
People over 70 years old, there are 3 major manifestations on the body, don't rush to treatment, it has nothing to do with the disease but is old

author:Minfu Health Care Hall

At the age of 70, you will obviously feel that your body has changed, and what is even more helpless is that there are many small problems that come to your own trouble, which seriously affects your entire physical health. The key is that some problems are still more difficult, which makes people very afraid, and if they are not treated in time, the possibility of developing into big problems will be relatively high.

After people get older, they will be afraid of many things, especially resistant to life and death, maybe when they are young, they are not so resistant, but the older they are, the more afraid of death, always thinking that they can always be healthy and can live longer. But how the future, everything is unknown, can only through a variety of efforts, to extend their life, when the disease, can be treated in time, but some problems may not be as serious as you think, no treatment is also OK, just a normal aging process.

People over 70 years old, there are 3 major manifestations on the body, don't rush to treatment, it has nothing to do with the disease but is old

Remind the elderly: there are 4 phenomena on the body, do not treat first, not the disease is just normal aging

Suddenly, a lot of red moles appeared on the body

Some elderly people have heard that red moles are related to liver disease, they are nervous, thinking that they have serious problems with their livers, before, they have heard a lot of sayings about red moles, saying that red moles belong to spider moles, and when major liver disease occurs, there will be a lot of them. People who do not understand, such a misunderstanding, is also a matter of course, in order to avoid increasing the psychological burden, or should be understood clearly.

The appearance of red nevi on the body is not equal to liver lesions, even if it is really a spider mole, it is not all caused by liver disease, the formation of spider mole is related to the amount of estrogen secretion, and the female body estrogen secretion is originally more, in a special period, it is more likely to appear secretion disorders, in this case, there may be spider moles.

The red moles that appear on the elderly are not necessarily spider moles, but simply red moles, and these red moles, which belong to normal moles, are vascular moles formed because of aging, not pathological red moles, so that they do not need to be treated.

People over 70 years old, there are 3 major manifestations on the body, don't rush to treatment, it has nothing to do with the disease but is old

Sore knees, sore bones

Occasional bone pain, or knee soreness, do not be nervous, may not be bone lesions or joint lesions, but belong to physiological degeneration, such as bone spurs, most of the elderly will be examined for this problem, bones or joints, from time to time there will be soreness and pain, like needle.

The onset is also unbearable, many elderly people will feel that their joints or bones in addition to the big problem, need timely treatment to do, in fact, there is no need, this bone spur problem, has nothing to do with the disease, but the joint cartilage degenerates, before the new force balance is formed, this kind of performance will occur, when the balance is formed, the situation will naturally disappear.

People over 70 years old, there are 3 major manifestations on the body, don't rush to treatment, it has nothing to do with the disease but is old

Appetite decreases and the amount of food becomes smaller

People over 70 years old, appetite has a significant decline, the amount of food is much less than before, such a performance is really a bit abnormal, many diseases will cause this kind of performance, and even some people think of cancer, feel that they are seriously ill, in fact, not, if you in the appetite decline, after the amount of food becomes less, the body has no other abnormalities, first do not panic, do not rush to treatment, because after the decline of digestive function, it will affect the digestion and absorption of the gastrointestinal digestion and absorption, it will make people have a decline in appetite, the amount of food becomes smaller.

After age, aging will follow, the older the age, the faster the aging rate, the internal organ function of the human body will begin to degenerate, and the gastrointestinal function degradation is more prominent, therefore, the elderly have a decline in appetite, the amount of food becomes smaller, most of them belong to normal physiological degradation.

There is also a more interesting question, here is the answer:

The same is 70 years old, why do some people have no age spots, but some people are densely packed?

Age spots are benign skin tumors that do not necessarily grow on middle-aged and elderly people, but it is said that middle-aged and elderly people are more likely to grow age spots. Some elderly people are not elderly spots, there will be, the same are 70 years old, some people have a lot of age spots, some people are clean, there is such a difference, it will make people wonder, where is the difference?

People over 70 years old, there are 3 major manifestations on the body, don't rush to treatment, it has nothing to do with the disease but is old

Mainly reflected in 2 aspects, on the one hand is the human factor, on the other hand is genetics, some people are born with a good appearance, and the body's metabolism and aging rate is slower than others, then the probability of elderly spots will be relatively low.

Human factors, that is more, such as bad habits, stay up late, drinking, smoking, do not pay attention to sun protection, do not have enough maintenance awareness, after the age gradually becomes older, the function begins to decline, coupled with too many bad habits, age spots will naturally appear in large quantities on your face or hands.

After people are old, there are many changes that need to be faced, most of the changes are unacceptable, and may carry danger, but there is no need to panic excessively, and it is the most beneficial to health to understand the reasons in time, but it can not be blindly treated, nor can it increase the psychological burden on yourself.


1. "Only the elderly will be old? not necessarily! Health Times 2019.12.30

2. "These small problems are signs of aging", Health Times, May 8, 2020

3. The Truth · Are vascular nevi a sign of aging? Dr. Lilac 2016.11.2

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