
The deputy department of The Fallen Horse accumulated more than 100 million yuan of wealth and built 109 acres of private gardens in Beijing

author:Beijing News

"I am grateful for the party's censorship and the punishment of the law, which are a kind of salvation for you, a kind of salvation."

The full text is 5730 words, and it takes about 11 minutes to read

According to the official website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission, at 8 p.m. on January 17, the third episode of the TV special "Zero Tolerance" was broadcast on the CCTV comprehensive channel.

The third episode of the TV special film "Zero Tolerance," "Punishing The Former and The Latter," through the cases of Chen Gang, former member of the party leading group and secretary of the Secretariat of the China Association for Science and Technology, liu Guoqiang, former deputy secretary of the party leading group and vice chairman of the Liaoning Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and Liu Chuansheng, former secretary of the party committee of Beijing Normal University, tells the story of the discipline inspection and supervision organs' concept of punishing the former and punishing the latter, curing the sick and saving people, implementing the whole process of discipline inspection and supervision work, educating, reforming, and saving people, and realizing the unity of the political, disciplinary, and social effects of investigating and handling cases.

The deputy department of The Fallen Horse accumulated more than 100 million yuan of wealth and built 109 acres of private gardens in Beijing

The following is the chen gang part of the feature film text:

Commentary: Punishing those who have done wrong and curing the sick and saving people is our party's consistent policy. Since the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, discipline inspection and supervision organs have implemented the requirements of the party Central Committee, carried forward the good practices and good experiences formed in exploration and practice since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party, always maintained the intensity of "punishment," actively explored ways to "govern," given full play to the effectiveness of "rescue," continuously deepened and expanded the connotations and methods of punishing those who have been punished before and after, cured diseases and saved people, persisted in combining strict management with loving care, attached equal importance to incentives and restraints, and promoted the continuous in-depth development of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, rectifying the work style, suppressing discipline, and fighting corruption.

【Subtitle: The Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Discipline Inspection Commission】

Xi Jinping: It is necessary to integrate the rectification of discipline and anti-corruption with the deepening of reform, the improvement of the system, and the promotion of governance, make good use of the "four forms", punish the former and the latter, treat the disease and save people, and comprehensively play the role of punishment deterrence, punishment and rescue, and education and vigilance.

【Commentary】 The discipline inspection and supervision organs will implement the concept of punishing the former and punishing the latter, treating the sick and saving people, and implementing it throughout the entire process of discipline inspection and supervision work. Rectifying the work style and suppressing discipline and fighting corruption is not only a serious work of supervising and enforcing discipline and law enforcement, but also arduous and meticulous ideological and political work; finding out problems and severely punishing them is not the only purpose; it is also necessary to make party-member leading cadres who have made mistakes truly realize their mistakes, make them believe in the organization, and sincerely repent, so as to achieve the purpose of educating, reforming, and saving people, and realize the unity of the political, disciplinary, and social effects of investigating and handling cases.

Chen Gang (Secretary of the Secretariat of the Former Party Group of the China Association for Science and Technology): I am grateful for the party's censorship and legal sanctions, which are a kind of salvation and a kind of salvation for you. Because at this time, after you have removed these muddy waters, you can have a clean soul and live a new life. Throwing away the wandering, fearful, tangled state of life in the past, I think my current mental state is much healthier than in the past.

Chen Gang, former member of the Party Group and Secretary of the Secretariat of the China Association for Science and Technology, was the Secretary and Director of the Party Group of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission, and a member of the Standing Committee and Vice Mayor of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee. His prominent problem is the use of the important power of planning approval to trade power for money. After the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection successively received some reports of problems related to Chen Gang's close contacts with his boss and extravagant work style, and sent letters to Chen Gang, all of which Chen Gang denied. In February 2017, Chen Gang was transferred to the office of the former State Council's South-to-North Water Diversion Project Construction Committee, and in 2018, he was transferred to the China Association for Science and Technology. Chen Gang realized that the organization might further investigate and deal with him.

