
Endurance test | Feifan Car MARVELL R 4WD Pro Edition!

In December last year, AutoLab's "Winter Endurance Test" attracted a lot of attention.

Unfortunately, this Feifan car MARVEL R four-wheel drive Pro version did not participate because of the schedule problem, this time we will do a separate issue of it, together to see its real endurance results.

It should be noted that our test method is not to run the vehicle to the nest as before, although this method can test the real endurance level of the vehicle, but because the endurance test site is in Shanghai, the traffic flow is huge, and the traffic congestion will also be caused by the nest, so the test was terminated when about 20% was left.

The Marvel R 4WD Pro version of Feifan Automobile is equipped with a 69.9kWh ternary lithium battery, and the official NEDC cruising range is 460km.

So the question is, guess what, how many kilometers does it really last?

Endurance test | Feifan Car MARVELL R 4WD Pro Edition!

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