
How to Ruin a Normal Man – The Lamentations of Richard Jewell

author:Oo nut oO
How to Ruin a Normal Man – The Lamentations of Richard Jewell

Based on true events, Richard Jewell is known worldwide as the security guard who discovered the bomb device in the 1996 Atlanta Olympic Bombing. He acted quickly and saved countless lives and became a hero. But within days, the situation took a sharp turn for the worse, and he dreamed of becoming a law enforcer, who was slandered by the media and the public, and became the FBI's top suspect, in an unprecedented predicament. Jewell turned to independent lawyer Watson Bryant for help, firmly declaring his innocence. However, in the process of exonerating Jewell, Bryant found himself fighting against the combined resistance of the FBI, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, and the police; at the same time, he constantly warned Richard not to believe anyone who tried to destroy him... – "The Lament of Richard Jewell"

Another film based on real events, watching the introduction, I feel that it should feel uncomfortable, after all, the audience from the perspective of God is like watching how a good person is slandered and how he can't argue how he has ruined his normal life.

So I watched the serious, somewhat shafted Richard do his job as best he could, evacuate the crowds, minimize casualties, call him a hero in the media, and be proud of his mom.

However, before he became a hero for a few days, he was suspected that the explosion was self-directed and self-acted.

How to Ruin a Normal Man – The Lamentations of Richard Jewell

The people like to make gods, but they prefer to see them destroyed.

When I determine the result, I will guide all your manifestations to this result and conclude that what I think must be correct, that man is so idealistic.

You are so old and still live with your mother, your career has achieved nothing, you do not pay taxes, you have a gun at home, you have kept a fragment of the scene, you are often complained about when you are a security guard at school, and the principal reports you under your real name...

All kinds of signs, as long as I think, can associate you with the bombing.

If you don't admit it, I will use all kinds of means to force you to admit that you did it.

If it weren't for Richard having a lawyer friend with a sense of justice and ability, this life of being monitored and suspected, I believe he would have collapsed with his mother for a second.

How to Ruin a Normal Man – The Lamentations of Richard Jewell

But even if there were lawyers who believed him, the situation did not get any better, and although his freedom was not restricted and the FBI did not formally prosecute him, the media, the majority of the people, already believed that he was the criminal.

And the "culprit" who fuels all this is the media, a female journalist in the movie.

Her job is to make breaking news and attract attention, otherwise life is boring and crazy.

I remember when the explosion first happened, her first reaction was that there must be a "story" for me to write, not whether the people were safe or not.

She used her personal connections to learn from FBI Detective Shaw that the police suspected Richard, and without evidence, she immediately made a big splash as if public opinion had convicted her.

How to Ruin a Normal Man – The Lamentations of Richard Jewell

In a traffic-first society, it doesn't matter what the truth is.

To burst the hot spot to the first-hand news, true or false does not matter, big deal to refute the rumors!

free speech! Creative Freedom!

In this way, the FBI must also prove that it suspects that richard is right, otherwise it is not a poor ability to handle cases, and since the media said at the beginning that Richard is a criminal, of course, it can no longer punch himself in the face.

Therefore, the FBI and the media are guiding the masses to seek the truth in the rumors that are getting deeper and deeper.

And the impact on the lives of richard and his mom?

Sorry, I don't care.

How to Ruin a Normal Man – The Lamentations of Richard Jewell

Rumors are far more topical than the truth, after all, it is how to make up how the drama comes, but the truth is often simple and peaceful, or preconceived concepts, believe the rumors, refute the rumors and are too lazy to read, people are reluctant to admit that they are wrong.

So it wasn't until the last 20 minutes of the movie that it was as if there was a turnaround, and the mother held a press conference to explain the impact of the incident on herself and her son, and if there was no evidence, please return her son's innocence.

Perhaps to make the world kinder, female journalists have also left tears of remorse here...

Chinese law convicts that there is no doubt about the crime, and whoever advocates and who produces evidence starts from the evidence, otherwise no conclusive conclusion can be made.

In fact, in the movie, the FBI did not make up its mind, just doubted, but the bad media reported it, and countless media flocked to countless people to know the truth, so the FBI had to make Richard confess out of the perspective of not being able to punch himself in the face.

And Richard finally confronted the police he aspired to become at the end, and asked the FBI: Do you have any evidence?

If there is no evidence to do this to me, I believe that in the future, if the police encounter the same situation as me, they will not report the suspicious package when they see it, and will they run away badly? I must not be the second Richard.

How deafening and deafening, reminding me of the Peng Yu case of that year, can't help it?

To this day, at least from my own point of view, I saw the old man fall, and I did not dare to help...

I thought I didn't have the capacity to bear the consequences of what the old man was saying to me.

More is better than less, and maybe that's how the world becomes cold.

So at the end of the film, the FBI's Shaw still says that although I have no evidence, I still think you are a criminal.

The film doesn't shoot how it goes, but when the real murderer is caught six years later, the lawyer goes to tell Richard that the real murderer has finally been caught.

The truth about being late is too late for the parties involved.

At the end of the film, it is also shown that the real Richard died at the age of 44 due to a heart attack.

Still very young, I don't know if it had an impact on his body, but it must have had a big impact, just like at the end of the film, the FBI returned the "evidence" of the removal from Richard's house, but the digital code written on the lunch box that had been used as evidence could not be erased.

Richard's dream was sad, and at one point I thought he was going to ptsd, maybe he really thought he should wrap his body around the bomb, he should have died in that explosion or been injured.

Does that prove innocence?

How do I produce evidence that I haven't done something?

In "Let the Bullets Fly", Xiao Liu wants to cessify how many bowls of powder he has eaten? But it was really cut, and the crowd of onlookers dispersed.

Sad and real.

May everyone not become Richard Jewell, Peng Yu...

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