
Memory: "We Walk on the Road" author Li Haofu in Chengde's "Can't Forget"

author:The history of the old sheep shovel
Memory: "We Walk on the Road" author Li Haofu in Chengde's "Can't Forget"


In the 1960s and 1970s, "Father and Mother Are Not as Good as Chairman Mao's Parents", "We Walk on the Road", "Singing Two Little Cowherds"... these songs were popular among the population, and almost everyone could sing them.

But for a long time, because of the times, the names of these very influential songwriters were disappeared, and this person was called Li Haofu.

The song "Can't Forget" he created in Chengde, which once became the most popular song in Chengde, is now almost forgotten.

Memory: "We Walk on the Road" author Li Haofu in Chengde's "Can't Forget"

The miserable life of the Chengde people under japanese and puppet rule


The water of the Luan River is babbling, and the flow of sorrow is not endless.

Hatred piled up, and tears dripped through the iron.

I can't forget the day fourteen years ago, when the Japanese devils forcibly occupied Rehe.

Killing people and setting fires like tigers and wolves, the people of Rehe are tormented.

... ...

This is the beginning of the song "Can't Forget" composed by Li Haofu in 1945 after visiting the remains of the martyrs in Shuiquangou Mass Grave in Chengde.

Memory: "We Walk on the Road" author Li Haofu in Chengde's "Can't Forget"

Li Haofu's original name was Li Yunlong, a native of Nong'an, Jilin Province. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1938. He once served as a teacher of the Yan'an People's Drama Society, a member of the Northwest Field Service Regiment and the Jidong Military Region Cultural and Labor Troupe, the leader of the Cultural and Labor Regiment of the Ninth Column of the Northeast Field Army, the director of the Northeast Luyi Music Department in the afternoon of 1948, the president of the Northeast Music College, the professor and dean of the Shenyang Conservatory of Music, the first and second directors of the Chinese Music Association and the chairman of the Liaoning Branch.

In the above resume, he is not mentioned in this position: vice president of the Victory Drama Company of the Rehe Military Region.

Dai Yan said in "Seven Years of Literary and Art Work in Rehe":

When it comes to the literary and artistic work of yuanrehe province, we must first trace the source and start from "Lu Yi". The predecessor of "Lu Yi" was Shengli Drama Society. After the restoration in 1945, the Victory Drama Society of the 14th Military Subdistrict of Jidong advanced into Chengde with the army, and in early November, An Bo, Qiao Zhenmin, Luo Wen, Sha Cai, Cheng Yun, Du Yin, Yan Zheng, Zhang Fan (HaiMo), Lü Xifan, And Yao Yiqing came from Yan'an to Chengde to enrich the Victory Drama Society, renamed the Victory Drama Society of the Rehe Military Region, with An Bo as the president and Li Haofu as the vice president, and soon Li Haofu returned to Jidong, Luo Wen as vice president, and Qiao Zhenmin as the assistant.

It's a string of shining characters.

When An Bo came to Chengde, he served as the president of the Victory Drama Club of the Rehe Military Region of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the head of the Literary and Art Work Group of the Jicha Reliao Military Region, and the dean of the Lu Xun Art College of the Ji cha Re Liao United University. In 1964, he became the first president of the China Conservatory of Music.

Memory: "We Walk on the Road" author Li Haofu in Chengde's "Can't Forget"

Yao Yiqing was only 26 years old when he came to Chengde, and he was in charge of the band. After the liberation of Jinzhou, Yao Yiqing returned to Chengde and established the Rehe Provincial Cultural and Labor Troupe, serving as deputy head. In 1953, the Rehe Provincial Cultural and Labor Troupe was transformed into the Rehe Provincial Repertory Theatre, with Yao Yiqing as its leader. After the abolition of Rehe Province, it was changed to Chengde Repertory Theatre. At that time, many plays were rehearsed, and the troupe went to one place and one place, occupying a place in the national drama circle.

"Qingsongling", created in 1963, has been made into a movie twice, and its influence has been so far.

People's hearts are good, and the impact of a good person on a place is long-term. Chengde Repertory Theatre has produced many outstanding actors and directors, including Guo Jingyu, the director of "Playing Dog Stick", "The Most Beautiful Youth" and "The Most Beautiful Countryside", which are now popular all over the country, and is also from the Chengde Repertory Theatre.

Memory: "We Walk on the Road" author Li Haofu in Chengde's "Can't Forget"

Li Haofu is even more amazing, the songs he created are popular all over the country, even now, many people will hum a few words "we walk on the road" and "cows graze by the river"...