Chen Gang: There are nightmares, there will also be entanglements, how to do so many things in the past, how to clean up, I am also self-aware.

[Commentary] For a whole year in 2018, Chen Gang held the mentality of self-abandonment and lived a self-destructive life. Instead of restraining himself or taking it over, he intensified his efforts and frantically accepted nearly 70 million yuan in huge bribes, accounting for more than half of his total bribes. At the same time, he was extremely afraid of emptiness in his heart, and he anesthetized himself every day by indulging in erotic pleasures, and he thought of taking the initiative to surrender many times. In January 2019, when the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission asked Chen Gang to verify the situation in another case, some of his unusual remarks attracted the attention of the special case team.

Gu Ju (staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): During the conversation, Chen Gang took the initiative to talk to the organization and asked the central management cadres who had surrendered themselves before how the organization viewed them. What kind of policies will be given by the organization in the future for those who can take the initiative to clarify the problems and take the initiative to confess to the organization, and how is the law stipulated? We perceive some of Chen Gang's thoughts on his own problem.

[Commentary] Chen Gang was in the midst of contradictions and entanglements at that time, and he had both the impulse to explain and the uncertainty of moving. The special case team captured his mentality and immediately carried out ideological and political work on him, and this evidence collection conversation turned into a sudden encounter and a tough battle.

Gu Ju (staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): We have further clarified his organizational policies for him, and also encouraged him to be like Ai Wenli, who was able to surrender himself before. In the process of telling him about these cases, Chen Gang's attitude gradually wavered, saying that he was willing to consider it. We seized this sign and continued to work for him in depth so that he could realize that seizing the opportunity to clarify his problems to the organization as soon as possible was the only way out.

Gang Chen: People hesitate. But in the end, what I figured out was this matter, and I couldn't have any luck mentality, you had to explain the problem comprehensively, thoroughly, and cleanly, and the sooner the better.

[Commentary] The in-depth conversation that lasted for several hours prompted Chen Gang to make up his mind to surrender on the spot. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission then formally filed a case against Chen Gang for review and investigation. Chen Gang quickly confessed all the facts of his violations of discipline and law, involving bribes of as much as 120 million yuan. However, the task force noticed that his mentality at that time was more to hope to strive for light treatment through active accounting, and the reflection on his own mistakes was not deep enough.

Gu Ju (Staff Member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): Education and rescue are the pursuits of our review and investigation. More importantly, let him realize why he did wrong, how he went in the wrong direction step by step, and encourage him to reflect on his own life experience.

[Commentary] Together with Chen Gang, the special case team systematically sorted out and reflected on his past life. Chen Gang graduated from Tsinghua University in 1989 with a major in urban planning, just in time for an excellent historical opportunity. At that time, Beijing still only had the third ring road, the subway only had line 1 and line 2, and the rapid development of urban construction was in urgent need of highly educated professionals. In the context of such a big era, Chen Gang joined the work for only eight years, and then he came to the main leadership position in the field of planning and construction in Beijing, and he was also full of passion at that time, and he was full of enthusiasm and was excited to participate in the construction of Beijing.

Chen Gang: The tide of the country requires intellectuals to quickly top up, and there is a real feeling of blood boiling, and they are thrown into this tide of reform, opening up, and construction.

Chen Gang became deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission at the age of 31, director of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission at the age of 36, and vice mayor of Beijing at the age of 40.

Chen Gang: Everywhere people say that you are a young and promising professional cadre with fluttering thoughts. But in fact, later, as your power increases, the risks you face, the tests, the challenges, the temptations, in fact, these tests are not your professional knowledge, but your ideals and beliefs, your values, but you just relax, you don't think those things are important.

