
If you die suddenly tomorrow, do you have any regrets in your life?

author:Grapefruit daydreams
If you die suddenly tomorrow, do you have any regrets in your life?

In the past two days, the volcanic eruption in Tonga has attracted much attention, the entire island of Tonga is crumbling, I don't know if it is because I have grown up, the focus of attention has changed, I found that disasters around the world have occurred frequently in recent years, I can't help but sigh, it is really difficult to live and really lucky. Living in the human world under the shroud of natural disasters and man-made disasters, more and more feel that life is impermanent, not necessarily in any moment, we will leave the human world in which unexpected way, and end this short life. When that moment suddenly comes, do you have any regrets in your life?

When I asked my friend this question, he asked me back, who doesn't have regrets?

It seems that this is indeed the case, not everything will develop according to our thoughts, and everyone has unfulfilled wishes in their hearts.

If you die suddenly tomorrow, do you have any regrets in your life?

But if I think about it further, I don't think it's like this, those dreams that have not been fulfilled, those wishes that have not been fulfilled, can all be divided into two categories, asking for nothing, not asking for it. One is subjective, and the other is objectively unchangeable. The result is the same, but it is completely different.

I want an original book in a foreign language that has been out of print, I know that the probability that I can find and have is very small, so I do not do any struggle, when life comes to an end, I think of this book that I have always wanted but have not been able to get, I will regret why I did not try to find it, in the moment of countless opportunities, maybe I just got it; the same is such a book that is almost impossible to get, I seize any opportunity to find, try every means to get, when life comes to an end, I still don't have it, but I have no remorse, this is the beautiful flaw of life, the process of finding it, enriching my life. For me, this is not a pity.

If you die suddenly tomorrow, do you have any regrets in your life?

Thanks to my rampage personality, even if I die suddenly tomorrow, I have no regrets in this life, I don't hold what I want to say in my heart, and I don't hesitate to do what I want to do. In a long and short life, shortcomings are inevitable, but in my life, there will never be regrets mixed with regrets.

If you die suddenly tomorrow, do you have any regrets in your life?

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