
The flute sounded and the man leaned against the bridge

author:Empty basket
The flute sounded and the man leaned against the bridge

In my eyes, the bridge is the most philosophical and poetic architectural space.

My family lives at the foot of the mountain, there is a covered bridge at the entrance of the mountain, and in the morning I have to walk over the bridge to climb the mountain. The bridge spanned the road, climbed up the steps on the sidewalk, stood on the bridge, looked down on the traffic coming from south to north, and thought to myself: Where did they come from and where were they going?

If you think about it carefully, the journey of life is essentially a farewell journey, but who can say as Du Fu said, "Since ancient times, there have been detentions, why should I be sad"?

In the spacious covered bridge, when the spring is warm and the summer is cool, when the winter wind and rain are cold, there are lovers snuggling on the railing, there are also aunts dressed in red and purple dresses who come here from the square to dance, take photos, nearby peasant women will pick vegetables and melons, and occasionally there are girls who sell real estate, holding a stack of exquisitely printed propaganda posters; the most eye-catching and unbearable is the cemetery seller, he makes the location of the cemetery, the landscape pictures of the landscape into billboards, the people standing next to it, neither shouting, nor taking the initiative to recommend to you, Instead, he silently watched the elderly who walked by, in his eyes, it didn't matter whether he looked or not, whether he asked or not, anyway, he would look at this place a day earlier.

Over the years, my footprints have been all over the world, everywhere I go, "remember the leaf inscription frost, autumn lanterns and rain, once tied the long bridge over the boat", I am interested in the local bridge, especially the stone bridge, wooden bridge, covered bridge, arch bridge, remnant bridge, broken bridge ... Among them, some bridges have an intriguing name because of a beautiful folklore: Happiness Bridge, Stone Zen Bridge, Tongxin Bridge, Mandarin Duck Bridge, General Bridge, Puji Bridge, Wind and Rain Bridge, Longevity Bridge, Zhihe Bridge...

In the cultural memory of the "bridge", the earliest is the mythical story "Queqiao Society" that has been circulated for thousands of years, which originates from the love story of the folk cowherd and the weaver girl, and the legend is that every year on the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, "the road home is suddenly approaching, the willow outside the small bridge is horizontal", the cowherd weaver girl Queqiao will be!

It was also an era of "talented people in the country and mountains, each leading the way for hundreds of years", and it was also an era of creating myths and fairy tales. What has been recited to this day is that in a small Jiangnan town of light smoke spring grass, sunset ancient ferry, flowing water isolated village, Xiaoqiao people's home, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai "Caoqiao Pavilion" worship, eighteen miles to send each other, the beautiful, poignant and moving love story between them is well-known, and it is also one of the four major love stories of ancient Chinese folk.

The beautiful legend touched the heavens and inspired generations of young boys and girls to yearn for noble and pure love. A man often says to his beloved woman: "We have crossed many bridges, and it carries the unchanging love between us, and although the river is raging and flooding, we are one on the bridge". Writing this, I wonder why the stories of good love throughout the ages always take place on the bridge, not at the lotus pond or under the camellia tree.

The flute sounded and the man leaned against the bridge

The covered bridge in front of my house

"Morning start to march on the station, guests mourn the hometown, chicken sound Mao shop month, human footprint Banqiao frost." As long as you open the ancient poems since the Tang and Song dynasties, the verses about the "bridge" are as dazzling and fascinating as the starry sky...

The first time I read the ancient poem about the bridge was: "Concubines on the second and eighth day of the new year, the family lives in Luoqiaotou", it can be imagined that the lovers at that time, even if they were "one to two or three miles, four or five families in the tobacco village", were only on the way to the market, in the fields, in the streets and alleys, relying on eyebrows to convey affection, or hong geese passing on books, looking forward to the time when the willow waves smelled the warblers and the cave houses were candles. It can be seen that the most romantic and poetic love between men and women is on the bridge.

In the years of the ox cart and carriage windmill, the Northern Song Dynasty's Wanyue sect of the generation of words Zong Qin Guan wrote down "if the two feelings are long, it is in the twilight of the dynasty", which is still read to this day, and it is touching to the heart. At that time, it was difficult to say goodbye when they met, not only the lovers of the little green plums, but even the merchants on the Tea Horse Ancient Road, the students who entered Beijing to take the examination, the officials who lived in the southwest like Su Shi, made a living in the southeast, even if they were only a few tens of miles away from each other, but also the ancient roads and mountains, not to mention the thousands of wanderers who left their hometowns, looking at their hometowns, thousands of miles, how many mountains they had to cross, how many bridges they had to cross!