[Commentary] Ignoring the tempering of ideals and convictions, it is naturally difficult to establish a solid defense line against corruption and degeneration. And Chen Gang holds the right to approve planning, and it is in the period of rapid development of the real estate industry, under the key "hunting" of real estate developers, Chen Gang gradually lost his concentration. The boss developed from arranging for him to eat and entertain, to providing vehicles, credit cards, and then directly sending real estate and huge sums of money; Chen Gang used the convenience of his position to help the boss in the change of the nature of the project land, the approval of the planning and design plan, the adjustment of the plan, the approval and acceptance of the project, and so on.

Gang Chen: There is discretion in planning, and the power gap left behind is too large. This land gives you, what kind of building, how much to cover, related to his profits, his returns.

[Commentary] Chen Gang has been engaged in and in charge of Beijing's planning and urban construction work for 17 years, and his problems also reflect the chaos and ills in this field, which are worth summarizing in depth, using cases to promote reform, and by improving the system and strengthening supervision, to avoid the recurrence of the same mistakes by latecomers. In the conversation with Chen Gang, the special case team discussed the problems in the field of planning and construction with him in depth, which also promoted him to reflect more deeply on his own mistakes.

Gu Juniper (Staff member of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): I hope to discover some deep-seated problems in beijing's planning and construction fields. Discovering problems, rectifying problems, and solving problems through the investigation and handling of cases is the purpose of our review and investigation.

[Commentary] The special case group arranged for Chen Gang to re-study a series of important documents of the CPC Central Committee on the planning of the capital, encouraging him to put aside his personal gains and losses, return to his original intention and public heart, seriously think in light of his own experience, and put forward valuable reflections and suggestions. This arrangement deeply touched Chen Gang.

Gang Chen: Personal gains and losses are actually not important. What you gain and lose more (should) is to think about those things, your work, what you bring to the city, what you bring to the larger crowd, where it gains and losses are. Looking back, these things are a kind of salvation for you, a kind of salvation for you.

[Commentary] Thinking about the big problems of planning and construction, in turn, also promotes Chen Gang's reflection on "self". He took the initiative to talk to the special task force about several absurd things he had done, and made a deep confession from the bottom of his heart. One of them is about the construction of private gardens. From 2002 to 2014, in order to satisfy his "design dream", Chen Gang asked his boss to invest tens of millions of yuan to build a private garden garden for him in Huairou, Beijing, in two phases. Because the garden violated Beijing's urban master plan, it was demolished after Chen Gang was investigated.

【Commentary】The garden covers a total area of 109 acres, with a construction area of more than 3,000 square meters, luxurious decoration, including Chinese-style courtyards, Western-style waterfront all-glass villas, Japanese courtyards, etc., and has a semi-suspended swimming pool, artificial white beach, audio-visual room, massage room and other places. After its completion, Chen Gang often brought his family, friends and business owners here for leisure and entertainment, indulging in the "quality life" space he created. Looking back now, he felt the narrowness of selfish desires.

The deputy department of The Fallen Horse accumulated more than 100 million yuan of wealth and built 109 acres of private gardens in Beijing

Gang Chen: A very stupid, very ignorant approach, the root is the ego. In your planning throughout Beijing, haven't you received this reward and value recognition? Isn't this joy a greater joy? What does it mean for an individual to make such a small garden? Is it worth it to get those personal, material things at such a great price? Now to put it in my heart, relative to my own life value, my life value, my career value, I really feel that it is not worth it.

Another thing Chen Gang is particularly remorseful about is that in 2008, a real estate owner who was close to him developed a property in a prime location in Beijing, and Chen Gang saw the environmental location of the community and asked the boss to build a tailor-made villa for him. He personally revised the drawings and changed the above-ground area to more than 200 square meters to meet the policy standards. In fact, he asked the boss to build a two-story basement with a total area of more than 800 square meters above and below ground. When the relevant departments of Beijing Municipality came to inspect the area of the house, he arranged for the boss to carefully cover the stair elevator leading to the basement, and the disguised house was only one floor above the ground. Now, reflecting on himself as a high-ranking cadre, Chen Gang is sincerely ashamed of being so painstaking in order to be greedy.

