
Foreign media praised China's economic development achievements: the growth rate exceeded expectations, and the future can also be expected

author:China News Network

Beijing, January 17 (China News Service) According to data released by Chinese officials on the 17th, China's GDP for the whole of 2021 will 1143670 billion yuan, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year at constant prices. International media believe that China's economic development speed is beyond expectations and can continue to achieve excellent development.

The growth rate exceeded expectations

Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao comprehensively introduced China's economic development achievements in 2021, pointing out that the growth rate of 8.1% was higher than market expectations. Analysts and economists interviewed earlier in the media predicted that China's economy will grow by 8% in 2021.

Bloomberg said in the report that although the economy grew by 4.0% in the fourth quarter, China's economic growth of 8.1% in 2021 is clearly more than expected. Reuters related reports pointed out that China's economic growth rate in 2021 is much higher than expected. The strong export-driven recovery in the first half of 2021 was particularly pronounced.

Sky News said in the report that China's economy has rebounded from the difficulties caused by the new crown pneumonia epidemic, with a growth rate of 8.1%. China's economic recovery is clearly faster than that of other major economies in the world. CNN also said China's economic growth rate in 2021 exceeded the Chinese government's original target.

According to the Wall Street Journal, due to the impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, Chinese products have been snapped up around the world. In 2021, China's economic growth rate will easily exceed the original target. According to the Hindustan Times, the 8.1% economic growth rate is the fastest in China in the past 10 years, and it is also much higher than the growth target set by the government.

The future is stabilizing and improving

The Associated Press quoted analysts as saying that the new crown pneumonia epidemic is still raging around the world, but international consumer demand has recovered, which is good for China's economic development. However, some economists said that global trade growth in 2022 may be weaker, coupled with the impact of port congestion, the growth momentum brought about by china's soaring exports last year may not be easy to reproduce. As a result, China is trying to steer its economy towards more sustainable growth based on boosting domestic consumption rather than exports and investment, and to reduce financial risks.

The NBC Business Channel quoted experts as saying that the new crown pneumonia epidemic may have a certain negative impact on the development of China's domestic consumer market, but it is relatively controllable. China can take steps to boost consumer and market confidence.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the Chinese government stressed that the economy should achieve steady growth in 2022. The performance of China's economy this year will also have an impact on the rest of the world, which depends on China's manufacturing prowess and Its central position in global supply chains.

Al Jazeera analyzed that China is struggling to deal with some of the problems arising from the development process, noting that the recovery of consumption in 2022 will have a significant impact on economic growth.

CNN said in the report that as challenges such as the new crown pneumonia epidemic still exist, China may introduce a series of measures to promote economic development in 2022. "With these measures, China's economic growth prospects will be stable." The report said. (End)

Source: China News Network

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