
Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

author:Operational growth

"Get Customer" is well known in B2B marketing circles, mainly because it talks about the general underlying methodology of B2B marketing and has become the criterion for B2B marketers.

The core of "Customer Acquisition" answers a question, how can B2B companies achieve sustained marketing growth?

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Author of the book:

。 He graduated from tsinghua university with a master's degree in electronic engineering at the age of 21. After 6 years of hard work, Zhiqu Baichuan has developed into a leading brand in the field of B2B Martech in China, with customers including More than 400 world-renowned enterprises in Microsoft, Amazon, Tencent Cloud, Lenovo, Schneider, Siemens Healthcare, Honeywell, Henkel, covering B2B software technology, industrial manufacturing, medical and pharmaceutical, professional services and other industries.

。 Editor-in-Chief of Social Talent Circle content. Graduated from Beijing Normal University with a master's degree. With many years of experience in content marketing, based on the era of social marketing, we deliver marketing insights and help Chinese enterprises obtain customers efficiently.

# Preface: The Four Stages of Business Growth for B2B Enterprises

The underlying methodology for B2B business growth: from the impossible to the inevitable predictable revenue

The first preface to "Customer Acquisition" comes from Aaron Ross, the godfather of Sales in Silicon Valley, whose greatest contribution to the world is to write "Predictable Revenue", which focuses on the growth of corporate revenue from impossible to inevitable predictable revenue, which is also the heart of most companies to grow rapidly.

For a B2B company, growth needs to follow four stages:

(1) Have the conditions for scale. First learn to make a big fish in a small market, that is, the company must first succeed in a very niche market, where there are some signals such as product market matching, several cycles of product polishing drive, continuous renewal of contract renewal, sales do not rely on the management team ordinary sales can also be ordered.

(2) Make the marketing funnel predictable. Make the Marketing & SalesPipeline marketing funnel bigger.

(3) Pull sales together. Replication of sales capabilities, copying sales capabilities to more new sales, and shortening the growth cycle of new sales as much as possible.

(4) Increase the unit price of customers. (1) - (3) After forming a closed loop, provide more products or services matrix for additional purchases.

Complex business growth, expressed in concise formulas

Growth is systems engineering, marketing, sales, and multi-party collaboration of products

B2B enterprise performance growth sales revenue formula:

Marketing Drivers of Revenue Growth: Customer Acquisition (Raw Market Funnel) x Conversions (Mature Lead Turnout Rate)

Sales driving revenue growth: sales conversion rates

Product driver of revenue growth: customer unit price

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Chapter 1: Classical methodologies come with vitality, self-propagation & self-growth

Fish Pond Fish Farming: Classic B2B Marketing Methodology

Classical methodologies have their own vitality, and the audience will spontaneously grow more new theories on the basis of which the right figure is one of the many derivative versions that the network sees. Classical methodologies such as 4P, followed by 5P, 7P, 4C and so on.

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

A continuously evolving marketing methodology that returns to people-oriented

Evolution from marketing methodology, digital marketing strategy, and digital transformation core

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Digital Marketing Strategy: Fish Pond Fish Farming 2016

There are 4 major marketing pain points in the B2B industry: content production is difficult, conversion rate is low, channels are scattered, and marketing is not closed-loop

In order to solve these common problems well, the book "Customer Acquisition" summarizes the theory of fish farming in fish ponds, starting from the four links of "content, customer acquisition, lead cultivation and sales follow-up", creating a closed loop of marketing.

Fish pond fish farming theory four steps:

First of all, through rich content types, in-depth different customer acquisition scenarios to attract potential users;

Second, establish a social marketing automation traffic pool to aggregate omni-channel traffic;

Third, clarify the user portrait and user purchase journey stage, and find high-quality business opportunities and users from the traffic pool;

Finally, while improving the conversion, the lead cultivation is carried out to improve the efficiency of the lead to the signing, so as to achieve efficient customer acquisition.

