
Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

author:Movie Black Forest

Text/Summer Fall

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

Hello, it's Friday again. Welcome to the weekly movie recommendations, this is summer and autumn.

In a grove called Tama Hills in Tokyo, Japan, a great battle is raging. The two sides of the battle are a group of tanuki cats, oh no, two groups of tanuki cats, carried by their respective leaders, tit-for-tat, and fight without a word.

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...
Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

Just when everyone was fighting incomprehensibly and inseparable, a very elderly and prestigious Fire Jade Mother-in-law in tanuki cat appeared and said to everyone, "The family is going to be gone, do you still have time to fight here?!" ”

Hey, what's going on? It turned out that with the development of the times and the continuous advancement of the process of urban scale, human beings wanted to continuously expand residential areas, and they wantonly gave their hands to the surrounding forests. The forest area is the home of the tanuki cats, the green mountains and rivers are gradually destroyed by excavators, the living places of the tanuki cats are slowly tightening, and the happy and happy life is threatened at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

After such a little dialing by the Fire Jade Mother-in-law, the tanuki cats woke up, and the two camps immediately stopped the civil war, quickly united, and decided to unite with the outside world.

However, how can the animal Tanuki cat survive the rapid development of civilization and the modern human beings?

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

In the minds of the Japanese, tanuki cats are mysterious animals that use a kind of magic similar to the blindfold method, and the body can change into any shape, or turn the leaves into money or something to deceive humans.

In this cartoon, the Tanuki cats possess this magical skill. In order to survive, they decided to revive this ancient "illusion", challenged humanity, and formulated a five-year plan for the study of human beings. The goal is "human research, chemical renaissance".

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...
Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

Well, this plan to defend the homeland, sounds quite cute and funny.

The Tanuki cats divided into two groups, and while they tried to carry out special magic training, they sent emissaries to the distant Shikoku and Sado, visiting the Tanuki elders there and asking for foreign assistance.

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

But tanuki cats are also very playful, some tanuki cats in the special training three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, resulting in not all tanuki will transform, there are some, and will not be magic.

But even those tanuki cats who can successfully use magic must always be careful, because becoming human will consume a lot of energy. Over-consumption will appear "tanuki eyes", just like the black eye bags when people are not awake. At this time, even the tanuki cat who is proficient in magic must drink energy agents or replenish their physical strength by eating, otherwise they will appear prototypes.

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

Isn't that interesting? It seems that achieving the goal is not impossible. But things didn't go as smoothly as the tanukis thought, time kept going, and the pace of human exploitation and invasion of the forest never stopped.

Some of the radicals in Tanuki can't wait. They decided to launch an attack on humans, using magic to cause several accidents and kill several humans. At the same time, they also use magic to pretend to be ghosts to scare humans. But one group of humans was scared away, and soon another group of humans would come and continue the urban development plan.

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

Tanuki cats don't seem to be able to stop the process of human development.

Finally, the emissaries sent to the far away successfully invited the Tanuki Elders back to help! The elders decided to carry out a grand magic parade in the human city, similar to the one of the hundred ghosts nocturnal, hoping that through this huge and powerful procession, the human beings would once again develop a reverence for the tanuki, so that they would be enshrined, and they would not dare to offend the tanuki again.

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

The parade did frighten humans, but just when the tanuki began to celebrate, thinking that they had achieved their goal, and could finally dissuade the development of mankind and the homeland could be preserved, the humans actually stinked and said to the public that this parade was a propaganda campaign carefully planned by one of their amusement park companies, and it wasted a lot of painstaking efforts and efforts of the tanuki cats, and the fruits of the revolution had not yet tasted, so it was stolen by the enemy...

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

Are the tanuki cats running nowhere? At this moment, someone (actually a human being transformed by a fox) extended an olive branch to them and proposed a way to live: that is, to become a human being and integrate into society to live.

But what about the tanuki cat who can't do magic? Can only abide by the laws of nature, the survival of the fittest... So what if there are still some tanuki cats who, even if they can do magic, do not want to become human beings, and work and live like animals every day from nine to five? I can only wander between the remaining forests between cities, or in the side of the road and in the sewers, and I can only survive...

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

In the movie, the words and deeds of the tanuki cats are really very funny, cute no, no. But the most touching thing is the end that makes people cry: the tanuki cats have not been able to stop the process of human development after all, and the homeland cannot be saved. The film arrives here, reflected into reality, and the reality is a little cruel.

The wheel of history is rolling forward, and in the development of the times, the process of human modernization cannot stop at the "vigorous performance-like" homeland defense plan of the tanuki cats.

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

In order to survive and follow the trend, tanuki cats have to accept disguise and become the "humans" they have been fighting against before. The film does not give us a beautiful utopian ending - such as the cessation of human development, the tanuki cat a happy land, everyone is safe, it is a sunny day. The process of urbanization is irresistible, you know me, everyone knows, just like some demolition and construction in reality, there will always be sacrifices, there will always be abandonment.

In the face of development and change, some people's efforts and struggles will be in vain. Either accept obedience and become like the "majority" and "mainstream"; or leave the world independent, "secluded" and "escape" to be at ease. Doesn't that look like sometimes to ourselves? If you want to survive in the big environment, you need to wear a mask, just like a tanuki cat transforming into a human form to live in the city, throwing away its original self, and living in a slightly twisted way...

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

When I think of this, I can't help but cry. In the end, in order to live, I didn't expect to become the way I used to hate!

At the end of the film, the tanuki cats do their best to transform into their former hometowns, the forest wilderness streams reappear, everyone is harmonious and harmonious together, and the beautiful life appears again... It's a shame!

A Douban netizen said: "In the face of reality, no matter how hard the dream is, it is only an egg." Despite all his reluctance, Peter Pan will always make a contract with society and pretend to be an adult to live. I don't know where it is, I don't know how to dissolve it..."

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...

When the hometown is not there, it is just as a dream... When the real world just can't change, and everything can never go back to the beginning, what should or can be said? The torrent of the times is unstoppable, after all, it is impossible to fight...

I only wish that you who are integrated into it are smooth and satisfactory. I only wish that this peace of mind is your hometown.

Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...
Changeable Tanuki: When the hometown is gone, it becomes a dream...


The picture comes from the movie "The Changeable Tanuki Cat"

(also known as "Heisei Tanuki Battle")

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