But in the eyes of the poets of the Tang Dynasty, thousands of mountains and valleys, "once said goodbye to the beauty bridge, hated no news to the present dynasty." Year after year, I don't know what year the return date is? Compared with today's poets, whether they are visiting relatives and friends, or lovers who eventually become dependents, sitting on the high-speed railway with a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, can they write such poems?

Every time I read the late Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's "Twenty-Four Bridges Bright Moon Night, Where the Jade People Teach Blowing Xiao", I will think of a movie called "The Dream of the Bridge" many years ago. That is also after experiencing love in life and having a family, the film makes people passionate and haunting; especially the covered bridge that connects the two hearts together witnesses the hostess's affectionate confession of "when I was alive, I belonged to this family, and I hope that after I die, it belongs to him".

In the poems about bridges, the most famous is Zhang Ji's Night Berth of the Feng Bridge in the Tang Dynasty: "The moon is falling and the sky is full of frost, and the river maple fishing fire is sad and sleeping." Hanshan Temple outside Gusu City, midnight bell to the passenger ship." The poet came to Fengqiao Bay, seven miles away from Suzhou City, and saw that Fengqiao was like a bend of bright moon across the Feng River, and could not suppress his sadness in writing this poignant classic poem.

People who have been to Gusu City have seen that this is an ancient city with many bridges due to water, and the streets and streets, alleys and alleys in the city are famous and interesting stone bridges and wooden bridges. Bai Juyi, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote: "Green wave east, west, south and north water, red column three hundred and ninety bridges." I don't know which other city has so many bridges!

There is also the Southern Song Dynasty Shaoxing poet Lu You's classic poem "Outside the broken bridge, lonely open without a master." It is already dusk alone, and the wind and rain are even more... The broken bridge in the poem is a bridge built by the ancients to catch crabs in the river, and the poet sings about plums, but the plum blossoms that bloom on the side of the broken bridge have a different style and appear more colorful and beautiful.

The flute sounded and the man leaned against the bridge

Yunnan Jianshui Shuanglong Bridge, also known as 17 holes

How many bridges people have to cross in their lifetime, and some people dazzle about the bridge they cross longer than others. This is somewhat exaggerated, but if there is no bridge, how far can the road under your feet go?

In addition to writing the poem of the bridge, the most impressive thing is the movie "Cassandra Dashao", a terrorist infected with the plague bacteria sneaks onto a train, the International Police Department controls the train, in order to prevent the virus from spreading to more people, decided to blow it up when the train pulled on the "Cassantra Bridge". In my opinion, it is better to blow up the train than to blow up the bridge, so that the train with the plague falls into the canyon abyss, in order to achieve the purpose of leaving no hidden dangers.

I don't know whether the film is purely fictional or based on real events, if there is a real thing, then today's mutilated "Cassandra Bridge" will attract the attention of hundreds of millions of people with its unique legendary experience of the mutilated body, especially at dusk and dusk, its "broken bridge thin twilight flute wind, ancient shore grass color falling in the light" Of the mutilated beauty, desolate to tell people that thrilling moment!

"The temple remembers the place where it was traveled, and the bridge was pitied when it crossed again." This is a verse written by the poet Saint Du Fu when he waded through the mountains to visit the Xiujue Temple. The poet stands on the bridge, looking at the river in the bay, the fish in the clear water, the shore is a wilderness full of mountain flowers, the birds fly freely on the treetops on the water surface, and the mountains and rivers that look at the "cicadas on the road to the autumn mountains, the grass-colored river bridge falls" are so pleasing to the eye.

"In the rain, the chickens whined one or two, and the Zhuxi Village Road Banqiao sloped." The women and aunts called each other to bathe silkworms and idly look at the gardenia flowers in the atrium." What a sweet and beautiful sight on earth!

When the ancestors came out of the cave, lived by the water, built the first thatched house with their hands, erected the first wooden bridge on the water, and wrote the first architectural philosophical poem with wisdom, it moved the world like solidified music, and began the journey of civilization that was not afraid of wind and rain and was not afraid of hardships.

The flute sounded and the man leaned against the bridge

For thousands of years, everything has changed, and the only thing that has not changed is the desire to advocate beautiful love in life. When we are young, although life is tired and tired, when the troubles are difficult, no matter how heavy and difficult life is, but there is love in the world, she inspires us, it is the beautiful dream of "embracing each other lightly with clouds and tears, Queqiao Shu sleeve dancing" makes us stand on the top of undefeated.

