
Nearly 40 performances, how "Nine Colored Deer" opens up a new aesthetic of Haipai shadow puppetry
Nearly 40 performances, how "Nine Colored Deer" opens up a new aesthetic of Haipai shadow puppetry

As the key creative repertoire of Shanghai Puppet Theatre Troupe in 2020, Haipai's multimedia shadow puppet play "Nine Colored Deer" has been performed nearly 40 times in Shanghai, Xiamen and other places since its premiere at the beginning of the year, which has aroused good social repercussions, received widespread attention from all walks of life, and has become a stage art work with win-win economic and social benefits.

Nearly 40 performances, how "Nine Colored Deer" opens up a new aesthetic of Haipai shadow puppetry

The creation of the play lasted for one year, during which both the script and the shadow puppet modeling were changed several times, and strived for excellence. In order to make the work better and better in the future polishing, just this past week, the "Nine Colored Deer" creation seminar was held in the Shanghai Puppet Troupe. A number of industry experts and main creators gathered together to take the pulse of the work.

Haipai shadow puppetry has once again explored and promoted the innovative development of excellent traditional arts

"Nine Colored Deer" subverts the traditional performance form with modern technical means, and presents the artistic beauty of Dunhuang with the rich colors of the single white light of the shadow puppet, and experts have said that the play reflects the creative trend of Contemporary Chinese shadow puppet art and the artistic pursuit of the new era. Ouyang Yibing, a famous playwright and drama critic, gave high praise to the play: "I did not expect that modern puppet dramas have developed to this day, conquering a wide audience dominated by young audiences with such a powerful artistic charm, and such an ancient art is interpreted with such a modern method today with such a modern consciousness." ”

Nearly 40 performances, how "Nine Colored Deer" opens up a new aesthetic of Haipai shadow puppetry

The play is another exploration by the Shanghai Puppet Theatre Troupe after the multimedia shadow puppet play "Mulan". The creative team keeps the original innovation, tries the multi-dimensional integration of traditional art and modern technology, and expands the breakthrough of two-dimensional space to three-dimensional space. In "Nine Colored Deer", more film lens processing techniques, material technology innovation methods and double-stacked stage space challenges are used to enhance the creativity, thinking and viewability of shadow puppet stage works, and have the aesthetics of modern aesthetic awareness.

Intangible cultural heritage inherits cultural classics, and the plot design contains Chinese philosophies

The shadow puppet play "Nine Colored Deer" is based on the intangible cultural heritage art itself, focusing on the inheritance of excellent culture in telling the classic Chinese stories, and giving full play to the beauty of the characteristics, spirit, faith and sublime beauty of puppet art. Liu Minghou, a professor at the Shanghai Theater Academy, said at the meeting: "This shadow puppet play containing cultural themes with Chinese characteristics is also a high-character drama with the characteristics of Shanghai Shanghai School. The modern poetic and spiritual aesthetic expression of "Nine Colored Deer" shows the unremitting pursuit and self-transcendence spirit of the Shanghai Puppet Troupe on the artistic road. ”

Nearly 40 performances, how "Nine Colored Deer" opens up a new aesthetic of Haipai shadow puppetry

In terms of the intention of the works, the creative team fully excavated the spiritual core of Chinese themes and regarded the works as a new continuation of the cultural memory of the Chinese nation. The play carries out a reasonable, reasonable and logical re-creation on the basis of the original work, extends the life length of the nine-colored deer, gives it a character and the process of growth, and shows the relationship between the growth of the nine-colored deer and all things. The script does not have a word of preaching, but through the unfolding of the plot and the portrayal of the character's personality, the story is more tortuous and meaningful, and the contrast between "good" and "evil" is more distinct, and the education of children's truth, goodness and beauty is given by artistic means in a subtle way, triggering the audience's further philosophical thinking on the harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature.

Nearly 40 performances, how "Nine Colored Deer" opens up a new aesthetic of Haipai shadow puppetry

The drama is based on the story and the core of values, hoping not only to enrich the Chinese cultural genes of the growing young audience, but also to provide more thinking space for adults, experience the charm of shadow puppet art in edutainment, inherit the excellent Chinese national spirit, and strengthen the self-confidence of national culture.

At the creation seminar, the suggestions and suggestions from the experts will help the Shanghai Puppet Troupe to better revise and improve the repertoire in the second round, promote the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture, continuously carry it forward in the process of shouzheng innovation and revitalization, and continue to create good works with profound ideas, exquisite art, excellent production, and can be retained and spread.

Author: Wang Xiaoli

Editor: Lu Shuwen

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