Chen Gang: Trying to disguise in every way, I was trapped in this cage by my own selfish desires. Although I am here now to be censored and have lost my freedom, I am liberated, I can sleep and eat. Of course, I am very sorry now, one regrets sorry for the party and the people, and has failed in this; the second wasted his youth and wasted his precious life. Fortunately, I finally woke up late, but after all, I woke up.

[Commentary] Self-reflection that touches the soul is always painful, but Chen Gang finally took this step and faced his worst side. Whether it is from the reflection of individual mistakes or the analysis of problems in the field of planning and construction in Beijing, this review and investigation has achieved the effect of "punishing" to "curing".

Gu Juniper (staff member of the State Supervision Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection): He carefully sorted out and reviewed the gains and losses of his planning and urban construction work in Beijing, and took the initiative to write down his understanding and thinking on some issues in the field of planning and construction in Beijing. Through the use of cases to promote reform, Chen Gang's case finally achieved very good political, legal and social effects.

Commentary: In February 2021, the court held a public hearing of Chen Gang's case. The court held that Chen Gang illegally accepted more than 120 million yuan of other people's property, constituting the crime of accepting bribes. In view of the fact that he voluntarily surrendered, truthfully confessed the crime, constituted voluntary surrender, had major meritorious performance, and had statutory mitigating circumstances, Chen Gang was finally sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment.

Chen Gang: I especially want to talk about this point, when there is a problem, really open up to the party organization to explain clearly, the sooner it is cured, the better. If I had treated it earlier, when my first button was not buttoned, or when the second button and the third button were not buttoned, it would not be as far as it is now. So that's a deep lesson. To this point, I still think it is not too late, or I have been saved.

[Commentary] Looking back at the party's century-long course of struggle, many principles and policies that have been sustained and effective have been summed up from rich practical experience and profound historical lessons. In February 1942, when yan'an was rectifying the wind, Comrade Mao Zedong first put forward the principle of "punishing the former and punishing the latter, curing the disease and saving people". Over the past 70 -odd years, this policy has been tested by long-term practice and has become the historical experience and fine tradition of our party in consolidating and developing the party's unity and unity by solving its own problems, and is also an important symbol of our party's political maturity.

Han Jinping (Deputy Director of the Case Supervision and Management Office of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission): We "punish the former" for the purpose of "punishing the queen" and "curing the disease" in order to "save people." After the Eighteenth National Congress, in the historical process of our party's continuous and in-depth promotion of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, the understanding and practice of "punishing the former and punishing the latter" has been continuously deepened, and the political effect of curing the disease and saving people has been truly realized.

Chen Gang was sentenced to 15 years in prison

On the morning of February 5, 2021, the Intermediate People's Court of Nanjing Municipality, Jiangsu Province, publicly pronounced a verdict in the first instance on the bribery case of Chen Gang, a former member of the party leading group, secretary of the Secretariat, and standing committee member of the China Association for Science and Technology, and sentenced defendant Chen Gang to 15 years' imprisonment and a fine of 5 million yuan for accepting bribes; the property and fruits obtained from Chen Gang's bribery were recovered in accordance with law and handed over to the state treasury.

The deputy department of The Fallen Horse accumulated more than 100 million yuan of wealth and built 109 acres of private gardens in Beijing

After trial, it was ascertained that from 2003 to 2018, defendant Chen Gang took advantage of his position as director of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission, vice mayor of the Beijing Municipal People's Government, and member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal CPC Committee, as well as the convenience of the office of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project Construction Committee of the State Council, the secretary of the Secretariat of the China Association for Science and Technology, and the standing committee to provide assistance to relevant enterprises in matters such as the change of the nature of land for construction projects, the adjustment of planning indicators, and the approval and acceptance of projects. The total amount of illegal property and property given by others is equivalent to RMB1.2887732.8 million.