I remember that when I was young, I often heard my mother say that people should do more things of "matchmaking" and "adult beauty", which means to let two young men and women who do not know each other come together and make the impossible things possible; do not do things that beat Mandarin ducks, hurt nature and reason, harm others and self-interest, and hurt customs and customs. This is the moral value that my mother has respected all her life. Open our idiom dictionary, although there are rivers and bridges, ungrateful, but there are also water overlapping bridges, repair bridges and roads, boats to the bridge head natural straight ... these profound idiom allusions, to this day is also the precious spiritual and cultural wealth of the Chinese nation.

Every day I go to the farmer's market to buy vegetables in a place of "three steps and two roads bridge", when I hear this name, it makes people instantly feel as if they have returned to the era of "beacon fire for three months, and family letters for ten thousand gold". The history of the bridge predates the history of the formation of the family and even the city.

With the bridge, there is a rural farmer's market, although it is simple and noisy, noisy and disorderly. Here, you sell yours, I buy mine, shyness in the pocket is not a shame, and hiding in the waist is not a sin; I have coarse tea and light rice every day, you mountain treasure wild game, in essence, there is not much difference, the people take food as the sky, are "silent and plain people, ji ji kind heart." Tired of hard work, majestic and unashamed."

In order to live, generations of people have built bridges and paved roads, busy and busy, running and toiling, only for family reunion, healthy growth of children, peace and joy, and live a peaceful life of "water village fishing market, a wisp of lonely smoke".

The flute sounded and the man leaned against the bridge

"Xishan Baixue Three Cities Shu, Nanpu Qingjiang Wanli Bridge". Growing in the Eastern Yunnan Plateau, ten miles away, the mountains are rugged, the peaks are stacked, and the mountain road is rugged and eighteen bends. I envy the people who live by the river, and like to go to places with big rivers and rivers, where there are many rivers and bridges, where there are many historical and cultural origins, and the people are brilliant and talented, which makes the world admire.

Last summer, in Liuzhou, Guangxi, a city embraced by the Baili Liujiang River. That day, from morning to night, I was alone along the Liujiang River to see the scenery on both sides of the river. I remember that Liu Zongyuan, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty who was an official in Liuzhou, said that Liuzhou was "the mountains and trees cover thousands of miles, and the river flows like nine intestines", which should be the most vivid portrayal of the landscape and scenery of Liuzhou.

Today's Liuzhou, for me, the most pleasing thing is to look at the bridge on the Liujiang River, a person sitting quietly on the riverside, feeling the magnificent momentum of "a bridge flying north and south, and the natural graben changing the way". Especially in the twilight twilight, the bridges with unique shapes and beautiful postures on the river surface are solemn and sacred, like a rainbow with a charming style, majestic and breathtaking!

The bridge is solidified music, singing in the hearts of travelers traveling from south to north, is the embodiment of the beautiful life of gathering and farewell, pursuit and dream, and "eight hundred miles of mountains and rivers know what year the picture is, and 100,000 lights are collected here".

From Liujiang all the way north, to the southeast of Qiandong Wuyang River on the oldest "Zhusheng Bridge", it is the Southern Silk Road and the 1930s to the 1970s Xiangqian Highway must pass the bridge, was built in the three years of Ming Hongwu, in the long years, "the old house ancient bank who is home, the bridge head floating clouds everywhere sad", ancestors walk on the country road, accompanied by the song of shepherd boys, listening to the bells in the ancient temple, "the ancient and modern one, long song nostalgic tour", the ancestors have lived a quiet and simple life of a creek bridge, a Mao shop, a fish boat.

It was also a "long bridge lonely spring cold night, only the poet returned" of the agricultural civilization period, the poet has gone through a long journey, from east to west, in the wind and rain, lonely figure, far away to see only a small point on the way back to the vast return, closer, he is a holy spirit of heaven and earth, standing tall on the bridge, through a river of spring water, overlooking the vast and magnificent scenery of mountains and rivers outside the clouds of the high sky, is the way home still far!

"Two water clip mirrors, two bridges fall rainbow". The bridge is another natural landscape created by human beings with stones, and the charm is timeless, which is a sign of human maturity. Bridges of different ages, with a variety of shapes, it witnesses the development path of human beings from a village and a family out of the deep mountains and valleys to the prosperity of the town, symbolizing the civilization of different generations, imprinting the ancestors from generation to generation, and moving towards the arduous process of progress!

The history of a bridge is a history of the progress and development of human society, and human civilization came from the bridge! (Pictures 2 and 3 selfies, the rest from the internet)

The flute sounded and the man leaned against the bridge

The ancient stone bridge on the Tigris River in Syria has a history of more than 800 years