
Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

author:Xie Xiaowei
Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Three-fingered alien mummy "Maria" unearthed in Peru

In 2017, a website called Gaia began promoting a video series called "Demystifying Nazca's Unearthing Nazca."

The series of videos says that researchers have found a mummy that may have come from an alien planet in the Andes region of South America, and they named him "Maria", who has a long skull and only three extended fingers on his hands and feet.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Mummies excavated from the pachacamac site

A closer look at this "alien" mummy bears many similarities to the one discovered at the Pachacamac site in 2012.

They are all presented in the position of the baby curled up in the mother's body and sleeping.

To argue whether maria's mummified body is alien or not, we need to start with peru's ancient "alien" history.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the "alien" history of Peru</h1>

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

In 1968, the Swiss writer Ehrlich created The Chariot of the Gods? The Unsolved Mysteries of the Past, which describes the Nazca Lines (on the Nazca wilderness in southern Peru) as the landing runway for "ancient astronauts".

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Chariots of the Gods? Excerpt from The Unsolved Mysteries of the Past

Released in 2008, Raiders of the Lost Ark 4: Kingdom of Crystal Skulls injects new elements into this ancient story, which also includes the big-skull aliens in the North American alien abduction story.

With the blessing of these mysterious elements, many melon-eating masses who do not understand the history of Peru see the news of the three-fingered alien mummy and believe it.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > mummified corpse disguised as an "alien" precedent</h1>

To talk about the precedent of using mummies to disguise themselves as aliens, here we need to introduce the following UFO expert Mushan.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Mushane with his "alien" corpse

On May 7, 2015, UFO expert Mushan presented evidence of his extraterrestrial life at the National Auditorium in Mexico City.

The "alien" bodies he displayed are said to have been photographs taken in 1947 during the Roswell Incident.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Pueblo little boy mummified

This is actually the mummy of a two-year-old Pueblo (Indian tribe) boy who was stolen from a cliff dwelling in Mesa Verde National Park (a remaining preserve of The North American Indian Settlement) in 1894.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Mesa Verde National Park Notes September 1938

A splendid mummy was received by the Park Museum recently when Mr. S.L. Palmer Jr. of San Francisco returned one that his father had taken from the ruins in 1894. The mummy is that of a two year old boy and is in an excellent state of preservation. At the time of burial the body was clad in a slip-over cotton shirt and three small cotton blankets. Fragments of these are still on the mummy.

The Park Museum recently received a superb mummy, and Mr. S.L. Palmer Jr. of San Francisco returned a mummy that his father had taken from the rubble in 1894. The mummy was a two-year-old boy and was remarkably well preserved. When buried, the body was wrapped in a cotton garment and three small cotton blankets. The fragments are still on the mummy.

He was returned to the Mesa Verde National Park Museum in 1938 and returned to the local tribe in 2015.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > evidence of "Maria" mummification</h1>

Let's first look at why the head of the "Maria" mummy is so long.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

The mummy on the left shows an artificial deformation of the skull (13th-15th centuries)

The picture above shows a pre-Columbian mummy, and the mummy on the left shows the skull being artificially transformed and deformed.

For the sake of some ideal beauty or a sense of belonging on behalf of the tribe, the children of that era were artificially shaped from birth.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

《the Scenes from every land》1875-1966

In modern times, the Menbetu people of Africa also had the habit of transforming their heads, and it was not until the beginning of the 20th century that this custom slowly disappeared.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

A baby with a modified skull

In the 19th century, anglo-American and European skull scientists and scholars found artificially modified skulls in Peruvian graves, and archaeologists began to realize that the "deformed" Peruvian skull had been bound and modified since infancy.

After the Roswell Incident in 1947, the rise of UFOs led to a restart in the search for mysterious "ancestors," and irresponsible ufo enthusiasts refocused on the skulls of ancient Peruvians, who linked these large skulls to evidence of the existence of "gray aliens."

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Machu Picchu

UFO enthusiasts speculate that Peru's greatest achievements before Columbus discovered the American continent, including Machu Picchu, were actually the product of alien "races" or "alien" techniques borrowed by ancient Peruvians.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Journal of the London Ethnological Society

In the chapter "About the Ancient Peruvians" described on pages 79-85 of the Journal of the London Ethnological Society, Volume I (1848):

They used the unique size, shape, and parietal bone of the ancient Peruvian skull as evidence of its similarity to rodents, as a way to prove that the great relics of the ancient Peruvian land could not have come from themselves.