The Nanjing Municipal Intermediate People's Court held that defendant Chen Gang's conduct constituted the crime of accepting bribes. In view of the fact that Chen Gang surrendered to the case-handling organs when he had not yet been investigated, talked, or interrogated, truthfully confessed his crimes, and constituted voluntary surrender; providing clues to crack other major cases after his return to the case, which was verified to be true after investigation, and had other major contributions to the state and society, and had a major meritorious performance; admitting guilt and repenting of his crime, actively returning the stolen goods, and having all the bribes and stolen goods and stolen goods have been recovered, with statutory, discretionary mitigating or mitigating circumstances, he may be given a mitigated punishment in accordance with law. The Tribunal accordingly rendered the above-mentioned judgment.

On the evening of January 6, 2019, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission published the news that Chen Gang, a member of the party group and secretary of the Secretariat of the China Association for Science and Technology, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently under disciplinary review and supervision and investigation by the State Supervision Commission of the Central Discipline Inspection Commission.

On July 11, 2019, Chen Gang was "double-opened".

After investigation, Chen Gang has degenerated politically, lost his party spirit, has no faith, has no reverence, is disloyal and dishonest to the party, engages in duplicity and duplicity, resists organizational censorship, does not truthfully explain problems, and engages in superstitious activities; he seriously violates the spirit of the eight central regulations, uses his power to build luxurious private gardens and gardens for personal enjoyment, commits fraud, occupies more houses in violation of regulations, enters and exits in violation of regulations, occupies private clubs exclusively, occupies luxury suites in hotels for many years without compensation, and accepts travel arrangements that may affect the fair execution of official duties; he is extremely greedy economically. For a long time, he has used the important power of planning and examination and approval to wantonly amass wealth, seek benefits for his relatives' business activities, engage in power and money transactions, and accept huge bribes; his life is extremely corrupt and extravagant, his morality is corrupt, he pursues personal pleasures unscrupulously, and he seriously tarnishes the party's image.

According to public resumes, Chen Gangsheng was born in June 1966 and served as a member of the party group, deputy director, secretary of the party group and director of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission (Office of the Capital Planning and Construction Commission), and became the vice mayor of Beijing in 2006, at the age of 40.

In 2012, Chen Gang was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and vice mayor of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, in February 2017 he was transferred to the Deputy Director of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project Construction Committee of the State Council, in March 2018 he was appointed as a member of the Party Group of the China Association for Science and Technology, in May 2018 he was appointed as a member of the Party Group and Secretary of the Secretariat of the China Association for Science and Technology, and in September 2018 he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the China Association for Science and Technology.

Chen Gang resume

Chen Gang, male, Han ethnicity, born in May 1966, Chongyang, Hubei, joined the Communist Party of China in May 1988, joined the work in August 1989, graduate degree, master of engineering, senior engineer.

He has successively served as a lecturer, secretary of the Youth League Committee, political counselor and party committee member of the School of Architecture of Tsinghua University, assistant to the mayor of liuzhou municipal people's government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, director of the municipal urban comprehensive management office, member of the party group, deputy director, secretary and director of the party group of the Beijing Municipal Planning Commission (Office of the Capital Planning and Construction Commission).

In October 2006, he was appointed as the vice mayor of The Beijing Municipal People's Government, a member of the Party Group, and the director of the Municipal Planning Commission (Office of the Capital Planning and Construction Commission);

In October 2007, he was appointed vice mayor of Beijing Municipal People's Government and member of the Party Group;

In July 2012, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, vice mayor of the Municipal People's Government, and a member of the Party Group.

In February 2017, he was appointed as a member of the party group and deputy director of the office of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project Construction Committee of the State Council;

In March 2018, he was appointed as a member of the party group of the China Association for Science and Technology, and in May 2018, he was appointed as a member of the party group and the secretary of the secretariat of the China Association for Science and Technology;

In September 2018, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the China Association for Science and Technology.

It was investigated in January 2019.

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