
Dancer in the Dark: The Ragtag Crowd – Le Pen

author:Book of the Dead

The book "The Ragtag Crowd" was an inventory from many years ago, but it was only a beginning, and it has not been finished, and this time it is determined to solve it. The ideas in the book are very profound, analyzing a lot of the root causes of the problems that we usually fail to calm down and think about, although some of the views are more extreme, but at least from another perspective to open a window for us to see the problem, compared to those consistent caliber, praise the merits of the article, or much stronger.


The author believes that the "ragtag crowd" is an unorganized state that depicts the temporary formation of a certain number of individuals after a certain emotion is stimulated.

The reason why the rabble-rouser group and the independent thinking individual will have a huge difference, or even a very different appearance, is because of the "hypocrisy of human nature", and "the ability to control itself without interference from the outside world".

Individuals in groups develop an impulse to release their own desires or thoughts, because others believe that they are anonymous in the group, do not have to bear any consequences alone, and the consciousness of self-restraint disappears. On the contrary, as individuals, they must be responsible for their words and deeds, and a strong sense of responsibility always warns them to be cautious in their words and deeds, humble and kind.

Individuals feel most secure when they are in a group, because the group leads to a decentralization of responsibilities. The individual finds a sense of belonging and identity from the group, and the emotions are also instigated by the group leader, and all their excessive emotions and behaviors are justified.

When a person's self-consciousness disappears and the unconscious personality prevails, suggestive and emotional contagion acts on the individual's emotions and thoughts, and it is the individual who is in an unconscious state, transforming the suggestive concept into a tendency to act.

The disappearance of self-consciousness, the invariably transformation of feelings and thoughts in the same direction, are the main characteristics of organized groups. This contagion is like a hypnotic command or hypnotic force that prepares individuals in the group to contribute to the benefit of the group at any time.

In terms of intelligence, the group is always lower than the individual; in terms of emotion and action, the group may perform better or worse than the individual individual, depending entirely on the circumstances in which it is at the time and the nature of the cues that the group accepts.


Civilization is still created and controlled by a small number of aristocratic individuals, the group cannot create and direct it, the group has only the power to destroy.

A mature civilization needs to include complex rules, disciplines, an innate state of reason, foreshadowing for the future, and a high level of literacy that the group cannot realize, let alone realize.

Think about dynastic changes in history, as if this is indeed the case. No matter how powerful a dynasty is at the beginning and how perfect the governance system is, it will take hundreds of years at most. The progress of science and technology and the development of civilization have made the existing old system a constraint on development, after all, not every generation of monarchs can exert efforts to govern, can adjust the structural relationship of the management system in time with the changes of external factors, self-innovation, self-iteration is more often a dream, so development and management will inevitably go to the opposite side, the longer the system continues, the greater the contradictions and conflicts.

Since ancient times, new things are usually vulnerable to powerful old forces, and there is not only a relationship of interests, but also the evolution of culture. The overthrow of the old forces can only be won by the strength of the larger group, the victims of the old rule. But groups can usually only see the existing problems, what is right, they can not come up with. This is generally the case with peasant uprisings, relying on powerful destructive power to overthrow the old world, and then the problem cannot be solved, so there is very little real success. If, in the process of overthrowing the old forces, someone can promote the construction of a new system, and gradually integrate the forces of the group, and can gather into a new order, then it is not far from building a new dynasty. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom is one of the representatives, if it were not for the builders' late greed for pleasure and self-destruction of the Great Wall, the Qing Dynasty would still be changing the heavens.

The change of dynasties under the same civilization still needs this, not to mention the birth of a new civilization, not only needs a strong group destructive force as a boost, but also needs a new ideological system to integrate the huge destructive forces, so that it can enter the sea and converge into a river.

The person who digs the canal is sometimes more important.


The word democracy has been used badly, as a universal tool, the sharpest spear and the strongest shield.

I have never thought that unconditional nations can produce optimal decisions, and more often than not, democratic decision-making is just a situation of shirking responsibility, or a tool used to attack an opponent, the so-called popular will.

And the best application of democracy is to act as a deliberator of decision-making opinions. After all, decision-making is a gamble, no one can guarantee absolute correctness, and all we can do is to maximize the probability of making decisions correct, and under this premise, the role of democracy will be brought into play.

Democracy uses its multi-angle and multi-level divergent thinking to optimize, supplement or even question the viewpoint of decision-making, so as to correct possible deviations in decision-making and avoid excessive deviations from the final correct trend.

Great leaders are great because they can listen to different opinions and use those opinions to argue their points of view, form supplements and optimizations, and then produce great decisions.

Democratic opinions must be expressed through the way of individual expression to ensure the correctness of opinions, also because of the trend of self-protection and hypocrisy, in the dark box voting, each individual will only start from their own interests, but when the individual comes to the public eye, in addition to their own interests, the collective interests have become the most important expression, because only in this way can they reflect their own value and distinctive nobility.


Historical writings can only be regarded as purely imaginative literary symbols, unfounded accounts of biased observations of events, mixed with explanations of the results of thinking.

