
Ancient emperors would wash the dragon ditch after getting up, why didn't the palace women avoid it, and still scrambled to serve?


Nowadays, with the continuous progress of society, our lives are getting better and better, and everyone's needs will be met. And in ancient times, the people hoped: "Prosperity and peace, frost and dew to find each other." "We are happy, and we are glad that we live in an era of peace and tranquility. "Washing dragon ditch" has been constantly evolving: from feudal despotism to various dynasties. During the Qing Dynasty, the "Washing Dragon Ditch" was pushed to a climax.

Ancient emperors would wash the dragon ditch after getting up, why didn't the palace women avoid it, and still scrambled to serve?

The supreme power of the Emperor

At that time, the dynasties were all emperors for heaven, and the emperor handled the affairs of the whole country, large and small, which was the so-called heartbreak. Whether it is a high-ranking official or a harem concubine, there is no doubt that he is not pleasing the emperor, as long as the emperor is happy, he can be above ten thousand people under one person and be admired by people; if the emperor is not happy, he will be humble as dirt and can lose his life at any time. Since the emperor is so dangerous, why should the former servants and successors go to please the emperor?

The ministers of the former dynasty were strongly recommending their daughters to enter the palace, fighting for the family and winning the emperor's favor. Those courtiers who had no children tried their best to introduce themselves, wanting to become the red people in front of the emperor and let the emperor reuse them. Thus the official knighthood, the palace will also choose the show girl through the draft, try everything to go to the emperor's side, whether it is TV dramas or real life, in the ancient slave industry is not pleasing, their status is as humble as mud, those who are prominent will not pay attention at all.

Ancient emperors would wash the dragon ditch after getting up, why didn't the palace women avoid it, and still scrambled to serve?

The "scramble" of the palace maids

Of course, "washing the dragon ditch" is not a very good errand, the key depends on the status of this person, like the emperor with supreme power, who wants to serve the people who want to serve the former servants and successors, scrambling, and everyone wants to please the emperor. In ancient times, "washing dragon ditch" did not have a toothbrush, we can learn in some costume TV series: after the emperor and empress get up, the palace women will give them mouthwash, and the biggest "oil water" is the tea leaves.

In ancient times, both ordinary people and dignitaries gargled with tea. The tea used by the emperor was of course the best, and it was a very precious and rare tea. The process of making tea is also very complicated, requiring various tools, if you encounter the emperor in a bad mood, it will anger the palace women, but there are still people scrambling to "wash the dragon ditch".

Ancient emperors would wash the dragon ditch after getting up, why didn't the palace women avoid it, and still scrambled to serve?

Of course, the palace ladies will rush to do it because they can get the benefits. How rare and precious the tea used by the emperor was, the palace ladies had saved enough money to go out of the palace at the right age to find their own good match, so as to start a family. In the "washing dragon ditch", the palace women can get close to the emperor, of course, there are some palace women who want to fly up the branches to become phoenixes, and finally end up with the fate of people and money, the gains are not worth the loss, and some people are more intelligent, the most important thing in the palace is beauty, or the safety of fishing for "oil money".

So how do they get "oil money"? The tea used in "Washing Longgou" is very precious. And the emperor's mouthwash will not be flushed a second time, but these tea leaves can also be drunk, according to the regulations, after the "washing of the dragon ditch", these tea leaves will be thrown away, at this time, the palace women will take it to sell money, do not underestimate a cup of mouthwash every day, it can also make a lot of money. Of course, if you are favored by the emperor and crowned as a concubine, it is also possible, just like the well-known "Biography of Zhen Huan", those palace women are sealed with concubines, and life is also very complete.

Ancient emperors would wash the dragon ditch after getting up, why didn't the palace women avoid it, and still scrambled to serve?

The "glory and wealth" of the royal family

At that time, the feudal dynasty, the gap between rich and poor was very large, the royal family enjoyed all the glory and wealth, as small as the washing utensils to the house where they lived, which was undoubtedly not the best, if the emperor at that time could understand the pain of the people, how good it would be. We can see how luxurious Empress Dowager Cixi was to use military funds to repair her own garden (the Summer Palace).

Even when she took a bath, she could use up a hundred towels. In order to "wash the tea leaves used in the dragon ditch", the palace ladies rushed to serve the emperor. Those born in the palace do not experience the suffering of the world, eat and wear are the best, do not have the experience of chai rice oil salt sauce vinegar tea, and will not worry about the troubles of life.

Ancient emperors would wash the dragon ditch after getting up, why didn't the palace women avoid it, and still scrambled to serve?


It can be seen that the gap between the rich and the poor at that time was so large that we were glad that we lived in the period of Guotai and Min'an, and there was no: "The beacon fire lasted for three months, and the family letter reached ten thousand gold." "('Spring Hope') brings suffering, we are so happy!

We live in an age when the people are in charge, and our destiny is in our own hands and no longer needs to be decided by others. People living at the bottom of society can change their fate through their own efforts, as long as they are not succumbed to the ups and downs, everyone will succeed. As long as you are willing to work hard, fight hard, and struggle, you will live a good life.


"To the Wine Line"

"Spring Hope"

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