
"Don't be spicy" In English is not "No spicy", foreigners don't say that

author:English Listening Class

Everyone's taste is different

So, when it comes to eating out

Students who can't eat spicy

Will choose less spicy or not spicy

Well, here's the problem for today

You know how to express it in English

"Don't be spicy"?

Let's learn together.

"Don't be spicy" In English is not "No spicy", foreigners don't say that

How do you say "don't be spicy" in English?

In English, in addition to "spicy" for "spicy", you can also use "Hot". So what's the difference between Spice and Hot? Hot generally refers to ordinary spicy, while Spice prefers spiced; pungency.


Not spicy

Mild mild; slight

Medium medium spicy

Hot heavy spicy

Super spicy is super spicy


This curry is too hot.

This curry is too spicy.

Thai food is hot and spicy.

Thai food is spicy.

I don't really care for spicy food.

I actually don't like spicy food.

"Milk tea should be a little sweet" how to say in English?

In milk tea, sweetness is generally expressed by "Sugar", and ice is generally expressed as "Ice".

Sweetness level:

Regular sugar whole sugar

Less sugar Three-quarter sugars

Half sugar Half sugar

Quarter sugar Quarter sugar

Sugar-free sugar free

冰块(Amount of ice):

Regular ice Normal ice

Easy ice less ice

Ice-free to ice

How sweet and ice would you like your bubble tea?

How sweet and ice does your milk tea have?

Half sugar and easy ice, please.

Half sugar and less ice, thank you.

"How much do you want to cook a steak" in English?

When you go to a Western restaurant and the waiter asks you, "How would you like your steak done?" Can't say Seven, correctly should answer like this:

Rare cooked Only the skin is slightly roasted, and it is full of blood

Medium-rare three-part cooked only 25% baked

Medium is very familiar with foreigners

Medium-well seven-point ripe Only 25% remain bright red, which is very popular among the Chinese

Well-done fully cooked taste will be more difficult to chew

How would you like your steak done?

How cooked is your steak?

Medium-well, please.

Seven points cooked, thank you.

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