But without these literary works and artistic creations that have been passed down through the ages, we would know nothing about history. Even if none of the accounts of the lives of great men are true, it does not matter, we only know the mythical images of heroes circulating in the group, not the real heroes of that era.

The development of civilization requires the existence of heroes, just as our lives need the power of example, heroes can not be used to analyze and discuss, we need their light to dispel the darkness in the heart, but also to point out a direction to the chaotic forces.

From ancient times to the present, people are enthusiastic about the creation of heroes, just like we all have faith.


The definition of "morality": persistent adherence to a certain social custom, always restraining the impulse of inner desire.

Morality and desire are at odds, otherwise there would be no need to regulate or constrain morality. When the individual is independent of the group, subject to the supervision of the group and bears the consequences of violating morality, people often prefer to suppress the desires of the heart. And the characteristics of the group are impulsive and changeable, once the individual is hidden in the shadow of the group, only a little Spark is needed to release the inner demons of each person, because at that moment, the individual has disappeared, everyone is no longer himself, there is only the group here, and the group is often irresponsible.


Civilization can exist precisely on the basis of the most legendary and bizarre stories. In the course of historical evolution, appearances always play a more crucial role than truth, and unrealistic factors always play a more dominant role than realistic factors.

For example, God, such as Nuwa, such as Buddha. It is precisely these legends that carry the birth and inheritance of civilization.

What affects the imagination of the group is not the event itself, but the way it happens and attracts people's attention. In a sense, mastering the art of influencing the imagination of the group is equivalent to mastering the art of informing the group.

If you want to make better use of the imagination of the group for events, you must first condense and process the events, and then make them public after they form a shocking image. When the expression of life is only presented in a numerical way, people's sensitivity will be greatly reduced, and when individual events appear in a vivid image and trigger the infinite imagination of the group, the group's thinking has been controlled. Like the skinny little girl standing next to an African vulture, like the 3-year-old Syrian child on the beach.


If a person simply worships God, he is not yet religious, but only when he uses all the resources of his thoughts to completely obey his beliefs or devote himself wholeheartedly to something, to become a fanatical believer in an event or a person, as a goal or spiritual sustenance, this is the manifestation of piety.

There is no doubt that groups need religion, for all political, theological, or social tenets, if they want to be popularized among the groups, must adopt the situation of religion—a situation that excludes dangerous arguments. Even if it were possible for groups to accept the atheistic view, this belief would evolve into narrow religious sentiments, and the external situation would catalyze into a form of worship.

Marvel in the United States and the gods in Greece are all the products of the embodiment of god-making, and they are also the embodiment of a religion, do not strive for the possibility and feasibility of their existence, even rationality and morality, the group only needs to follow.


Education can neither be a man's higher nor make him happier; neither can it change his instincts nor his innate passions. A young man who goes from elementary school to college and does nothing but keep a firm grasp of textbook knowledge. Schools in France, on the other hand, do not teach students how to prepare for life, but only how to pursue a government career.

Now education is just to teach everyone to learn the literal knowledge in the textbook, and then through the test to verify your degree of memory of these literals, and what is the specific use of this knowledge, who cares about it.

Education can improve a person's ability, but it can not offset people's desires, often the greater the ability, the greater the desire, and the greater the destructive power. When a person's abilities are greater than his desires, he becomes happy.


In modern society, the number and frequency of groups changing their views are increasing for three reasons:

The first reason is that ancient beliefs have lost so much of their influence that they don't create ideas of life and death in certain moments, as they once did.

The second reason is that the power of the group is getting stronger, and the idea of the group is extremely unstable.

The third reason is the huge development of the news publishing industry, where news can continuously report the opposite view in advance to attract the attention of the group. No single idea can survive and spread among the masses, and their existence is a glimpse.

Thus, in modern society, all ideas have lost their privileges and authority, which is the result of group discussion and analysis, their distinctive characteristics have quickly disappeared, and it is difficult to arouse our enthusiasm for the remaining parts. People in modern society will also become more and more indifferent.


Parliamentary groups pose only two hidden dangers: inevitable financial waste, and further restrictions on individual freedom.

The original reason for the first hidden danger was the urgent needs of the electoral community and the lack of long-term planning of the electoral community.

Parliamentarians will always cater to the needs of the group, after all, they are afraid of electors, the waste of financial expenses is too far away, but the votes are really in front of them.

Countless restrictive bills are based on immediate problems, but lack long-term planning, like patches on clothing. The only way to solve a problem is to wrap up small life behaviors with complex routines through constantly restrictive regulations, and the result is that the scope of free movement of citizens is getting smaller and smaller.

The main content determined by laws and regulations is the distribution of power and the restriction of behavior, not what to support or agree to. If we have been stuck in using one regulation to make up for the problems caused by another regulation, it is better to sit down and completely find a fundamental solution. But this takes time, and it takes more responsibility, because the re-establishment of a new order requires the creation of individuals, which is not a characteristic of groups.

Dancer in the Dark: The Ragtag Crowd – Le Pen

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