
Professional manager on when the Guangzhou team will change hands: Now is a good time, but first of all, the debt problem is clear

Professional manager on when the Guangzhou team will change hands: Now is a good time, but first of all, the debt problem is clear

Live bar January 17 news Recently, the senior professional football manager "Football Five Brothers", who has experienced 6 changes of hands in Guangzhou, was interviewed by reporters and talked about the relevant topics of Guangzhou team change.

"Football five brothers" said in the interview: "Taking over is not a boss that fans imagine, another boss is so easy to change hands, now the leading cadres need to be audited when they leave office, so this is not a very simple thing, at least the team has no debt, can not say that there are creditors immediately after taking over, the successor does not know, this kind of thing abounds in the enterprise, so the most important thing is not to find which leader to decide, but to find a lawyer, a lawyer to help the enterprise to do." I think it is my responsibility to tell the lawyer, first of all, do not spend money to buy, who takes over who if you spend money, it is really harmful to this enterprise, whether it is a state-owned enterprise or a private enterprise, if you spend money to buy shares, it is really harmful to this enterprise. In fact, Evergrande did not spend money that year, many people do not understand, said that Evergrande spent 100 million yuan that year, that 100 million is the registered capital, not spent money to buy, just to see if the club has debts. ”

"The second is to see if the club has debts, who will pay the debts, this is the company in the takeover when the lawyer to make clear, under normal circumstances I will tell them, if there is debt such as wages, field rent, etc., should not let the newly taken over the enterprise bear, this is the business, there is a buyer's market, there is a seller's market, if the football club is very valuable, these two things, spend money to buy shares and creditor's rights, but now it is not like this, in football, the Chinese Super League champions are said to be gone, So it's not reasonable to spend money on shares and pay off debts on behalf of others, and that's what my lawyers and I say. ”

"Guangzhou is the city where the market economy is at the forefront, if there is no professional football is very humiliating, even the professional football team can not afford to raise it, this is really unclear, this is the trend of professional football, we have reached a turning point, that is, do we recognize China's professional football, only recognize China's professional football, it also recognizes that the Chinese Super League is a product, but also to recognize who is the investor, who is the investor? That is, our professional alliance, but this professional alliance has not yet been established in the case that it is required to be established in our central documents, and once it is established, I think it is a good thing to take over, if it is not established, or it is far away, whoever takes over is a mess. I think this time is a good time, but this time can not let the enterprise feel that it is to save Chinese football, but to urge football to reform, whether state-owned enterprises or private enterprises, take over to clearly put forward our football is a market behavior, if our football is for the glory of the country, many people have such a misunderstanding, the establishment of enterprises must be for the glory of the country? I think not, if this principle is clear, the fans should not be in a hurry, just wait. ”

Speaking of the timing of the takeover, "it should not affect the preparation for the new season, all the takeovers are to solve the debt, the second is whether the team's expenses can be paid after taking over, because the club's expenses are the player's salary, the others are very low, and other expenses will not exceed 5%. Fans may not understand, think that the package hotel, charter plane are very luxurious, in fact, no matter how luxurious and player salary ratio is very small, the most important thing is that can not afford to raise players. Of course, you have to set up a team with a very low salary, you must be at the bottom of the Chinese Super League, what kind of player will get what kind of salary, the level is to what extent, the beginning of the season can not be in place to determine the ranking, in fact, play is money, is the brand, is the glory, is the glory of the city, the next is how much the management level to achieve. It's like Meizhou Hakka rushed to the Chinese Super League, some people say that his operating level is very high, this must be wrong, so it is not whose level is high, but the timing problem, others have decreased, only he is improving, the most important thing is to see if football is business, the game is not a product, if investors do not recognize, they all feel that it should be done by the government, which is obviously not right. ”

(Cool Ink Dust)

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