See, these are all naked racisms, and since the 18th century the Nordics have been accusing the Spaniards of exaggerating the achievements of the Incas, believing that the indigenous Peruvians could not have built an advanced society on their own.

Did I write in the previous article Giant Mound Buried With Pre-Archaic Giants? In fact, the evil means by which the whites expelled the Indians were described in detail.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

"Maria" mummified

It can be preliminarily judged that the body of the "Maria" mummy is real, and his hand is actually moving flowers to pick up the wood.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

The picture on the right shows the hand under the X-ray

The stitching marks can be clearly seen on the left side of the picture above, the red circle marks the fixing ring, and the right side of the hand can be seen in the X-ray that the hand joint has been roughly broken.

Ancient Romans forged ancient Greek sculptures from the 5th century BC as early as the 2nd century AD.

In peru's Andes, there are many small workshops where fake artifacts can be made, and some tomb robbers have even found molds that were used by ancient Peruvians before, so they can make perfect replicas.

Forgery of artifacts throughout human history has a long tradition all over the world.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > where does the "Maria" mummy come from? </h1>

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Thierry Yaman

Thierry Yaman, director of the Incali Institute, believes that the "Maria" mummy was looted by tomb robbers in the Nazca region in 2015.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

A cemetery in Nazca was stolen in 2010

The necropolises of the Nazca and Paracas regions of Peru were looted throughout the 20th century, and the same archaeologically famous counterfeit Ica blackstone also came from here.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the "Reveal nasca" series of videos are full of doubts</h1>

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Konstantin Kolotkov

Konstantin Korotkov, principal investigator of the "Maria" mummy research group in the "Reveal nasca" video series, was interviewed by Russia's Mir 24 tv station in May 2018.

Kolotkov said in an interview:

Mummies have 23 pairs of chromosomes (like humans), but their anatomy doesn't look like humans. They (these mummies) could be aliens or biological robots.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

The originator of the counterfeiting, Mushan, was also there

By the way, Mushan, the originator of the use of mummy counterfeiting, UFO expert Mushan also appeared in the video.

As shown in the picture above, Professor Konstantin Kolotkov's name indicates that he is a professor at prof. saint petersburg university (St. Petersburg University), and I found only one school called St. Petersburg State University, and searched for his name on the official website.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

St. Petersburg State University official website

There is no information on the school's official website about Professor "Konstantin Kolotkov".

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

I found Konstantin Kolotkov's profile and found the following information in the personal profile:

Professor of Computer Science and Biophysics at Saint-Petersburg Federal University of Informational Technologies, Mechanics and Optics.

Professor of Computer Science and Biophysics at the Federal University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics of St. Petersburg.

Then translate the "St. Petersburg Federal University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics" into Russian and look for this school.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Chinese the official website

Similarly, only one called "St. Petersburg State Research University of Information Technology, Mechanics and Optics" was found.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Official website in Russian

Any information about Professor Konstantin Kolotkov is still not available on the Russian website.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Official website in English

Nor can any information about Professor Konstantin Kolotkov searched on the English website.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident


Konstantin Kolotkov's website sells a camera called the GDV.

Konstantin Kolotkov claims that everyone emits a low energy field that can be measured and recorded using a GDV camera and show in detail the various parts of the organ as well as the entire organ system.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Gaia website membership price (GBP)

The Gaia website that filmed the "Reveal nasca" also made a lot of money, after all, if you want to watch the full version of the video, you need to add members.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy event</h1>

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

Armando Villanueva No. Act 3112/2017-CR

At the end of 2018, Peruvian congressman Armando Villanueva introduced a bill to formally raise the investigation into Nazca mummies to national heights.

Alien little grey mummified corpse appears in Nazca, Peru, huge head three fingers three toes Peru "alien" historical mummy corpse disguised as "alien" precedent "Maria" mummy fake evidence "Maria" mummy where did the mummy come from? The "Reveal the Nazca" series of videos is full of doubts about the follow-up to the "Maria" alien mummy incident

According to the submission of this bill, more real elements of the "Maria" alien mummy incident can be queried.

Unfortunately, the Peruvian Congress has never formally implemented the bill, which is inseparable from the top-down corruption of the country.

After all, this is a business that involves the interests of all parties and is difficult to cure.

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