However, his "Can't Forget", which reflects the no-man's land of thousands of miles and the mass grave of Shuiquangou in Chengde, is almost completely forgotten by people.

Memory: "We Walk on the Road" author Li Haofu in Chengde's "Can't Forget"


Bloody rain sprinkled on the earth, since then the River of Rehe has not been sunny.

Everyone says that hell is bitter, and the taste of slavery is even more miserable.

Sweat poured over the rice fields, and the chaff bean cake came to swallow on its own.

Large bundles of cotton were given to the powder magazine, and the old people and children fought in the cold war in the wind and snow.

The old man froze to death on the side of the road, and the half-foot filial piety cloth could not be worn.

He had the heart to buy cloth to fulfill his filial piety, and was arrested and tortured into an economic prisoner.

After 1939, the Japanese invaders drove the people in the area into the tribes (human circles) in the uninhabited areas of 1,000 kilometers and about 200 to 300 kilometers wide, starting from the Yiyuan Pass west of Shanhaiguan in the east and the Laozhangba Dam east of the Dushikou in Akagi County in the west, and drove the people in the area to the tribes (human circles) and implemented the inhumane policy of burning, killing, and robbing the light outside the human circles.

Memory: "We Walk on the Road" author Li Haofu in Chengde's "Can't Forget"

In the distance is Grandma's house, and in the near distance is Grandpa's house


My hometown of Qinghekou in Kuancheng County is the hardest hit area of the Three Lights Policy in Japan, but with the relocation of immigrants and the departure of the elderly, almost no one can tell the history of that period anymore.

Returning to my hometown on the weekend, I saw that the water level of Panjiakou Reservoir had reached an all-time high.

The water floods villages, roads, trees, and history.

Zhang Guoxiang was my elder, an anti-Japanese cadre who came out of Qinghekou Village, and later retired from the Organization Department of the Chengde Prefectural Committee, and he recalled the situation at that time:

In September 1942, the puppet authorities stationed in Chenghe mobilized more than 200 troops from the garrisons of Nuan'erhe and Manzizi, and more than 300 migrant workers from their subordinate villages to four villages in Qinghechuan, including Jianbaoshan, Xigou, Tuanshan, and Qinghekou, and set fire to the houses of the masses for generations. There are 129 households and more than 540 houses in Qinghekou Village, except for some of the small sheds built by the masses that have not been burned, and all the houses where the masses live have been set on fire. After the enemy withdrew, the broad masses went home to see that the children were crying, the wives were crying, and the old people were even more miserable.

Therefore, I saw the robber's writing that "the raging fire burned red, and the manor left by Grandpa turned into smoke."

The bayonet whip fell at the same time and drove into the cage of the living. When I said this lyric, my tears also fell.

In September 1943, the Japanese puppet army mobilized more than 1,000 garrisons from Mushroom Yu, Chehekou, Mancanzi, Jiuhuling, Panjiakou and other places to carry out a five- or six-day sweep and crusade against more than 20 administrative villages such as Qinghekou, Sahe, and Dayu in Henan. Zhang Guoxiang's family of 13 people died, 7 died.

The enemy posted a notice for moving to the tribe before the end of November. Previously, the people in the village were "running soldiers", that is, when the devils came, they ran to the mountains to hide for a few days, and the devils left and then came back, which is also called Cat Mountain. In view of the new situation, the village cadres changed their original ideas and mobilized the masses to turn to their relatives and friends in order to survive.

My grandfather and grandmother pulled out from the ruins unburned grain and clothing, loaded half a wooden boat, and took four sons down the Luan River to my sister's house in Lanqidi, where the Tribes (Circles) built by the Japanese were, and later, they tossed and turned to "model" tribes such as Qiaozi and Oolongji, and suffered a lot.

At that time, my father was 4 years old, and my eldest uncle was just fourteen or fifteen years old.

The Japanese and puppet military circles isolated the people from the anti-Japanese armed forces, massacred and arrested the anti-Japanese soldiers and civilians and innocent masses, tens of thousands of people were arrested for labor and imprisoned, and more than 40,000 anti-Japanese soldiers and innocent people were brutally killed in the Shuiquangou mass grave.

The raging fire burned red, and the manor left by Grandpa turned into smoke.

The bayonet whip fell at the same time and drove into the cage of the living.

I can't imagine that the living circle has not lived for a few days, and I forced the relocation people to suffer.