Digital Marketing Strategy: Fish Pond Fish Farming 2020

Even the classic methodology encounters various doubts and needs to be constantly iterative in order to have vitality

Some customers have encountered questions such as comparing themselves to fish and have disrespect.

Later, we iterate on the methodology, the fish is a fish with quotation marks, and upgrade the four-step iteration to a digital marketing strategy:

Content matrix, omni-channel integration, business opportunity identification criteria, lead operation mechanism

And proposed not only to pay attention to the tool level, but also to return to the human body, the core is to people, things, the upgrade of the organization: the team configuration of digital marketing, multi-departmental collaboration process, team assessment system, so that the methodology has flesh and blood, technical products and people can play the greatest value.

Digital Transformation Core: New Thinking 2021

Continue iterating: people-oriented

Digital transformation is three points and seven points of people, the problem of "people" is solved, and the problem of "thing" is naturally solved.

The "thing" of the three points is easier to see clearly, but it is more the people here, how to be responsible for the people involved inside and outside the organization, so that the employees of the company can get better growth, and the customers who use the Fun product can grow better.

If the problem of "man" is solved, the problem of "things" will be solved naturally.

# Chapter 2: Creating Traffic with Rich Content Types

Through rich content types, we can penetrate into different customer acquisition scenarios and attract potential users

1. The 3 dimensions of content planning: combine the content type of the x-axis with the user type of the y-axis and the user purchase journey of the z-axis to create a planning matrix.

2. Content team building: Build your own team or ask for foreign aid, and at the same time need to cooperate with the entire enterprise, all members of the content.

3. Content production: Redefine high-quality volume content and apply barbell strategies in the production process.

4. Content dissemination: omni-channel cooperation and channel analysis, and formulate a clear content push time plan.

5. Generate opportunities for content: How do you turn traffic into leads, and how do you turn leads into money?

6. Content effect evaluation and optimization: content value strategy indicators and optimization strategies.

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

3 dimensions of content planning

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and ultimately drive profitable customer action. --CMI (Content Marketing Association

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Content nurturing of user purchase journeys

Users at different stages match different types of content

Stage 1: Guidance of different content types; Phase 2: Tailor content for each purchase stage; Phase 3: Marketing automation, automatic matching content for cultivation

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Build industry leadership with professional and systematic content

The content type is far more than graphics and text, creating a systematic content matrix and building a content moat

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

How to build a content marketing team

Content marketing teams are becoming the just needs of businesses, and different ways of building have their own advantages and disadvantages

3 models built by the content marketing team:

(1) Built-in mode: PGC builds its own team

(2) Connection mode: UGC seeks external forces and completes it together

(3) Full content: PGC+UGC top team cooperates with the entire enterprise

Compare the pros and cons of using internal and external resources to produce content

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

How to produce quality content systematically?

Content production should start from 3 dimensions: product (element branding content construction), user (user demand mining), writing (content production)

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Content dissemination channel layout: own media, paid media and earned media

Only by spreading the content and making the user notice is successful content marketing

Own media: with the social end as the core, the layout of omni-channel; paid media: social media and paid search are the perfect partner; earn media: rely on user reputation and brand influence

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

How to scientifically evaluate and optimize the effectiveness of content?

Content is king, and it also needs to be spoken in numbers

There are three dimensions of content performance evaluation and optimization:

Ø Content validity verification (whether the topic is good or not, whether the form/format is attractive);

Ø Channel effectiveness verification (whether the delivery channel is on the right path);

Ø ROI proof (how much money is spent, how much is the return) There needs to be supported by the corresponding Martech and CRM tools.

Do A/B testing diligently, including different channel effects, different content topics, writing methods, CTA settings, and presentation forms, and constantly explore the best combination for your own business.

