for a thousand years".

  And Li Bai, who is similar to Cui Hao's age, also has "When will the blue sky and bright moon come?" I want to stop the cup and ask" Is this sentence, Shi Xian's cosmology, influenced by the predecessor Zhang Ruoxuan's "Who first saw the moon on the riverbank, and when did the river moon shine at the beginning of the year"? (Zihua)

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