
The manic and depressed son becomes a "genius" translator, which is a miracle of love and also inspires people to think about the ultimate meaning of life

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Special Commentator Hu Xinhong

The manic and depressed son becomes a "genius" translator, which is a miracle of love and also inspires people to think about the ultimate meaning of life

Father and Son According to Hangzhou Daily

A dying father told a story about a "genius son" in the "Listening life" column of Hangzhou Daily, which brought tears to people's eyes.

His father's name is Jin Shengyong and his son's name is Jin Xiaoyu. When he was six years old, Xiaoyu was blinded in one eye by a neighbor's child's toy gun. However, bad luck did not stop. As an adult, Xiaoyu suffered from manic depression, with alternating episodes of depression and mania. During depression, he does not go to school, is depressed, does not sleep at night, and even commits suicide. During the manic period, he blamed others for no reason, was manic, had destructive behavior, such as pushing down the refrigerator for no reason, pouring water into the TV... Since 1992, they have basically sent Xiaoyu to the hospital for treatment every year.

The disease is in the child, and the pain is in the heart of the parents. Parents, looking at their children who are tormented by illness, often can't help but have a strong idea of getting sick instead of their children. Even if it is a common cold and fever, many parents are anxious, not to mention that their children suffer from such diseases. The reporter walked into the home and saw the "old, broken and chaotic atmosphere" in it. It is also a reflection of some kind of family life. It is not difficult to imagine that in the long time, as the most intimate and intimate caregiver, the damage caused by manic depression is even more unspeakable. Watching the child get sick but can't help it, the pain of life, don't do it!

In the face of great misfortune, a pair of originally ordinary parents work together to carry a family. With their tenacious love and the strong will they have spawned, they bear the heavy pressure of life. They firmly believe in their children, keep trying, never give up, and finally usher in a turnaround.

By chance, Xiaoyu got the opportunity to translate works at home. With the accumulation of years of hard self-study, he began his life as a translator. In ten years, Xiaoyu has translated a total of 22 books at the rate of two books per year, spanning novels, films, music, and philosophy. His manuscript was sent to the editorial department, and everyone rushed to be responsible editors, because there were no typos, sentences, or mistranslations in the whole book, and every book sold well, and the readers responded well.

Father's love is like a mountain, and mother's love is like water. Loving children is human nature, which is originally unremarkable, but it can make a son who suffers from manic depression become a translation "genius", which cannot but be said to be a miracle of love. This kind of love in the world is pale and powerless in any language; such a humane affection that is inseparable is also the key to this story's touching heart.

This story is also reminiscent of the movie "Forrest Gump", thinking of the famous sentence: Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what the next one will taste. The sadness in film and television dramas is ultimately separated from us by a layer, and this story that really happens around us, sad but not sad, is enough to trigger people's different aesthetic interpretations. Some people have also read again from this "genius" story what is called "I am born to be useful", which may be another important inspiration for the world -

A translator genius suffering from mental illness, this dual identity brings endless suffering to himself, his family, and also brings infinite hope, which makes people sigh. In addition to sighing, my generation should also rise up, although life is bitter, we should also strive to light up the light of life. Life is weak and strong, just as the wind can blow out the flame of a candle and make the flame grow strong against the wind. Of course, suffering is not worthy of being blessed, but bless you and me, love and hard work will always be the main theme of life; also bless Xiaoyu, looking forward to this family can usher in a new destiny.

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