I was tired from the hard work during the day, and I lay on the water and grass beach in the dark of the night.

Knocked out the front teeth and swallowed in the stomach, the traitor agent came to swindle money.

Half a sentence complains about a life, so that you will die a corpse that is incomplete.

I can't forget the blood on the side of the fountain ditch, and I can't forget the heroes who sacrificed for the country.

The hero's liver and gallbladder shine (ancient), and the heroic soul of the hero awakens us.

This is the last paragraph of "Can't Forget", and the background of this song is a thousand miles of no man's land and a mass grave.

Memory: "We Walk on the Road" author Li Haofu in Chengde's "Can't Forget"

The leader of the Japanese army stationed in the mass grave was in front of the headquarters of the Eighth Division


On August 19, 1945, the Soviet-Mongolian coalition army entered Chengde, the Japanese surrendered, and the people in the Rehe area walked out of the mountains and forests, demolished the human circle, and returned to the devastated homeland, in our hometown, there is a word called "when the family returns", which is this period.

On November 1, 175 delegates from 25 flag counties in Rehe Province held the first congress of Rehe Province in Chengde, and among the 267 proposals of the delegates, Shuiquangou Mass Grave was one of the most eye-catching proposals. The deputies demanded a thorough investigation and clean-up of the number of deaths, the construction of the Zhonglie Memorial Hall, and the deputy chairman of the provincial government, Li Ziguang, led the hoe on behalf of the hoe to shovel, bury the bones, and hold discussions with the people to investigate.

Mr. Deng Yimin's article "Testimony of the Shuiquangou Mass Grave - Refuting Toshio Tanabe" recorded the scene in detail.

At this time, Li Haofu was in Rehe, and there was an article saying that he participated in the burial of bones, and when he returned, he wrote this tear-jerking and anger--"Can't Forget" song.

Memory: "We Walk on the Road" author Li Haofu in Chengde's "Can't Forget"


Unfortunately, however, with the Kuomintang attack on Chengde in 1946 and the subsequent revocation of Rehe Province, the data for the first investigation was lost. When I consulted the Chengde Municipal Archives and the Party History Office, I could not find the original materials of the First People's Congress of Rehe Province from November 1 to 13, 1945.

Therefore, in the current historical record of Chengde, the first people's congress in Rehe Province was in 1954.

When looking for the robber's song "Can't Forget", another one will appear on the Internet, and the name is also "Can't Forget".

On May 7, 1943, the Japanese Kou committed a terrible massacre in Noba Village, Wanxian County, Hebei Province, and slaughtered 118 of our compatriots. The robber arrived at the scene at the first time. In the face of the tragic situation of rivers of blood and bones everywhere, he shed tears, and wrote "Can't Forget" with lyrics and songs, words and blood, voices and tears, and mourned those compatriots who died with deep affection:

Can't forget the day of May 7, the great massacre of Shigou in the field field of guanxian County,

Our compatriots shed bright red blood. It also left a good name for eternity.


Memory: "We Walk on the Road" author Li Haofu in Chengde's "Can't Forget"

From right to left behind the skeleton are: Lu Ying, director of the Provincial Women's Federation, Li Ziguang, vice chairman of the provincial government, Zhang Kan, president of the provincial court, Ye Tian, director of the provincial public security department, and local farmers.


In 1945, the First People's Congress of Rehe Province also made a decision to build a memorial hall for martyrs in Shuiquangou.

Unfortunately, with the revocation of the Kuomintang occupation of Chengde and Rehe Provinces, 76 years have passed, and basically no one has mentioned this matter, "although the ancient tune is self-loving, many people today do not play."

A few days ago, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces entered Afghanistan without a notice, which is the most remarkable one of Japan's continuous troops to participate in overseas operations since the 1990s. We should arouse our vigilance; while Western culture is constantly invading our youth, while striving to develop our economy, we should also strengthen cultural construction, strengthen patriotic education, regard thousands of miles of uninhabited areas and mass graves in Shuiquangou as the best patriotic teaching materials, and produce fewer female cannons.

September is an important month, both the anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the anniversary of September 18. The robber's "Can't Forget", we really can't forget.

For this article, see:

Deng Yimin, Wu Xiuyun, "Testimony of the Shuiquangou Mass Grave--Toshio Tanabe"

Peng Mingsheng, "Evidence of Crimes: Records of the Massacre Committed by the Japanese Army in Chengde Street"

Zhang Guoxiang's "Remembering My Miserable Life in the "Circle of People" in Kuancheng County" and so on

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