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Summary: The 3 mountains of content marketing, broken one by one

Content marketing is the core of B2B omni-channel customer acquisition, and it continues to acquire customers by reducing costs and increasing efficiency

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

# Chapter 3: Establish an omnichannel traffic pool through SCRM

Lead acquisition (potential user development) is a collaborative process

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Create traffic: customer-based marketing, so that users take the initiative to find the door

Comparison of inbound marketing and push marketing

Customer acquisition methodology: 1. Attraction: attract potential users through high-quality original content; 2. Conversion: potential users convert leads; 3. Deals: leads are converted into singles; 4. Promotion

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Accurate customer acquisition: target customer marketing, accurate capture of the desired TA

ABM is a B2B marketing strategy that emphasizes the synergy of marketing and sales

Account-based marketing (ABM), also known as user-based marketing or account marketing, ABM can better understand the audience, give users the right experience at every stage of the user's purchase journey, and at the same time, get the right feedback at the right time, so that marketing can improve qualitatively.

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Customer acquisition: Marketing automation helps online and offline landing

Marketing automation helps improve efficiency online and improve effectiveness offline

Marketing automation is designed to make the most of time and resources to efficiently unlock the full potential of your organization. As a tool for integrated execution, management and completion of marketing tasks and processes, marketing automation can automatically match customer marketing and target customer marketing strategies, specific to online and offline landing methods, which can efficiently acquire customers.

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Customer acquisition measures the efficiency of social communication

According to the SNS communication model, the core elements are the user (identity), relationship, content, that is, what identity of the person with what kind of relationship, browsing and interacting with such content in one place, that is, source - content (sharing) - channel (method) - user (friends, friends) - user (conversion rate).

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Case: Ghrepower Interconnection's omni-channel efficient customer acquisition

Ghrepower Connected Marketing Automation-Driven Opportunity Nurturing Process

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

# Chapter 4: Nurture clues from the flow pool to identify high-quality business opportunities

A potential user nurturing strategy that focuses on the conversion of new users

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Core Strategies for Cue Nurturing:

(1) The process of gradually converting a large number of early potential user leads into a follow-up state of sales to shorten the transaction time;

(2) Push relevant information content according to the user's interests and life cycle;

(3) With the help of marketing automation tools, personalized push is realized and efficiency is improved.

Problems faced by clue cultivation

(1) It is impossible to identify high-quality clues

(2) The best time to buy cannot be identified

(3) Lack of effective follow-up mechanism

Cue nurturing steps:

Lead Definition: Clarify the user portrait and lead stage

Lead scoring: Automatically output high-value business opportunities

Lead cultivation (content): Use content to mine high-value users

Lead cultivation (channel): Tap into high-value users through different channels

Breeding Strategy Evaluation and Optimization: How to Calculate Lead Cultivation ROI

Overview of the omnichannel lead incubation framework

Create a closed loop of marketing conversion from customer acquisition to incubation to conversion

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Build a link to incubate and activate sleeping cues

Industry standard: TQL ---- visit ---- business opportunities offline ------ transaction customers

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

# Chapter 5: Quick-start marketing customer acquisition strategies

Like the glory of the king, the marketing team must fight the "team war"

If we are still just staying in a single battle through market behavior, then it means that you cannot enter the victorious side of the glory of the king, and the market is about a multi-service cooperative team battle.

The really strong B2B market team knows the correct team collocation, just like the glory of the king of high-end rounds, the fight is not the operation! Fight for: lineup, routine, global awareness, control chain (different skills are connected to achieve maximum damage to the enemy on the ground)!

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

Identify the 6 major psychological anxieties of B2B buyers at different stages

Corporate buyers have less attendance at offline exhibitions and more online footprints, and psychoanalysis has become a compulsory course for marketers

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

# "Customer Acquisition" grows golden sentences

Customer Acquisition | how B2B companies can achieve sustained marketing growth

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Note author: Li Wenlong JackLi, 5 years B2B digital marketing practitioner

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